Using Dynamic Clothing in Studio 4.5

nysalor_7ad75f2450nysalor_7ad75f2450 Posts: 28
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Hi folks

I haven't used dynamic clothing for a time, and while I recall seeming some instructions on getting dynamics to work on Genesis, I am unable to locate it either in the forums on in my tutorials folder.

Could someone point me to posts or tuts about using dynamic clothing with Genesis and G4 figures in the latest versions of Studio?

[I was good. I didn't ask about a manual.]

With Thanks




  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    edited December 1969

    I think the in depth instructions are somewhere on the old forum. Basically if the clothes are made for the other figure then they can not be "fit to" and have it drape properly. Load the figure and then the clothing. Go ahead and do a fit to but undo it after. I can't remember if the problem where clothing loads to high has been solved or not. Check to make sure that the arms are in the right location to be surrounded (at least mostly) by clothes. You may need to adjust the arms slightly. Then you will need to do a time line drape. Starting with 0 with a 0 pose and the clothing is around the figure to about 15 (may need more depending on the pose) where you have your final pose. You may want a few additional frames after the final pose to let things lay down properly.

    When using clothing on the intended figure things are pretty much same as they ever were.

  • nysalor_7ad75f2450nysalor_7ad75f2450 Posts: 28
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Khory, I'll try and dig it out.

    It's amazing that after so much investment in dynamic clothing, there seem to be no official DAZ instructions that actually work.

    Once I do find them, I'll try to make them available in a more easily accessible form.



  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited January 2013

    I found it easier to do animated drapes when using Genesis.

    1: Select Genesis
    2: Load Dynamic Clothing
    3: Open Dynamic Clothing Control
    4: Select Clothing and Turn OFF "Fit To" in the Parameters Pane
    5: Make sure the clothing is still assigned to Genesis in the Dynamic Clothing Control.
    6: Move or adjust parts of the clothing to roughly fit Genesis
    7: Open Timeline
    8: Move to Frame 10 and start to morph Genesis into your desired Shape (If the morph is a large one then start off small at frame 10 and move to frame 15 for the final morph)
    9: Frame 20/25 Pose Geneisis
    10: In the Dynamic Clothing Control Pane turn on Animated Drape and Drape to Frame 20 and make sure you don't Collide with things you don't need to collide with.
    11: You now have 10/5 frames on the end for a static drape to hopefully get a better looking drape if needed.

    These are just guidelines and it really does depend on the morph, pose and clothing used.

    Some adjustments may be needed for Iterations for finer draping but I always start with the default and see how it goes.

    Post edited by Szark on
  • nysalor_7ad75f2450nysalor_7ad75f2450 Posts: 28
    edited December 1969

    Much obliged Szark. :)

    I shall read, play, and report.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    No worries...hope it helps.....some

  • Posts: 140
    edited December 1969

    thanks a lot Szark, i always got frustrated with dynamic clothes from my debut in DS 4.5 since i only work with Genesis
    it was a real pain to get something correct and i couldnt find any good enough "how to"... now there it is ^^

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    My pleasure...but I must warn you all that is from memory as I don't have access to Daz Studo at all these days.

  • tomasballtomasball Posts: 81
    edited December 1969

    Is there a way to scale dynamic clothing to a smaller or thinner figure?

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited January 2013

    Scaling the whole clothing at the same time doesn't work hence why I suggested an animated drape and on Frame 10 add your skinny morph and the clothing should follow suit when draping, same with scaling the figure down or up.

    Post edited by Szark on
  • wdsmith1959wdsmith1959 Posts: 60
    edited December 1969

    Szark said:
    I found it easier to do animated drapes when using Genesis.

    1: Select Genesis
    2: Load Dynamic Clothing
    3: Open Dynamic Clothing Control
    4: Select Clothing and Turn OFF "Fit To" in the Parameters Pane
    5: Make sure the clothing is still assigned to Genesis in the Dynamic Clothing Control.
    6: Move or adjust parts of the clothing to roughly fit Genesis
    7: Open Timeline
    8: Move to Frame 10 and start to morph Genesis into your desired Shape (If the morph is a large one then start off small at frame 10 and move to frame 15 for the final morph)
    9: Frame 20/25 Pose Geneisis
    10: In the Dynamic Clothing Control Pane turn on Animated Drape and Drape to Frame 20 and make sure you don't Collide with things you don't need to collide with.
    11: You now have 10/5 frames on the end for a static drape to hopefully get a better looking drape if needed.

    These are just guidelines and it really does depend on the morph, pose and clothing used.

