Modern hospital built to accurate specs please

A fair amount of modern medical sets are available, but I can't find any that meet modern building requirements for a hospital hallway/ward. For example, in real life, doors are required to be large enough for a bed to get through easily. Standard hospital beds are generally 36 inches wide by 80 inches long, and the recommendation for the width of hospital patient room doors is 55.1 inches (140 cm). Procedure rooms must also have doors wide enough for beds to enter and exit easily. Door handles must be able to easily be operated with one hand, hence why they are usually the push-down type of handle. Hallways are required to be wide enough for 2 beds to easily pass each other. The recommendation is 8 feet wide. Handrails in patient corridors are also a requirement in modern hospital construction, and most modern patient rooms also have a handrail on the wall opposite the bed(s).

Most modern hospital elevators are able to carry 2 standard beds (or one bariatric/oversized bed) plus equipment the patient(s) may be hooked up to, as well as several people comfortably, and in many cases have both a front and rear door. Handrails are also a requirement on all elevator walls that do not have a door.

Most modern hospital corridors also have a seating area with windows for patients, usually at the end, as research shows the benefits of natural daylight in the recovery process.

There are plenty of hospital rooms available, but they don't fit properly into the corridors available. Many of them also don't include a washroom in the room, which is now a requirement in new hospital construction, as are proper mobility aids such as bars affixed to the walls of the washrooms, and a size suitable to fit a wheelchair,

Rooms large enough to use as double occupancy are limited, and I haven't found a modern medical room that can be used as a step-down unit with 4 or 6 beds.

Although I have found some great-looking hallways, the hallways are either too narrow, the doors are too narrow, or the doors are too close together, making them suitable only for small examination rooms. I've been unable to find any sets that meet the requirements to be believable and functional as a modern patient ward corridor.

It would be great if someone would make a modern hospital construction set.

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