Hexagon Selection type problem

I recently installed Hexagon on a different pc but i ran into some problems when i first wanted to use it.
1. the model gets transparent when i start modelling. how can i remove that effect?
2. when i select one of the paint tools the selection always sets to "select faces" and i can't set it to a different option. when i try that it always immediately jumps back to "select faces" when i move the cursor into the editor window.
since i remember from my previous experiences with hexagon that the Beta version was better than the official build(i think the displacement brush didn't work), i installed the Beta version again. is this still recommended?
Post edited by LostMember on
Along the bottom row, nearer to the right side, there's a toggle on/off for transparency.
Yes one paints on the faces so that is correct.
Beta didn't work on my computer so I can't recommend it. If it works on your computer, great. It is a 64bit program so that in itself should make for some improvements.
Cloudflare error ... stops many posts from being answered, either this posts or it doesn't.
So that is wierd and sad. Do remember beta was n/a for a while. But it should work?
checked my settings - one in DIM - the other DS. screenshots below.
just wanted to double-check you have? and if, so what is error?
just don't think a helpful person like you should be without hex-beta :) unless you've moved on? still use hex alot myself.
Oh I removed the beta soon after installing it and finding out that it would not work properly on my computer. This all was quite sometime ago.
No error messages ... it would just 'freeze' or 'poof' -- anything to do with the uv side was totally a no-go. Eventually either got it to crash off -- or it went 'poof' on it's own.
I still use the 32bit Hexagon as my main go-to for morphing, etc. I also have 3DCoat and Textura.
KK, sorry misunderstood what you meant by not getting working.
The UV being no-go. That's pretty telling and serious and yeah can see why you would abandon that. Well at least 32bit working for you. Can't figure why that would not work with UVs at first glance. Would guess need quite a bit of testing. Would need to want alot. Myself, didn't have uv issues with beta that had before went awol for a few months. Well unless your uv'ing whole shopping malls ;)
Whereas, the eventual crash-poof sounds like memory again. Know first hand well that sculpting causes issues for my system too eventually. Though lasts long-time enough for me.
Use 3dcoat too, but usually for uv unwrapping.
Wasn't a memory issue for those attempts though. Basically all I had accomplished was to open the program, import something or made a cube, whatever. Then open the uv view and it would freeze.
Me too! 3DCoat has some neat uv abilities. However there is one feature that Hexagon has which if 3DCoat has, I haven't found the switch. And that is the ability to 'see' and do stuff on/with the back facings. [i.e. if one made a long cylinder, can only access to mark seam lines on the outside of the cylinder, not from the inside].
3dc - uv room - open view tab - tick on box for 'backface culling' maybe 8-12 entries down?
3dc -- the power of that uv management system is just right up there
; any existing uv, with some work, can make pretty close replica so consistent with existent textures. So nice!
wow. really sounds like uv view is big stumbling block on your system. Again my bad, assumed when you wrote about crash or poof - eventually getting that - didn't think that was part of your uv issue. in my opinion, would be worthwhile contacting DAZ support and just asking if the released Hex Beta works for them for UVs. If works for them, then not sure what to say. Doubt so much there is a missing software dependancy issue. Anyway, just mentionning cos the beta 64bit from what i remember had a few things, just can't remember what cos so long ago. Seemed there was something?
Thank you, will check for that.
The uvmapping in 3DCoat also has the ability to make changes to "part" of an existing uvmap without messing up the whole thing. In Hexagon if one wants to apply a new UV map to one surface, the whole thing gets changed. I'll have to check the exact workflow before spouting off how to do that -- will likely end up in one of the upcoming tutorials I'm working on.
I have thought about installing DIM and retrieving the beta Hexagon but I just shuddered at that idea ... so think it's best I wait for awhile.
I do recall at the time I had both Hexagons installed, the models I was trying to work on, worked fine in the 32 bit - but just couldn't do a thing with them in the 64 bit. I would love a working 64bit Hexagon - possibly updated a little BUT with the same type of user interface that we're used to.
That setting should for sure be it. Let me know if not. Had pulled up one my old projects and that setting made all the diff, just like you described.
I know right:) Ages ago on one project - can still remember using the brush to move uvs around, but absolutely CANNOT touch outer edge of course. Yeah, i remember my eyes going wild in Hex changing things..and all the big resets. 3dc was clear queen there too.
Yeh, re-installing troublesome software, always fun. Only set shudder aside when decide i really need lol. Faintly remember somewhere in these forums a few advantages were listed with 64 bit obviously among them. Think DAZ support turn around for very technical things can be sometimes a few months, so if you ever decide to try again, would suggest sending them the question if rereleased beta hex any different as your systems uv crashing is definitively not normal based on my beta exp.
There is a problem between D/S and Hexagon, the problem exists with D/S. I reported that. Answer came back that the problem was with Hexagon [D/S closing Hexagon is not Hexagon's problem IMHO] and um, no, don't recall any mention of them being interested in addressing matters with Hexagon. I did try once through the forums to make mention of a problem in Hexagon that could use cleaning up and the posts went 'poof.'
I do hope though that if/when D/S5 comes out that just maybe so might a revamped Hexagon without all the stuffing that clogs up its memory and/or functionality.
My D/S computer is offline so can't install any DIM only installations on it.
what was the problem between DS and Hex? Only issue i had was that once in a while couldn't initialize bridge to Hex anymore. My workflow was make a few morphs, bridge and save in DS after each morph. Close Hex. Within same DS session send mesh and subnodes (if any) to Hex again and new Bridge opened. Odd time the bridge gets broke. Close DS. Reload scene and Hex bridge all good again. So am curious what kind of problem I have missed out on? Just in case run into it later.
Could see a mod toasting a Hex thread in commons, if that's how you meant it?
Am sadly not optimistic that Hex will get revamped. Too many 'cool kids' chanting about blender, even though there is zero bridge like Hex, and direction for DAZ seems a bit ___, well in other directions. We'll see.
Anyway, did enought OT'ing. Glad your still Hexing with 32bit!
The problem, when I first mentioned it in here, was verified by others and brought to the company's attention.
With your workflow you would not have noticed it.
Try opening D/S, load 'anything' or create a 'cube' ... send it over the bridge to Hexagon. Do whatever or nothing, select the item and return it to D/S over the bridge. Keep Hexagon open.
In D/S do whatever, close Daz Studio. Return to Hexagon, if it's still there. It won't be long. D/S in its closing, also closes Hexagon IF it opened it.
So if planning on doing more work in Hexagon with stuff rec'd over the bridge, save that as a project file before closing D/S.
n.b. neither program is beta.
Thanks for descrip of issue! Didn't know that.
Always saw it that if you use bridge from DS to Hex, that Hex was in that case a sub-node or dependency. Close DS and Hex will follow b/c of bridge relationship -- parent/child cos of bridge. Close parent and child must follow as this is within DAZ ecosystem.
So always just used accordingly. Can see how others may not like it, depending on workflow.
Odd time did a hex project, just used it, without DS open, and exported to obj for 3dc. Or leave DS open while making HEX obj.