Transfer Utility is messing up the front hem of floor-length skirts.

I'm trying to rig a floor-length skirt obj. Running it through Transfer Utility, however, does something weird to the geometry by the front hem. See screencap. How can I avoid this or correct it?



560 x 622 - 47K


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 97,960
    edited May 2016

    Is this on the base mesh it was made for, unposed? The root cause of this kind of thing is usually that the hem of the dress is closer to the feet than to the shins, so any weighting or shape adjsutment is projected from the feet and not from the shins - for example if you are converting from a V4 shape to a Genesis, from feet pointed down to feet flat, the hem of the skirt gets lifted to match the lift of the feet. If it's posed, adjusting the weight maps to remove the influence of the foot bones should fixe it; if it's a conversion from another shape (older geenration or modelled around a morph of the source figure) or a morph projection then you will need to edit the mesh to make a custom morph or to manually fix the base mesh and update it.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
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