What a Bargain



  • ShaneWSmithShaneWSmith Posts: 636
    edited December 1969

    But what was it? Whatever it was it's been taken down and the curiosity is KILLING ME!

    It's still there. The wonderful and incomparable
    *cue heroic music and swooning damsels*

  • TrishaTrisha Posts: 86
    edited December 1969

    aRGH!! When I click the link it says nothing to see here, move along folks or words to that effect lol. Maybe only some people can see it *flicks paranoia switch on*.

  • ShaneWSmithShaneWSmith Posts: 636
    edited December 1969

    aRGH!! When I click the link it says nothing to see here, move along folks or words to that effect lol. Maybe only some people can see it *flicks paranoia switch on*.

    Here's what we all see. Probably what you see. We are having a bit of a laugh at it - this is not a serious thread.

    1254 x 986 - 62K
  • TrishaTrisha Posts: 86
    edited December 1969

    Haha cool as! I thought I was missing out on something fantastic then :P

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    May I ask... How on earth did that (what ever the heck it is supposed to be) appear in the store? Very unprofessional.

    On a passive note... It is certainly a bargain! Cant get the daz logo for a cheaper price in this economy!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,037
    edited December 1969

    after I wishlisted it and logged in, the sale price dropped to $5,999 so it is indeed a Daz original 40% off.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    edited December 1969

    ...since its a Daz original I finally had something to use my October PC coupon on.

    ...and as long as I load the pp2, version it even works in Studio 1.7, just need to tweak the shaders a bit.

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...since its a Daz original I finally had something to use my October PC coupon on.

    ...and as long as I load the pp2, version it even works in Studio 1.7, just need to tweak the shaders a bit.

    Yeah, but will it work in Poser 2, Bryce 4, Vue 6.5, Reality 2, and Carrara 3?? Because, you know, it simply isn't worth buying if it isn't supported across ALL platforms. And, while we're at it, I really should start a ruckus over whether Poser is better than DS. I definitely should gripe that this is a GENESIS product, which leaves Poser users in the dust AGAIN. And Bryce still doesn't support Genesis -- like, how stupid is it that Daz doesn't include functionality for its premiere product in its own software?? Someone needs to develop plugins AND python scripts to make this all work seamlessly. And Hexagon has been forgotten. I don't know what that has to do with Test Product, but it's always worth saying.

    Besides, there isn't enough content to go with Test Product yet. Since Daz didn't make my Victoria 1, Freak 3, Genesis Anubis and Hiro 4 clothing work on Test Product, I'm going to wait and see if a CrossDresser license comes out. And I won't buy it if there aren't NGMs for it, because the planet-sized boobs are only REALISTIC when they have that true-to-life saggy look.

    I'm telling you, this place is falling apart.

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited October 2012

    Okay, It's obvious that someone didnt hack the store then... What is this?????????? I dont understand what they are doing here. Please you all seem to know something that I dont

    Post edited by SpyroRue on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,037
    edited October 2012

    well no-one so far is game to actually buy it (at that price the bank transaction fee and paypal conversion fee, if returning would be a dettering factor)
    it is obviously priced to discourage purchase like April fool items etc.

    I also have insufficient funds in my paypal linked bank account to test it!!

    edited to add, and if I did, I would be hit with an overdraw fee!!

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Wellllll, as it is a DO, they really could put it up for 1.99 $ during the PC sale. *sniff*

    Spyro: Daz3d is testing something, nobody knows what (probably even Daz doesn't know) and we, we are having fun.

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969


    SEE??? There's a PC version that's cheaper!! I want my money back! Thank goodness for the 30-day refund policy...

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    How does no one know what it is if people are testing it? How would daz not know what it is if they uploading it? I SO CONFUSED lol Also what's with the price?

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited October 2012

    We are having a bit of a laugh at it - this is not a serious thread.

    Daz puts dummy items in the store sometimes. These were obviously meant to test the new website. Others come out on April Fools day.

    Examples: (Links in the threads below won't work because they link to the old store, but you can read about them.)


    We use these products to poke fun at all the ridiculous things that happen at Daz -- specifically in the forums.

    Daz makes the prices ridiculous so nobody buys them. They don't exist.

    Post edited by Karibou on
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    so there is NO item, its a ghost product used by admin to see that their site is working?

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    So really this has nothing to do with us then

  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    Spyro said:
    so there is NO item, its a ghost product used by admin to see that their site is working?

    Exactly. Someone happened to discover it, and we are just laughing at the silliness of a 10,000 dollar, nonexistent item. We can imagine anything we want about it. And we have very good imaginations...!

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    That all makes sense now lol

    I did notice it had no category, I'm amazed it was found.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Spyro said:
    so there is NO item, its a ghost product used by admin to see that their site is working?

    Or NOT working ...

  • ledheadledhead Posts: 1,586
    edited October 2012

    Spyro said:
    That all makes sense now lol

    I did notice it had no category, I'm amazed it was found.

    There are several test products, some of which are still being used for testing, so if a link to any of those still being tested appears in this thread, the thread will disappear into the abyss, just like my first thread did when I had a link to one still being used for testing. I was also told they are afraid people will take the product seriously and purchase them and DAZ does not want to be refunding people for a non-existing product that the public is not supposed to be seeing in the first place.

    I found all of them because I am making a list of all the products sold on the site in which I am only partly finished with. In other words, there may be many more hidden among some of the older products. I will find them, there is no hiding from me.

    Post edited by ledhead on
  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    The Unflateable Pony and the Millennium Cube seem to have gone away when the site was, er, "updated." If you find them, please tell us!

  • ledheadledhead Posts: 1,586
    edited December 1969

    Is this thread still active because I got an email telling me it had been moved, yet it is still here.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Insert evil laugh here. :coolgrin:

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,037
    edited December 1969

    I had already posted the link to the product on facebook!! so it is OUT THERE!!! :snake:

  • bad4ubad4u Posts: 684
    edited April 2014

    Post edited by bad4u on
  • ledheadledhead Posts: 1,586
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Insert evil laugh here. :coolgrin:

    All right Chohole, are you messing with me.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Did you not see my first post to the thread, some 12 hours or more ago.

  • LmWolfSpiritLmWolfSpirit Posts: 239
    edited December 1969

    bad4u said:
    Hmm.. maybe that's a stupid question, but what is asdfasdfa from the features list ? I know asdfdas and you can never have enough of these, so it's great you get a bunch of these, but what exactly is asdfasdfa for then ? It would have made sense to add some dfhgdf instead or even qwerty, but asdfasdfa ?

    asdfasdfa = A sure Daz fubared application snafu daily fixes abound

  • ledheadledhead Posts: 1,586
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Did you not see my first post to the thread, some 12 hours or more ago.

    Okay, so what did you do, move it, then move it back, because I got a couple of different emails telling me it had been moved?

    If so, that was a good one and I tip my hat to you, that is if I were wearing one.

  • ledheadledhead Posts: 1,586
    edited December 1969

    I'm off to search for more bargains.

    I'll let you know if I find anything.

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