Some problem with my gallery

I recently decided to use the DAZ gallery for some of my works, unfortunately I can't answer easily to people on my works becaus as I try the page reload and send me to the next illustration. There is some way to stop this? Or I have only few second to answer? This kind of auto loop between illustration is really annoying but I don't know how to stop it.
The second question is if it is possible to receive the notification about comment on my works in the account page and not as email? I not always have a mail open but i'd like to read comment too. I hope you can help me :)


  • isidornisidorn Posts: 1,601

    Pressing arrow keys on your keyboard when typing a comment on a gallery page will take you to the next page. Many times have I cursed this feature as I often want to adjust something I've typed before posting and out of habit use the arrow keys... Could it be the same you are experiencing?

    I have no idea about your second question, I'm afraid and I personally prefer the way it is as I always have my mail open but rarely visit my account page.

  • VirtanVirtan Posts: 18

    To be honest I'm not sure about it.. probably yes, I press the arrow key to adjust some comment, it means I'll have to keep it as it is..
    And I think I'll have to take my email open more often. Thanks for the answer :)

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