Character HD updates blow up existing scene

I noticed last night that there were three updates for G2 figures, Mei Lin 6 HD, Michael 6 HD and I think the third may have been Victoria 6 HD (or maybe it was Lilith 6 HD, I'm not sure.  They were all HD updates).  After I updated and loaded up Daz to work on my current scene, I found, when I did a test render, that 9 of the 12 characters in the scene had blown out skins (totally white), with one only being the face, not the body.  The rest were not HD related figures (kids4 & standard G2M).


Does that seem right?  Has anyone else noticed that?  It seems rather odd that an update would blow up a scene like that.  I was able to go back through all the characters and reload the SSS settings and they were back to normal, but that was really... weird.




  • It may be unrelated - all of those would be using the AoA SSS Shader, which sometimes gets its temporary shader files corrupted, while the older figures and perhaps the G2M might not be. If that is it anything that forces a recompile, such as restarting DS or clearing the temp folder, will usully fix it.

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