SOLVED: Weird(?) Problem with iRadiance - HDRI Variety Pack Three

mwokeemwokee Posts: 1,275

I purchased iRadiance - HDRI Variety Pack Three and it works when I create a render... but... the display in the viewport is blank. There is no way to adjust the scene and know what is in the background. So when you render it's just a random angle.


Am I doing something wrong? How do you make the various scenes display?

Post edited by mwokee on


  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    HDR images are produced in Iray, so you have to render the scene to see it. 

    If you want to see the image in real time, this can be done by switching to NVIDIA Iray in the Viewport (see the icons on the left of the position controls). The faster your CPU/GPU processor, the faster you'll see the changes as you move things about. So, yeah, if you have a slow system, this can be a real PITA. 

  • mwokeemwokee Posts: 1,275

    That works! Thanks

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