Content Editor and CMS not working (was hex in win 10).

ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531
edited October 2015 in The Commons

Any Hexagon users using Windows 10? I'm going to be getting a new laptop probably in the next few months and just want to see if there have been any problems using Hexagon in Windows 10. I have Windows 7 on my current laptop and have held off upgrading it to Windows 10 (despite Microsoft's constant pleas for me to do so) until I get my new laptop so if Hex won't run on it I'll at least have one computer it works on. Hex runs pretty well on my current machine. I've sort of come to an uneasy truce with it and just don't ask it to do things I know will crash it (I so wish Daz would shirt or get off the pot with this software and either release a stable version of it or make it open source so other people can fix it).

Post edited by ghastlycomic on


  • Ghosty12Ghosty12 Posts: 2,015

    Hexgon works fine in Windows 10.. Infact I think it works better under 10 than it did for me under 7 and 8..

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    That's good to hear. Thanks.

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    Got my new laptop today. Now comes the lengthy task of installing all my software (and deleting all it's bloatware). Too tired to do it tonight, but tomorrow morning all my DAZ stuff will be the first to be installed. Can't wait.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,885

    There are rumours that a Hexagon update is on its way.

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    At this point I would even be happy if all they did was offer 64-bit support, because that would go a long way towards fixing most of the stability issues.

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    Calooh Callay!!! Hexagon works on my new laptop! I haven't done anything with it yet other than manipulate a cube but it seems to be running fine. That's a huge sigh of relief. Now to install the rest of my stuff.

    I copied all my document folders from my old laptop over to an external hard drive so hopefully everything will merge together just fine. This new laptop is running cool as a cucumber so far. My old one the graphic card was under my left hand so I could often tell when it was time to start saving my work because my left hand would start getting warm. laugh

  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,167
    edited October 2015
    Taozen said:

    There are rumours that a Hexagon update is on its way.

    that has been circulating for several years. I'm still waiting. 


    Post edited by StratDragon on
  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    Are all my preferences and is the metadata for my products in my /user/documents/Daz 3D/Studio/My Library/ directory or are they somewhere in the /programs/ directory? If I just merge my old user directory with my new one will my Daz Studio be the same as it was on my old computer with all my little custom tweaks and what not?

    I'd really like to have everything exactly the same as it was with my old computer, only on my new fast computer.

    They always talk about how stressfull moving into a new house is, I think for geeks it's the same way with a new computer. Even though you're getting more speed and power it takes awhile to get everything set up just right so that your new computer feels like home.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    Some saved scene information lies in the C:\users\[name]\app data\roaming\Daz 3D folder

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531
    edited October 2015

    I just installed Daz Studio, but then I go to the studio/my library folder it's empty. I wonder where the hell it installed everything?


    Ah crap! Found it. It's in the public folder. angry I wonder if I can just copy it over or if I'll have to delete and reinstall everything.


    Okay it seems like install manager will take care of uninstalling and reinstalling in the folder I want things. They say that moving into a new house is a really stressfull thing but I think for geeks the equivalent is getting a new computer. Yeah you might be moving to better digs, but you're never quite sure you packed everything you needed, can't find half the stuff you wanted to move, and it takes a few months before it starts to feel like home again.

    Post edited by ghastlycomic on
  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,128

    I just installed Daz Studio, but then I go to the studio/my library folder it's empty. I wonder where the hell it installed everything?


    Ah crap! Found it. It's in the public folder. angry I wonder if I can just copy it over or if I'll have to delete and reinstall everything.


    Okay it seems like install manager will take care of uninstalling and reinstalling in the folder I want things. They say that moving into a new house is a really stressfull thing but I think for geeks the equivalent is getting a new computer. Yeah you might be moving to better digs, but you're never quite sure you packed everything you needed, can't find half the stuff you wanted to move, and it takes a few months before it starts to feel like home again.

    I know where you're coming from - I just replaced an XP laptop with Windows 8.1 - it took me a week, off and on, to beat 8.1 into submission. Part of it was the touchpad sensitivity - I had to hang a mouse on the box to de-sensitize the touchpad.

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    Hmm.. I just found a wonderful bug in Windows 10.

    When you create an account and use a microsoft login it makes your user director the first five letters of your email address. But if you change your account to a local account it doesn't change the name of your user directory so mine was only /ghast/ instead of /ghastly/. But when I was trying to install Daz Studio the software was installing to /user/ghastly/ (since ghastly is the local account name). This has been causing me all sorts of headaches since it's a folder for an account that as far as windows 10 is concerned doesn't exist and it's why I can't find any of the files in my /studio/my library/ folder because the /user/ folder they're installed in is /ghastly/ and not /ghast/ and I can't access /ghastly/ from /ghast/.

    So I've basically had make a new temporary account, delete my Ghastly account, then add a new Ghastly account this time making it a local account right from the start. Now I have to reinstall everything.

    /shakes fist in impotent rage

    Damn you Microsoft! And don't you dare try to tell me this is a "feature".

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531
    namffuak said:

    I just installed Daz Studio, but then I go to the studio/my library folder it's empty. I wonder where the hell it installed everything?


    Ah crap! Found it. It's in the public folder. angry I wonder if I can just copy it over or if I'll have to delete and reinstall everything.


    Okay it seems like install manager will take care of uninstalling and reinstalling in the folder I want things. They say that moving into a new house is a really stressfull thing but I think for geeks the equivalent is getting a new computer. Yeah you might be moving to better digs, but you're never quite sure you packed everything you needed, can't find half the stuff you wanted to move, and it takes a few months before it starts to feel like home again.

    I know where you're coming from - I just replaced an XP laptop with Windows 8.1 - it took me a week, off and on, to beat 8.1 into submission. Part of it was the touchpad sensitivity - I had to hang a mouse on the box to de-sensitize the touchpad.

