Rogue Element & Arsenal Out Now [commercial)

IgnisSerpentusIgnisSerpentus Posts: 2,482
edited September 2017 in The Commons

If you liked hex, this one should be right up your alley. Its kitbashable like Hex was (but in a different way) has its own arsenal too (Lions instead of dragons this time) And unlike Hex, its mix and match, so you can load any color combo you like.


This version is for Genesis 3.... a Genesis 8 conversion cometh (dare I say the S word... yeah soon)

I also did a video so you guys can see what all it can do (theres A LOT to this set)


Got questions, just shoot! No really.. its cool. Im wearing kevlar ;)
1000 x 1300 - 1M
1000 x 1300 - 2M
Post edited by IgnisSerpentus on


  • let me be the first to congratulate you for this fantastic set. And as usual, it has this special IgnisSerpentus touch that one can recognise immediately

  • Aww ty so much for the compliment!

  • So the interesting thing about these promos, is that they are done after Greek Epics (in case folks were wondering why they are labelled, and what the story was behind them) From the 12 labors of Hercules, to Jason, Odysseus and Theseus. The set isnt intentionally Greek tho.... it just fits very well (actually, it fits in several different genres)


    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    1000 x 1300 - 2M
    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    1000 x 1300 - 1M
  • NyalaNyala Posts: 8
    edited September 2017

    Love it!!! The kind of set only you can create. ♥


    820 x 1150 - 751K
    820 x 1150 - 688K
    Post edited by Nyala on
  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662

    Looks like it is very nice. Congrats!

  • LaschaeLaschae Posts: 111

    Super awesome! Love it Barb <3



  • DireBunnyDireBunny Posts: 556
    edited September 2017

    Oh wait so it's not Rouge element, The massive pack of red make up options? Well that drastically altered the picture i was going to make.Oh well heres this picture instead i guess.

    Infinite Hazelnut Chaos.jpg
    1980 x 2800 - 2M
    Post edited by DireBunny on
  • Cropped version too. i would just edit it into my other post but apparently I'm not that bright and can't figure out how to attach in an edit.

    2828 x 2464 - 2M
  • Thanks you guys! Sorry Im a bit late to the party... I was sleeping, but who can sleep when you have a release? (I got 4 hours at least lol) So it was more like napping.

    Nyala: Both your images are awesome!!! I just saw them on my fb pg (and left you comments) wow!

    Laschae: Heh its nice to see you back up and rendering again after your card fiasco. And I sees you hasnt lost it one bit... dayum, that image is awesome. Love your lighting too... the metal is looking on fleek.

    Bunny: LOL at Rouge Element... well it does have a bit of that in the set too, so it works. And awesome render as always! I love the enviro and the reds too actually... and the character is totally adorable (but fierce!)

  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 794

    I just had to get this and the arsenal props even though I don't know how the heck I am going to use them, but I like the look so much I just had to have'em!!!!  Wish you had a "special" bundle pricing.  And when you bring out the version for G8F, I'll probably get 'em too!  

  • Thanks so much for the compliments, Im really glad people are digging on the set (and I hope to see more renders!)

    And yeah, I dont usually mess with the bundling with these, coz of how they are set up (and they are so involved besides) But after this set (and conversion) are done, Im scaling back to my normal, such as the likes of Lady D or War Bird (the next is actually already in progress) I may still do these special edition huge kitbashy ones with the arsenal, but Im gonna have to space them out more (Dev'ing Hex and this one so close together nearly killed me LOL)

  • wow ! what a amazing set !


    greats promo render !

  • Thanks Thadeus! :)

  • LaschaeLaschae Posts: 111

    Couldn't resist mixing it with Hex :D :D


  • Ok that is cool as Hel...heck I mean. heck. I didnt realize it would meld so well with Hex. Since theyre both built the same way tho, Ish like one big kitbash party lol And I am in love with the colors u used here, that backdrop is gorgeous!

  • Doing a driveby... would love to see more renders, so feel free to post if youve got any

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,272

    Quick question. Are the motion trails for the Phantoms II posable? Or just the jaw of the skull prop?

  • Yes... the flames have 15 posable joints to them (something akin to how a snake would be rigged) and there are poses too, so u can pose it up how you want.

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,272

    Woo-hoo! Have a serous need for that capability. (And in 3DL, too) Thank you!

  • No prob, anytime! :) And yeah, everything from War Bird fwd has both 3DL and iray (just in case anyone needs to know)

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    It's gorgeous! You did a wonderful job as usual on this, Iggy. The video was really interesting too. So many ways to use this set. I can't imagine the hours that went into making it. Sharing your pain on the summer allergies. Right now I just want to claw my eyes out because of the darned ragweed! 

  • IgnisSerpentusIgnisSerpentus Posts: 2,482
    edited September 2017

    Thanks hon!! The man hours were off the chain. I thot Hex was bad, but this one was worse with all the materials lol it was started back in Feb (tho I had to shelf it for a month, coz my old computer had issues, so I got a new machine) So prolly something like 4 mos dev. Needless to say, the next new one (already in progress) is gonna be scaled back a bit to the relative size of War Bird or Lady D.

