
Daz Employee Spotlight: Dave Desautels, Associate Production Manager

Daz Employee Spotlight: Dave Desautels, Associate Production Manager

It’s time to highlight another member of the Daz team! Meet Dave Desautels, our Associate Production Manager who has been with us since March 2021. Keep reading to learn about his career, as well as some interesting facts!

If you missed our last spotlight, no worries! Hop on over here to learn about our Website Design Senior Manager

Now, let’s get started.

The Interview

Dave, thanks for taking the time to talk to us. What do you like most about working at Daz? 

The creative and cooperative atmosphere both virtually and in the office.

And what are some of your favorite memories at Daz?

Taking part in community events for products we’re launching, like Non-Fungible People (NFP) and NFPets.

Those are always a party! What has been your favorite project at Daz?

It’s hard to say because I’ve enjoyed each project for different reasons. If I had to choose one, I would say NFPets was good fun because I had a great team of PAs to work with and I love dogs.

What is your proudest moment or accomplishment at Daz?

Receiving the recognition of my peers for the hard work that goes into each project.

We can assure you that we’ll never stop celebrating all that our team members do! Before working at Daz, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

I’ve had an eclectic background, but I think my most unusual job was being an independent insurance adjuster.

And somehow you made it here. What would you say is the best career advice you’ve ever been given?

Know your limits and keep a home/work life balance. It’s more of a do as I say, not as I do kind of advice, haha.

Wise words. Now, let’s talk about you outside of work. What’s something about yourself that would surprise us?

I am a cancer survivor.

Wow. We can’t even imagine the journey you’ve been on. 

If you’re a creative, are there any projects or visuals you’d like to tell us about?

I do woodwork, pyrography and leatherwork out of my home, creating various art pieces ranging from family signs to more artistic endeavors.

That’s awesome! Are there any other passion projects you’re currently working on?

Raising my two children to be decent hardworking contributors to society.

We know there are many of us who can relate to that. What do you like to do in your free time?

Before my fight with cancer, I played soccer regularly, but now I go hiking with my dog, developing my woodwork, pyrography and leather skills, as well as playing video games and watching movies.

And what’s your favorite and least favorite food?

Favorite food: burgers

Least favorite: oysters

You can never go wrong with a good burger. As for your beverage, if you could only drink one beer for the rest of your life, what would it be?

None, haha.

No judgment! If you could only have one “specialty drink” for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Rum and Coke.

Classic. What is your favorite travel destination?

Hawaii, but I’d love to make it to Scotland one day.

And close us out with your motto or personal mantra.

Adapt and overcome.

That’s solid advice for anything life throws your way, whether it’s in your professional life or personal one. Thanks for taking the time to chat with us, Dave, and thanks for being a crucial part of the team!