Daz Studio feels like constantly searching through content folders


I have several hdds on my PC. Unfortunately my C: drive is rather small and has very limited space. I use the other drives for various media, one for music, one for visual content etc... Unfortunately when the Daz Install Manager opens and automatically begins downloading and installing files, it places them in to the C: drive without asking me first. 

In my opinion, the install manager is not very friendly for installing content on other drives as several tabs of downloads, installs and applications must be manually set. As a new user, the whole thing feels rather confusing and I have a lot of trouble figuring out where my content is going. Redirecting files which are burried sometimes 6 folders in and remembering where everything is from program files and documents does not feel very user friendly. I find myself instead making a new folder for Daz on a drive and putting everything Daz related into that one new folder, otherwise I will lose it. 

Once I get in Daz studio though, it's another problem of redirecting everything to the right folders and navigating folders everytime I want a different shader, pose or content. What am I missing? Daz Studio feels like a game of juggling content folders. 


  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    Have any default settings changed in one of the recent updates to DIM? I've seen several posts in the last few months complaining that DIM began mass downloading content into the default installation locations immediately after starting up; it's definitely not supposed to do that. Is it possible that something is auto-selecting the "download absolutely everything right this moment" button?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 97,960

    For a new user who clciks to get DS and then installs DIM DS will be auto-downloaded and installed. I thought that was all that happened, and that it didn't affect existing users.

  • RainbowArtistRainbowArtist Posts: 101

    For a new user who clciks to get DS and then installs DIM DS will be auto-downloaded and installed. I thought that was all that happened, and that it didn't affect existing users.

    Hi Richard.

    I have had DIM somehow, for no apparent reason, reset itself back to the default locations from the ones I had setup previously.  I noticed this after I downloaded some products and could not find them where they were supposed to be in Content Library. After I saw a hint someone in a Forum post mentioned I checked the DIM setup locations and found they had changed back to default. So I had to go back and change install locations to my settings again and uninstall and reinstall to get content in the right place.  No idea why it happened.

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