    And yeah, allergies plague me a good portion of the year (I live in South Florida, one of the worst places to live if you have em) but theyre the worst in summer. 2 yrs ago, they got worse than they used to be (global warming I guess) This year, Ive been taking Claritin tho, which has helped a lot, but its sadly not perfect. But Ill take it lol

    Post edited by IgnisSerpentus on
  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662

    Is it me (probably is) or is this clothing seem quite memory intensive?

    I dropped Ophelia 7 in, and loaded the Rogue element clothing on her and the scene got laggy. A bit more than moderate I'd estimate. 

  • IgnisSerpentusIgnisSerpentus Posts: 2,482
    edited September 2017

    On a base level, its a bit higher than my norm, because of all the parts Ive built into it, to make it work on so many different levels.

    Additionally, its set to 1 on subd... but it doesnt *actually* need that to look good, and you can zero that out if you find it too laggy on your system.

    With the render Sub D dial, its set to 3 (and u will only find it laggy here via rendering with the HD morphs dialed in) To render the HD tho, it has to remain at 3 on the render dial (else if zeroed, it wont render them) You can lower it, but it wont look as good as at its intended level (the scratches require 3... all the other HD only require 2) But if you dont mind the slight decrease in quality, lowering the render dial is an option too.

    I love the HD... but I feel going fwd it might be too prohibitive for some people when its in clothing (something I only learned doing this set) So I think in the future, Ill prolly limit using that to only smaller sets (or characters)

    Post edited by IgnisSerpentus on
  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662

    ok, I see.
    I had a few things I was going to try and I will have to check into what you mentioned as well.
    ​It seems as though it's taxing my memory and/or processor. Render seems to be just fine, but I have a Aorus 1080ti. It's just good and laggy in the UI, scene area, controls etc.
    I think if I put any props in I'd be done for as far as moving around in the scene. haha =)
    The set looks spectacular though, and good job as always.
    ​Hopefully I'll be able to use it, not sure yet as I'm still testing.

  • IgnisSerpentusIgnisSerpentus Posts: 2,482
    edited September 2017

    Yeah, I originally wanted to include something that could zero the subd... unfortunately, thats not a setting you can save apparently, and would require a script.

    And yeah, the other issue is that I kind of dont feel it anymore lol I just bought a new computer this year (new i7 kaby lake, with a 1080) and its a beast... chews it up and spits it out like it aint no thang. So between that, all the pieces and the HD morphs, Ive been really concerned some may have issues. But just zeroing out the viewport's subd should help immensely. That effectively doubles what I have in the base... which looks pretty and all, but for some folks, it might be really slow.

    Post edited by IgnisSerpentus on
  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    AHA! I was wondering why I was getting lag with just Ophelia 7 and the outfit. laugh Forgot to look at the subD.  

    Yeah, I originally wanted to include something that could zero the subd... unfortunately, thats not a setting you can save apparently, and would require a script.

    And yeah, the other issue is that I kind of dont feel it anymore lol I just bought a new computer this year (new i7 kaby lake, with a 1080) and its a beast... chews it up and spits it out like it aint no thang. So between that, all the pieces and the HD morphs, Ive been really concerned some may have issues. But just zeroing out the viewport's subd should help immensely. That effectively doubles what I have in the base... which looks pretty and all, but for some folks, it might be really slow.


  • IgnisSerpentusIgnisSerpentus Posts: 2,482
    edited September 2017

    Yeah, zeroing the subd level does definitely make a difference.

    So heres an option til I can sort a better way - load the wearable preset onto genesis, select all, go to parameter tab under general, change the subd to base (u dont even have to zero it out... that tells DS no sub d) Then, you can save it as a wearable preset, so you always have it saved and ready to load (and not have to go thru that every time) Be sure to include the foot pose too, so you don't have to pose the feet for the boots.

    If u wanna be able to render the HD morphs, then u will have to instead set the HD view level to 0, and leave the HD render level as is

    I actually just made one, and as soon as I double check that its only referencing the geom, Ill drop it up here. Otherwise, I might have to go the long way of doing an update.

    Post edited by IgnisSerpentus on
  • jakiblue said:

    AHA! I was wondering why I was getting lag with just Ophelia 7 and the outfit. laugh Forgot to look at the subD.  

    Yeah, I originally wanted to include something that could zero the subd... unfortunately, thats not a setting you can save apparently, and would require a script.

    And yeah, the other issue is that I kind of dont feel it anymore lol I just bought a new computer this year (new i7 kaby lake, with a 1080) and its a beast... chews it up and spits it out like it aint no thang. So between that, all the pieces and the HD morphs, Ive been really concerned some may have issues. But just zeroing out the viewport's subd should help immensely. That effectively doubles what I have in the base... which looks pretty and all, but for some folks, it might be really slow.


    LOL yeah... I have gotten into the habit of having it on my stuff coz it gets rid of blocky bends from LP... its just with this one, which is heavier, it makes a difference more than usual.

  • IgnisSerpentusIgnisSerpentus Posts: 2,482
    edited September 2017

    Ok just tested it on my lappy... its gewd. Heres a no subd wearable for you guys. This will zero the view, but leave the render at its default lvl 3

    I will see about adding it to the set officially... but QA is pretty busy with the PA sale and whatnot, so it might take awhile

    Post edited by IgnisSerpentus on
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