    Some adjustments may be needed for Iterations for finer draping but I always start with the default and see how it goes.

    The Conforming Dynamic Cloak has NO "Fit To" in the Parameters Pane.

  • RenpatsuRenpatsu Posts: 828
    edited April 2014

    As some people already tried to tell you in the other thread, the cloak you got *does not* conform, so you have to pose your figure in the zero pose applicable for the cloak (there are preparation poses for it) and then do an animated timeline drape towards the pose you want to end up.

    If you pose your character right away, the static draping will likely fail due to e.g. an arm already going through the cloak, which the dynamic cloth engine of course cannot resolve.

    Post edited by Renpatsu on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited April 2014

    As Szark said in his quick little tutorial

    4: Select Clothing and Turn OFF “Fit To” in the Parameters Pane

    If the product you are trying to use doesn't have a fit to, then you should be able to miss this step.

    It is is not a conforming Dynamic Cloak, it is a controllable Dynamic Cloak

    I can assure you that this cloak does work well.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • wdsmith1959wdsmith1959 Posts: 60
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    As Szark said in his quick little tutorial
    4: Select Clothing and Turn OFF “Fit To” in the Parameters Pane

    If the product you are trying to use doesn't have a fit to, then you should be able to miss this step.

    It is is not a conforming Dynamic Cloak, it is a controllable Dynamic Cloak

    I can assure you that this cloak does work well.

    It is this one: Controllable Dynamic Cloak by Optitex. I am using DAZ 4.6 and cannot get it to work at all.

    1366 x 768 - 760K
  • wdsmith1959wdsmith1959 Posts: 60
    edited December 1969

    Oh, by the way, this one is for V4 rather than for Genesis.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,959
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    As Szark said in his quick little tutorial
    4: Select Clothing and Turn OFF “Fit To” in the Parameters Pane

    If the product you are trying to use doesn't have a fit to, then you should be able to miss this step.

    It is is not a conforming Dynamic Cloak, it is a controllable Dynamic Cloak

    I can assure you that this cloak does work well.

    It is this one: Controllable Dynamic Cloak by Optitex. I am using DAZ 4.6 and cannot get it to work at all.
    Look in one of your other threads about this, I have given advice on how this item is used.

  • wdsmith1959wdsmith1959 Posts: 60
    edited December 1969

    Ok....I tried the animation thing, and it still won't freaking work! I keep getting that error message!

    1366 x 768 - 364K
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    did you change any of the cloth settings? If so load a fresh copy and save as a new scene and then try again. Or better still take us through the steps you did.

  • wdsmith1959wdsmith1959 Posts: 60
    edited December 1969

    Ok....I right clicked and changed parent. It is supposed to be for V4, but... I had to go in and make V4 the parent. I am attempting to get it to drape over the shoulders and the left arm holding the rifle. It won't lie on the shoulders. This is what it is doing now...

    1366 x 768 - 356K
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    well for starters I see you have not set the Drape to animation.

  • wdsmith1959wdsmith1959 Posts: 60
    edited December 1969

    It won't work in animation. I've already tried that.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,959
    edited April 2014

    Sorry if this is re-inventing the wheel or needless repetition but as I cannot see what you are doing, let's try a simple step-by-step guide. Forget for a moment what you ultimately want, let's just get it working so you know it works and to give you an idea of what you can and need to do with it.

    Start Daz Studio (or start new scene and ensure at frame 0 in timeline)
    Load a V4 figure
    Load the cloak (Cloak Long.daz) (and observe the arms of V4 sticking out)
    Ensure V4 is selected in scene tab
    Load the start pose using the V4 Prep Pose.dsa (note how arms are now within the cloak)
    Move timeline to frame 20
    Apply a different pose (not too extreme to start with) to V4. ( I think you should have: My Library/People/Victoria 4/Poses/V4 General/V4 Walking 01.dsb) (pretty much regardless of the pose you choose to apply to V4 there WILL be poke-thru - ignore this for now!)
    Move timeline back to frame 0 (check that V4 goes back to the proper start pose, with arms within cloak)

    At this point we have two objects in the scene: V4 and the cloak. We have a 'start pose' at frame 0 and and end pose at frame 20.

    In the Dynamic Clothing tab select the various options we want (pretty much any combination of the dropdowns so long as they mean that any DCC action will affect the cloak!) For this, let's go with the simple 'All Cloth in Scene' and the 'Collide With ...' option has 'Everything' checked. The only truly important thing here is that the Animated radio button is selected.

    We are now all set, so ...

