Aren't PA's supposed to be on sale 3 days?

Aren't PA's supposed to be on sale 3 days?


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565

    New featured items are on sale for 3 days.  Back catalogs aren't.

  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662

    New featured items are on sale for 3 days.  Back catalogs aren't.

    oh ok. Thanks


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited September 2015

    +1 oh

    ketchup day?  


    missed my chance at the ysabeau hair 

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039
    edited September 2015

    They are selling PAs... ?

    So DAZ is finally partaking in human trafficking... I'm not sure I like this new business model.
    But, just out of curiosity...
    How much do the average PAs go for... And can they be used for manual labor, like digging mines and moats.... Or gladiatorial combat... Just out of curiosity, you know.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,107
    McGyver said:

    How much do the average PAs go for... And can they be used for manual labor, like digging mines and moats.... Or gladiatorial combat... Just out of curiosity, you know.

    The price varies, but if you buy 3, you get 60% off. laugh

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    McGyver said:

    They are selling PAs... ?

    So DAZ is finally partaking in human trafficking... I'm not sure I like this new business model.
    But, just out of curiosity...
    How much do the average PAs go for... And can they be used for manual labor, like digging mines and moats.... Or gladiatorial combat... Just out of curiosity, you know.

    I think the exact nature of their duties depends of if they're a merchant resource or not. sad

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039

    This is good to know... If I were building a secret tunnel somewhere, which I'm not... That would be a pretty good deal...

    I'm wondering... Technically and strictly from an academic standpoint, if there is a minion category in merchant resources... Technically, of course.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565

    I understand Dartanbeck is a bricklayer in his day job, so I would definitely recommend him for any construction products you might have.  Hopefully the 60% off doesn't apply to any of the important bits, like arms.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039

    Or.... Worse yet, they do to them what they did with Genesis... Only the Pro bundle has a "complete" figure...

  • McGyver said:

    Or.... Worse yet, they do to them what they did with Genesis... Only the Pro bundle has a "complete" figure...

    Would make them less distractible.

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