Daz Versions vs

ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,585

Recently in August, I installed  2nd latest (mandetory upgrade) DIM version, and content to a clean machine on an internal hard drivea handful of items were intalled with the newest version (mandetory upgrade) of DIM. I had 37 items missing both the thumbnails and file flags on newer items for G3 such as one character from the Olympia 7 Pro Bundle. The lost and found had a total of 234 items including the 37. On a different machine I have, a manual install, with only 8 items installed on an external hard drive without the CMS. I just made a backup, ugraded to newest version of DIM and installed all content via DIM including CMS just to see if Stusio was the culprit or DIM. I have 31 missing thumbnails but no flags. and lost and found has 33 items with thumbnails. For me is the winner. This does not seem to be DIM related but Studio related.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,707
    ...thank you for that bit of information. Still running the beta in tandem with the last release of 4.8. I don't bother with the CMS as it takes up too much display real estate. I did notice though in the beta when I attmpted ro load a couple older scenes one (created in the 4.8 beta) opened with some minor pose issues that were easy to correct. Tge other (created in either ver. 4.6 or 4.7) had more serious errors in that several scene elements loaded in as grey boxes. Most likely the older scene was created under the previous CMS format and some of the items used didn't have metadata files so that might have been the reason.
  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,323
    kyoto kid said:
    ...thank you for that bit of information. Still running the beta in tandem with the last release of 4.8. I don't bother with the CMS as it takes up too much display real estate. I did notice though in the beta when I attmpted ro load a couple older scenes one (created in the 4.8 beta) opened with some minor pose issues that were easy to correct. Tge other (created in either ver. 4.6 or 4.7) had more serious errors in that several scene elements loaded in as grey boxes. Most likely the older scene was created under the previous CMS format and some of the items used didn't have metadata files so that might have been the reason.

    I doubt missing meta data would cause those type of issues (ie figures/props loaded as grey blocks). Issues with metadata normally means you can not find a product in the Smart Content tab, grey boxes on the other hand almost always indicate that DS has not located the geometry of one or more of the items. Perhaps you uninstalled something since the last time you loaded up the old scene?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,707
    ...the only uninstalls I did was Reality 4 because it was very buggy and all GenX modules (which I reinstalled afterwards thinking that would fix why it wasn't showing up in tbe 4.9 beta). However, both of those are plugins and should not have affected any mesh content.
  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,323
    kyoto kid said:
    ...the only uninstalls I did was Reality 4 because it was very buggy and all GenX modules (which I reinstalled afterwards thinking that would fix why it wasn't showing up in tbe 4.9 beta). However, both of those are plugins and should not have affected any mesh content.

    I would not have thought their removal would be the reasons for the problems. The only other thing I can think of is that the paths to the assets in the older format are not being interpreted correctly, although in theory DS should be able to read in older formats (well at least anything saved in DS4.5 or later)

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,707
    ...that is my thinking.
  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,075

    And I've updated to the release version every time since 4.5 and not had content issues w/>3000 items installed.


  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    It is possible for the database to get messed up if you start Studio up too quickly after closing DIM but your actual content will still be intact, so Content Library pane will work but Smart Content pane will not.

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,585

    I added an old fish to my full cart, checked out, downloaded and installed with DIM (have never used connect) and one of the installs was an updated Install Filter. I attached jpgs in case someone can spot a rhyme or reason to this or add their thoughts. The last 3 digits of each jpg represents the last 3 digits in the Daz Studio version.

    • DIM stats are the same for 166 and 117 indicating 4010 products 3  of which I opted not to download.
    • Under the content tab the lists tend to differ (see ContentN jpgs).
    • Lost and Found verion 166 = 33 while version 117 = 874 (see LF jpgs).
    • Smart Content in version 166=2895 products vs version 117=4018 products (see Smart jpgs)
    • The old goldfish faired better in 117 and both versions populated the poser rabbit.
    425 x 1544 - 94K
    711 x 1561 - 89K
    3830 x 1600 - 368K
    3838 x 1600 - 978K
    3840 x 1600 - 1M
    3840 x 1600 - 1M
  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Content Library pane, not Smart Content or Products or Categories, if everything is fine their than it is a database/CMS problem.

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