
Techcouver Highlights Daz 3D’s Inspiration for an Inclusive Metaverse

Techcouver Highlights Daz 3D’s Inspiration for an Inclusive Metaverse

Daz 3D was recently highlighted in this Techcouver article discussing the diversity of our debut NFT collection, Non-Fungible People. The story explores Daz’s inspiration and process for creating an inclusive virtual space by creating avatars that represent a diverse range of identities. Our own director of content production, Kirsten Sharp, discusses her personal experience, which inspired the avatars’ designs and the communities Daz 3D consulted to make this collection true to the unique personalities we depict.

From the article:

Daz 3D consulted with a wide range of ethnic and cultural experts and organizations to improve representation, remove unconscious bias and pursue more inclusive avatar standards.

“One of our characters who is named Bonnie has Down Syndrome and we made a conscious decision to release her in a noir theme bundle as a detective and she’s beautiful. We worked with the Greater Victoria Down Syndrome Society to ensure that we were representing her as accurately as possible,” Sharp shares.

“When we released Bonnie on the store she did as well as all our other characters and to me that just shows that the world is ready for this.”

NFP Was a Personal Project for Daz 3D

In addition to consulting with outside organizations, some of the NFPs hit closer to home for our team.

The article continues:

“One of our uniques in our PFP collection uses a wheelchair. You don’t see it in the profile pic but if you were to open the software, you would see her wheelchair. She’s a really cool gamer girl who happens to use a wheelchair,” Sharp explained.

“And full disclosure, I also happen to use a wheelchair. I have a lot of experience bringing diversity and inclusion into a story line without it being a main topic, and avoiding tokenism.”

Check out the full article from Techcouver to read more about Daz 3D’s and Kirsten’s inspiration for a diverse and inclusive metaverse.