    My Windows XP to Windows 7 PC Upgrade went realtively painless as far as figuring out the operating system because the two systems were pretty similar. I didn't buy a new computer until Windows 10 came out because I wanted to avoid the whole Windows 8 "Hey we're going to make everything work sorta like a tablet". I was hoping Windows 10 would be a more PC orientated operating system, but it seems like some sort of unholy mish mash of traditional windows with tablet crap thrown in.

    There's a little bit more cultureshock than I had hoped for. But hey, World of Warcraft at least looks awesome on my new PC. cheeky

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    Argh!!! Contentent Manager isn't showing up under D in the Daz 3D folder in All Apps. I guess I'm going to have to hunt it down manually.

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    Wow, and I thought I was having issues before I reinstalled 10 (the upgrade from 7 to 10 didn't quite work and I had a ton of quirky issues)

    It took me a bit to get Daz set up the way I wanted and get all my old stuff re-found and recognized (took a couple tries to get stuff installed where I wanted it) and all seems to be running good now although it does seem that maybe there isn't as much free ram available in 10 as I had in 7 as some of my larger scenes that worked fine in 7 are quite laggy and seem to be on the verge of crashing Daz in 10

    Oh, and all the reality metadata that I had to find and delete in my scenes has been reloaded so I need to delete them all over again. (I don't have reality so I definately don't need it's metadata but I think the metadata gets packaged up and saved with some products by vendors who may have/use reality)

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    I've uninstalled everything, reinstalled everyting and Smart Content is still not working. I cannot find the external Start Content Manager / Stop Content Manager program that I had on my Windows 7 machine and pressing the green Start CMS button in Smart Content does nothing. If I go into Content Library all my assets are there but if I select one of those assets and tell it to show in Smart Content Daz Studio crashes.

    While this is frustrating as all hell there is a certain irony that the program I was most worried about not working in Windows 10 (Hexagon) works flawlessly, and the program I was least concerned about (Daz Studio) it not working properly at all

    Any ideas what's going wrong with this and how I can fix it? Where are the old fashioned Start Content Manager / Stop Content Manager programs. I can't find them at all.

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    Alright looking at what's different on my Windows 7 machine and my Windows 8 machine, on my Windows 7 machine in he Program Files/Daz 3D/ directory there is a directory called /Content Management System/ and that directory is completely missing on my Windows 10 machine. If I copy that directory from my Windows 7 machine manually will that fix the problem or completely mess things up worse?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583

    That was from the Valentina-based CMS, DS currently does not install Valentina CMS.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583

    Did you install PostgreSQL CMS?

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    Yeah I installed PostgreSQL CMS. So copying the old directory won't work then?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583

    No, copying that folder won't install Valentina anyway, and since you have PostgreSQL CMS installed it would be ignored even if it was installed.

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    Uninstalling PostgreSQL doesn't fix the problem. Is this a bug with Daz Studio or does PostgreSQL just not work with Windows 10?

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    Okay it seems I can't even use Content DB Editor. When I try to load it from the directory of a prop/item nothing shows up in the editor. So far everything in Daz Studio has worked flawlessly in the switch (apart from the initial problem of the way Windows 10 creates a new user). I've been able to merge my old Daz library and everything is working, including the scenes. But I absolutely cannot get the content management system to run at all.

    I'm thinking the bug is on Daz's end.

    I know PostegreSQL didn't work on my old Windos 7 machine so I used the old Valentina system instead. Why are users not being given the option to use the Valentina library system on their machines. What are people supposed to do if PostegreSQL doesn't work on their computers? Just accept that Daz Studio isn't going to work properly and they will not be able to use the Smart Content library? That doesn't seem like a solution at all.

    In deperation I've tried copying the old content management system over manually but it still doesn't do the trick. This is an amazingly frustrating experience to finally have a computer capable of running more complex processes and it's all handicapped by Daz Studio's half-assed content management system.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583

    If PostgreSQL wasn't working for you on Win7 it ay not be a Win10 issue.  Submit a ticket to request a Valentina CMS installer.

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,531

    Yeah just submitted a ticket. I didn't know I could request a Valentina CMS installer. It would be nice if that was simply an option in the preferences menu to select either PostgreSQL or Valentina.

    And on another note, I don't know how PostgreSQL is pronounced but in my mind I keep hearing "Post grey squirrel".

  • Got the old Valentina system installed and Smart Content is once again working. WOOHOO!!! Thanks for the help Daz.

    Searching for problems with PostgreSQL and Windows 10 seems to reveal a lot of people have problems getting PostgreSQL to work with Windows 10 so I suspect the problem is on Microsoft's side and hopefully this will be fixed in a future update as they continue to work the bugs out of the new operating system (and there are certainly plenty of bugs to work out).

    Daz Install manager has stopped working in online mode for me now, which is kind of annoying. I don't know what caused this sudden problem.

    Does anyone know where the Meta Data for my Daz stuff is stored? I had copied my Daz library folder over from my old machine and had hoped that the metadata for all my assets would have been copied with it but that doesn't seem to be the case. If I copy the meta data folders over from my old hard drive will that fix the problem or am I simply going to have to go through and manually create meta data for everything all over again?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583

    Did you Export User Data?

  • No I didn't. I just copied the directories over.


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583

    If there's any way of resurrecting the old system, Export User Data is the best way of saving your categories.  Otherwise, you could stop the CMS service copy the database files from the Win10 installation to a safe place, and copy over the database files from the old installation.  IIRC the databse is in 5 files, 4 of which have the filename ContentDB, those 5 files should be the only files in that folder.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583

    BTW there was a glitch with the login servers a few hours ago, that may be why you couldn't use DIM online, so see if that's working now.

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