How to tell Install Manager where _I_ want things put?

Deej_232931Deej_232931 Posts: 26
Hail all you who know how Daz software works ('cause I don't). Rebuilt PC. A-dang-gain. Installing everything. Again. Figure since I'm mostly (¡AGAIN!) starting from scratch, I'll see if I can't actually learn and maybe master Daz Studio. Remembered an earlier unpleasantness using the Install Manager, which downloaded tons of cool-looking stuff and proceeded to install it where it wanted to, not where I wanted it to. Saw a note that DS is now a version later. "Maybe Install Manager will be housebroken now, too," I said, and downloaded it. Installed it. Ran it. Sure enough, it started downloading the internet. This time it said something to the effect of "content will be downloaded but not installed until you say so," which I trusted. Came back a few minutes later to find it happily shoveling everything onto my OS drive, not even bothering to ask before starting to install the program and content. Tried the settings icon only to be told that I can't change any settings while downloading, installing or using (which pretty much lets out even needing an options button). I wound up having to kill it with Process Manager; it was dug in that tight. So. My situation and question is this: I can install DS manually. I put programs on my OS drive (C:), but I have a D: drive where I keep all my graphics (including, preferably, all my runtimes from Poser, DS and Carrara, and my Photoshop and Max graphic files. I prefer it this way; it keeps messiness off my OS drive, and makes it quicker and cleaner to back my data up. But if I install DS manually, pointing where I want the runtimes to be, how do I then get Install Manager to run and install all the cool introductory content and not pile it all onto the wrong drive? (I taught Max to work in my graphics directory, I mastered the Poser Runtimes years and years back, but I'm still new to DS.) Thanks for any pointers. Davey
Post edited by fixmypcmike on


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,582

    First, make sure "Install After Download" is not checked.

    In Settings, on the Download tab, set where you want the downloaded zips to be put.

    In Settings, on the Installation tab, sertr where you want things to be installed.  Software gets installed based on the "32-bit software" and "64-bit software" settings.  Content gets installed based on the path(s) you set below that (click the + sign in the lower left to add a path).  Remember that since you can have more than one install path, you need to set the Current path to the one you want, just adding a new path doesn't make it the current path.  I like to tick the "Show Details" box at the lower right of the "Ready to Install" tab so I can always see what path is current  before I install anything.

    'Note that the content install path is mainly for DS/Poser content.  Content for Bryce, Carrara, and Photoshop install like plugins, so they get installed to subfolders of the application folder for those applications.

    There are two other folders that DIM saves things to, ManifestFiles (where it records what has been installed) and Thumbnails (where it saves product thumbnails).  Those don't take up a lot of space so you don't really need to move them out of the default locations, but if you want to you can change them in the .ini file.

  • FMPCM (may I call you FMPCM?), you're a life-saver. I see every one of those things, but half of 'em I couldn't get to 'cause IM was just so danged determined to do me good and install, and the others I wouldn't've thought of. Many thanks, and if there was a way to leave you kudos I'd do so. :)


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