Download Issues?

tiggerspringstiggersprings Posts: 304
edited August 2017 in The Commons

The other day, I started the long, tedious task of manually downloading my Daz3d order history.  Even though I'm a Poser-only customer, I have a lot of stuff going back to when I first stared in the last quarter of 2005.  There have been a few days where the downloads have been dreadfully slow, even on a fairly reliable connection.  This morning, while trying to download a few pages for the day, all I'm getting is a message that says:

502 Bad Gateway

Am I the only one having problems?

Post edited by tiggersprings on


  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,876

    Why not use DIM? It's the same files it downloads, and it's much easier - you can select all the files with a single click and then it will take care of the rest.

  • LOL I figured someone was bound to ask that.... Because I don't want to use DIM. I'm sorting files as I go, naming folders so that things that belong together--when I resume rebuilding my rutimes--will be grouped together. 

  • AtiAti Posts: 9,127

    The whole Daz site was down for a while, but it seems to be back up. You should try that download again.

  • tiggerspringstiggersprings Posts: 304
    edited August 2017

    I've downloaded a whole two things today... Progress! LOL  I may just call it a day.  I have a raging headache that's starting to make it difficult to think.

    I should have also added in my response to Taoz: I'm also making some lists while I work.  For

    * RDNA purchases that transfered and are in the account

    * Lisa's Botanicals (So I don't buy them at that other store)

    * DS-only stuff (Doesn't get downloaded)

    * Bryce-only stuff

    Probably going to add a mortem vetus list, as well, since a lot of their stuff has left here and gone to another store... Maybe a Cararra-only list as well... (never got far enough with it to buy much).

    Post edited by tiggersprings on
  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,876

    I've a whole two things today... Progress! LOL  I may just call it a day.  I have a raging headache that's starting to make it difficult to think.

    I should have also added in my response to Taoz: I'm also making some lists while I work.  For

    * RDNA purchases that transfered and are in the account

    If it's any help, you can use this to create a list of all your RDNA purchases:

    Just download your History, then select "Order #" under Search, enter "null" (without quotes) in the search field and click Search. It will then list them all. You can save the result in CSV format with File > Export.

    It does not list RDNA stuff purchased at DAZ though, only that which transfered.


  • tiggerspringstiggersprings Posts: 304
    edited August 2017

    Thanks, Taoz. I'm actually making a manual list of transfers because on two occassions, I caught a few things that should have been added to my account and weren't (since taken care of by customer service).  It's just a way to double-check. I actually ran your account toool the other day. :D

    I also have a fair few duplicates of old Daz content (thanks to bundling and re-bundling), so I'm thinking about making list of bundles and their contents... I used to have a list, but I think it sunk with my hard drives...

    Post edited by tiggersprings on
  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,876

    Sometimes it feels like 3D is more about content organization than rendering. The more you have, the less time you have to render. :)

  • Taoz said:

    Sometimes it feels like 3D is more about content organization than rendering. The more you have, the less time you have to render. :)

    LOL Isn't that the truth. It's going to take me years to rebuild my runtimes, at the rate I'm going...

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