As she gets younger, her clothes 'crack' - how to fix the Sternum Blade?

For quite some time, and in both Poser and D|S, it has been fairly common that clothes that autofit the adult female Genesis (1/2/3) figure get tragically misshapen when the figure is made youthful - specifically, as the chest gets flatter and smaller, the fabric both distorts over the breasts (as do the breasts themselves), and it also develops a signature 'ridge' on the sternum, as well as horseshoe-shaped depressions where the bottom curves of the breasts were.

In Poser, I could use the magnets, and especially the morph brush, to smooth these artifacts out, but now with G3F, I'm trying to use D|S. Let's not assume that I have ZBrush, Blender, or any other external 3D program; is there a way - built into D|S 4.8 - to correct these issues? I'm particularly looking for a solution that will 'relax' the mesh, not simply flatten it, so that the texture isn't also 'squished' where the mesh was pushed inward. After this being a common ailment for quite some time (including such outside tools as Wardrobe Wizard and other external clothing 'fitters'), I'm surprised not to see anything like the various morphs to fit to other characters, or the smoothing morphs, available for these particular and peculiar distortions (the only one I've seen that appears to address this is in the "Young Oxana" set, although I'm going by the description and haven't yet purchased the set). I've also seen this sort of distortion happen along the back center 'seam' of pants and skirts under the same circumstance.

Why bother offering the ability to change a character's age if the clothing won't fit correctly, or if the only clothing offered for younger characters is either highly-specialized, overly trendy, or generations out of date?


  • I usually use the onboard smoothing to deal with that, or in the case of Genesis 2 (for the moment at least), there's Fit Control.

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