Content Manager "No Selection"

SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

I am having a problem with content added to the Content Manager. I downloaded all of the free Gen 4 figures back when Daz offered them and have installed them in to Daz Studio 4.5. I then added metadata to all of them and added them to the Content Manager to use with Smart Content.

The problem lies with several of the figures being "unselectable" therefore not filtering the Smart Content for that figure. Victoria 4, Aiko 4, Stephanie 4, SheFreak 4, and The Girl 4 all work fine. When I select one of these figures either by clicking her in the scene or selecting her in the Scene Pane, her materials, poses, etc show up just fine in the Content Manager.

However, Michael 4, Hiro 4, Freak 4 and The Kids 4 have the Actor selection greyed out (in the drop-down box of the Content Manager) and says "No Selection", thereby showing no content for them in the Content Manager.

I can load the figures through the Content Manager, but once loaded they are not showing as a selection. Make sense? I set up the metadata exactly the same as I did for the Victoria characters, but they are not working like the girls do.

I have removed the metadata, uninstalled, reinstalled, etc for these characters, and I have used the Content DB Maintenance to remove invalid paths, but to no avail.

Do I have outdated/bad files? These figures are no longer free, so I don't know what to do. I like the Content Manager and want to use it for all my figures. I know about using the File Manager, but don't want to go that way if I can help it.

I have also stopped and started the Content Management Service, so that isn't the problem.

I tried searching the forum and the knowledge base, but no luck. Any help would be great.



  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    Well, after trying nearly every setting in Daz Studio and comparing each between Michael 4 and Victoria 4 to see what was different, I found my solution. Here it is, in case anyone else has the same problem:

    I had to load Michael (or anything else with this problem) into the scene and select him. Then in the context menu I chose Edit:Set Default Compatibility Bases. In the Compatibility Root box, I clicked on the elipse (...) beside the box and chose Generation 4/Michael 4 from the bases listed. Hit accept, then accept again.

    Then, in the same context menu, choose Edit:Scene Identification. Make sure the Compatibility Base (last item) is the same as what you set in the previous step (Generation 4/Michael 4). Click Accept and that's it. Well, almost. You have to close the figure (delete from scene) and reload it into the scene, but from now on, it works!:-)

  • BlackFeather1973BlackFeather1973 Posts: 739
    edited December 1969

    Thanks, brischloss.
    I was having the same problem. Had already figured out it was a compatibility base issue, but didn't how and where to fix it.

  • Having the same problem. But the Compatibility Root box is empty :-(


  • Having the same problem. But the Compatibility Root box is empty :-(


    That sounds as if the Content Management System is off or not communicating with DS, or the database is empty.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,330

    I've had a similar problem with the Genesis figure (and David 5 in particular) - it used to work for me, but in DS4.9 there was no compatible content showing. I did what you suggested and was surprised to see the compatiblity base was V4 Hair (or something of the sort) - don't know how that happened!
    I hadn't reinstalled David 5 for months/years, so that wasn't the source of the problem - now I'm wondering if my CMS is completely wonky and maybe lots more content isn't showing up.

  • Having the same problem. But the Compatibility Root box is empty :-(


    That sounds as if the Content Management System is off or not communicating with DS, or the database is empty.

    And how could I fix that? In DS I am online and connected with my accout


  • The CMS doesn't require online access, just local communication between Daz Studio and the PostgreSQL engine. Do you get an alert when starting DS about being unable to communicate with PostgreSQL?

  • The CMS doesn't require online access, just local communication between Daz Studio and the PostgreSQL engine. Do you get an alert when starting DS about being unable to communicate with PostgreSQL?

    No, nothing pops up

  • OK, assuming this is 4.9 the PostgreSQL engine must be running and be seen by DS. Could you repost your screenshot as I can't recall the details of your issue now.

  • Miranas ArtMiranas Art Posts: 68
    edited September 2017

    I have 2 problems:

    The first is that I am not able to make a selection of the base figure. In past it worked and when I have selected G3F it showed just the content for her. But even if I have selected her DS says "no selection" Picture added 2017-09-05 13.22.08.png?dl=0

    Number 2 is that I am not able to change the preffered Base (for example to convert clothes to another base). In all tutorials that I have seen there should pop up a widow with all Daz figures but mine is completely empty. Picture added 2017-09-05 13.27.02.png?dl=0


    "PostgreSQL engine must be running and be seen by DS"

    Where can I see this? Download manager says its installed

    Post edited by Miranas Art on
  • PostgreSQL loos to be running - otherwise Smart Content would be empty - but I suspect the metadata for Geensis 3 Female is bad in some way. Try fnding the entry for the base product (Under Genesis 3 Starter Essentials or perhaps Genesis 3 female Starter Essentials if you isntalled via DIM) in the products list in the Content Library, right-click, and select Update metadata...

  • Miranas ArtMiranas Art Posts: 68
    edited September 2017

    Sadly still the same. Also have installed G3&8 new. But they still not available in the Smart Content. i just can load them via Content library. Maybe I will try to uninstall DS and re-install.

    But thanks that you tried to help

    Post edited by Miranas Art on
  • Ok will have a look

  • I am afraid of starting tomorrow again: now it works! Have reseted the Metadata and reimported

  • BangBang Posts: 7

    I have 2 problems:

    The first is that I am not able to make a selection of the base figure. In past it worked and when I have selected G3F it showed just the content for her. But even if I have selected her DS says "no selection" Picture added 2017-09-05 13.22.08.png?dl=0

    Number 2 is that I am not able to change the preffered Base (for example to convert clothes to another base). In all tutorials that I have seen there should pop up a widow with all Daz figures but mine is completely empty. Picture added 2017-09-05 13.27.02.png?dl=0


    "PostgreSQL engine must be running and be seen by DS"

    Where can I see this? Download manager says its installed

    try turning this feature on


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