    Click on Drape ... and stand well back! :)

    What should happen is that V4 will slowly move from start to end pose, with DS adding interpolated animated frames and the cloak will be 'pulled and pushed' by the various bits of V4. Once it hits frame 20 (the end pose) it will continue for the next 10 frames with 'settling' so the cloak will look a bit more natural. Depending on the type of pose you may wish to pick a later frame for the end point to allow less steeling - you'd do that with the more dynamic poses, for example.

    If you get the 'too complex' type message it generally means (from memory) that the DC item is being forced to intersect with itself in what would be a physically impossible way, such as the left and right front edges of the cloak trying to pass through each other.

    With this particular pose and item I'd probably (now having seen the end result!) extend the timeline by 10 to 20 frames and click on Drape again (click in little Total: box in bottom left and over type the 31 with 41 or 51, etc. - note that the timeline pointer stays on frame 30, so the fresh Drape will resume from that point).

    Try those steps and see what happens for you.

    Post edited by SimonJM on
  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    That is what I meant by step by step as Simon posted. The only way to get what you wanted is to animate the drape. What we need from you to help you is what Simon is asking. Without that info we cannot help you.

  • wdsmith1959wdsmith1959 Posts: 60
    edited December 1969

    Well, it is doing SOMETHING finally! LOL! The next thing is figuring out how to get it to let the hands stick out from the cloak. I need the chest, forearms, rifle to be visible with the cloak draping over about the elbows....

    1366 x 768 - 357K
  • wdsmith1959wdsmith1959 Posts: 60
    edited December 1969

    At this point, I'm not sure about the collide with / not collide with settings. I don't want the hair poking through the hood either. I've tried to click "do not collide" with the felicity hair.

  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    that can be done by using some primitive shapes from in the Create Menu. You then have to animate the shapes and set up the cloth to "Collide" with the shapes so the shapes move the cloth to where you want it to hang. Not easy but doable with practice.

  • wdsmith1959wdsmith1959 Posts: 60
    edited December 1969

    The largest problem right now is that the arms are poking through the cloak, instead of the cloak lying ON the arms and draping down from them.

  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854
    edited December 1969

    Did you apply one of the prep poses in the 1st frame of your timeline so that the arms are down and out of the way before the drape begins?

  • wdsmith1959wdsmith1959 Posts: 60
    edited December 1969

    Yes, I did. The M1 pose may be too extreme. I'm trying a different pose and different weapon to see what happens.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,959
    edited April 2014

    Ok, good news is that you have it working!
    Bad news is that, apart from the kimono, you may have picked one of the most difficult DC items to work with!
    Good news time again! Once you get this sorted out then other DC items will be sooooo simple! :)

    Bit more good news - if I recall correctly (can't check, machine is deep within a long render!) there are three 'helper loops' on the cloak - one on hood and one each on each front hem,left and right. To get a different drape (I won't say better!) you can slip a primitive into those loops (I am not sure if it comes with some, I know the DC shapes product does) and then move the primitives (slowly, almost frame by frame!) to nudge the hood and/or cloak edges in a particular direction.

    Hair under hoods, and so on, with DC items has always been a bit of an issue, but it can be done with care and suitable 'messing' with the hair.

    For simplicity I'd recommend that for the pose with the rifle you just have the bare minimum in the scene (V4, cloak, rifle, maybe hair) and use the 'collide with everything' option. When the drape is done to your satisfaction Freeze it (from the context menu, top right on DC tab) (and parent created prop object to V4).

    One more thing ... collision between DC items and 'standard' items is best when the density of the polygons in the meshes is close. If the rifle, say, is a low poly item the cloak may not have enough vertices to work with to collide properly. Fear not, as Szark suggests there is a way round it! Create a DAZ primitive (I'd suggest a cylinder) with a decent number of divisions, or whatever they are. Can't check or suggest numbers at the moment - render is still going! Make it about a metre tall and diameter of around 15cm. Position it so that it overlays the rifle (then parent to rifle) and resize the cylinder so it's a better fit, maybe shrinking on X or Z axis so it becomes an oval cross-section. In the 'collide with' settings deselect the rifle and ensure the cylinder is selected. It may be worth playing with just the cloak and a cylinder in an otherwise empty scene to find a good set of values for creating the cylinder.

    Post edited by SimonJM on
  • DraagonStormDraagonStorm Posts: 748
    edited December 1969

    This tutorial may help with using primitives to move dynamic clothing around.

    When I did my promos for the Dress Shirt for M4, one of them had M4 with his shirt pulled back by his left hand... People wanted to know how I did that, so I did this tutorial.

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