GoZ suddenly causing clipped geometry & freezing up

PA_ThePhilosopherPA_ThePhilosopher Posts: 1,039

Hey guys,

An interesting issue just popped up recently using the GoZ plugin. When re-importing a simple ear-attachment back to Daz, it clips the Genesis 3 figure in iRay (see image below), then begins to hang up, freeze, and crash. Never had this issue before...

I have been scratching my head with this one, even re-installed windows and tried it on an older Daz4.8 version....
...still having the same issue....so thought I'd just throw it out there to see if anyone might have an answer.

(I should note, this only happens when both the imported geometry and G3 are visible. If I hide one or the other, then no hang ups. It's only when both are visible). 

Thanks guys,


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  • I figured out what the issue is... not sure if this is considered a bug or not, but here it is:

    I had a texture applied to the geometry in zBrush. This texture I had deleted from my hard drive a couple days ago. Evidently, Daz does not like this; when a texture from a zbrush object is erased and the object is imported into Daz...seems to cause Daz to self-implode. Once I changed the texture in zbrush to something else, Daz was able to import again without freezing and crashing.


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