Iray Shader Question

I'm not sure if this question's already been asked and answered yet, or not, so I'm going to go ahead and ask.

Will the shaders that are labeled for Iray work in 3delight, or no?

If not, that's going to be a complaint that I'm going to make. Not all of us have computers that will be able to use Iray, and not all of us are going to be able to afford Iray for our computers, but I've seen some of the Shaders that I'd like to be able to use, but they're labeled for Iray. Before I get them, and are disappointed that they don't work, I thought I'd ask.

Thank you for your time,




  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    No, Iray shaders will not work in 3DL.  They are using two entirely different shading langauages and are not directly compatible.

  • That's what I thought. Which is too bad, because I really like the textures I saw.

    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, mjc1016. I do appreciate it.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Thjat said, if the are texutre based presets, then they can be manually translated (omnifreaker UberSurface/US2 or AoA).  They won't be exact matches but can be made 'close enough'.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,900

    Yeah, the main limiters are:

    Code. If the Iray shader's qualities are based on code, that's just not going to work. Nope.

    Special channels. Stuff involving top coat, refraction, SSS, and others will be very hard to translate into 3DL. Not impossible, but by the time you do all that work you're pretty much making your own shader.

    Varying scale. If the shader relies on some channels being on one scale and other channels being on a different scale, that's tricky in 3DL. There are only a few special shaders that do that, and they cost money.


    Buuuut... if the 'shader' is essentially 'cool textures,' you're in luck!

    For example, if the Hand Knit shader only had Iray settings, you could easily translate it to 3DL, because it's mostly texture. (Mind you, you don't need to, because they include both Iray and 3DL)


  • You might also be surprised what can handle   Iray, depending on your patience and the kinds of scenes you make. 

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