Need to know: Changing the default UV set

RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157


I thought I had some notes about how to change the UV set out for another one.  I can't use the common way using the transfer utility or the Update Geometry path because the clothing item is a refitted one from male to female so it's been resized and shaped to fit her form but like a dummy I used the wrong obj and now I'm stuck as the uv set I need is part of the obj I should have used. 

Is there a way to get that UV set over to the refitted clothing item set to default? 

Thanks for the help



  • Select the object in both Scene and Surfaces tab, and from the Surfaces tab in the menu drop-down select "Load UV Set...".  You should then be able to load it directly from the other object.  You can set it as default from the Parameter Settings cog.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157

    I'll have to try that at some point.  Got it fixed the long way around.  Sorry it took me so long to post.... been REALLY busy....


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