Viewport issue

Hi Guys,

Can someone please help me with the attached screenshot issue. (The viewport is actually the small top left corner which i cannot make any larger, the black part doesn't render or show anything, If I add models or anything else in the scene I am able to see some parts of the models in the small top left corner). 

The viewport isn't properly displaying. 

What I've tried so far.

1 : Rebooting

2: Changing viewports

3: Reinstalling DAZ3D.


None of the above seem to be helping in any way. Anyone any idea what I can still try?

Thank in advance.

- Sub

2132 x 724 - 143K


  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555

    Have you tried changing your layout under Window - Workspace - Select Layout

    This has worked for me in the past when odd things happen




  • I have since tried this, but to no success. I'm unsure how to fix my issue.

    Anyone else have an idea?

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