Dynamic Cloth Creator, finally?

Fixme12Fixme12 Posts: 589
edited December 1969 in The Commons

the dynamic cloth creator, where is it? :down:

Is it not time that we have this tool gradually appear...?

With all respect to Martin, who has worked as a freelance with Optitex.
and isn't working at optitex anymore, for what ever reason that could be...
It can not be that there are no other solutions be provided for the entire community
and make develop dynamic clothes possible for everyone.

a few years back we where promised such tool by daz....

daz chose the path of Optitex, nothing wrong with that!
there was a cloth designer tool promised, that would solve all our problems...?
until today, we have still not seen.
the real Optitex program is priceless to hobby users.
and there is not a hobby $$$ version like Marvelousdesigner vs Cloth3d.

Marvelous cloth designer is real and working well!
only the plugin that make all this goodies work in dazstudio is still missing.
a poor workaround is made, to use the clothes as conforming morphs.
but it's still not a real dynamic cloth solution inside studio.

The latest rumors on the MD forum are that no Marvelousdesigner plugin will be developed!
nor was proposed in their annual plan development...
and for the umpteenth time my money forfeited :shut:

any news?


  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I can make any money if I give you the tools to do the job.

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