Rogue Element & Arsenal Out Now [commercial)



  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662

    Lol, Jakiblue and myself both working with same clothing and same figure. Ophelia seems to fit with the clothing well though, hehe.
    ​I wouldn't even have suspected the render subD to be at 3, thanks for bringing that up Ignis. I lowered mine but it didn't seem to make any difference, but on a funny note I believe the wife is attemping to try and get a consecutive "Our Night" so I've been back and forth between her and the pc, lol!!
    ​I'll have to try and keep playing around with it. Thanks for the Preset Ignis, maybe I'll give it a try too. =)

  • No problem! Just have to drop it in the top level of the directory with the clothing... it will be next to the existing wearable (but with No SubD on it)

    And LOL I know how that goes. Some days my old man has to drag me away from work to go do other stuff. Or Ill do the "just a second... hours roll by" thing

  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662
    edited September 2017

    That Preset worked really well. Thanks Ignis.
    I like the clothing a lot, there's good variance and the color choices are really nice. Another great job.
    Heres a quick one:

    Litorian Warrior.jpg
    1667 x 2000 - 2M
    Post edited by HorusRa on
  • Oh wow that is stunning!!! Love the color (yeah, we all know Im a big sucker for the colors lol) Amazing work!

    Im glad the preset helped you out. I wish Id thot to do it as a wearable originally... coz I searched high and low for a way that could be done. It didnt even occur to me to do a wearable... doh!

  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662

    Oh wow that is stunning!!! Love the color (yeah, we all know Im a big sucker for the colors lol) Amazing work!

    Im glad the preset helped you out. I wish Id thot to do it as a wearable originally... coz I searched high and low for a way that could be done. It didnt even occur to me to do a wearable... doh!

    Thanks, but I'm not sure about that, it was thrown together quickly and only started as a test really and progressed from there.

    Well thanks again for making the Preset for us, and thanks for yet another wonderful clothing & weapon set. Always one of my most fav PA's.
    ​Have a wonderful holiday, you and yours.

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    LOVE this! and LOL not only were we both working on Ophelia and the outfit I was going for a blue/purplish/sunset-ish colour scheme as well.  Never fear tho, I've switched to Rune..but I'm still wanting a blue scheme. LOL

    HorusRa said:

    That Preset worked really well. Thanks Ignis.
    I like the clothing a lot, there's good variance and the color choices are really nice. Another great job.
    Heres a quick one:


  • Thats thrown together? You cant even tell, seriously. Betting the images you put real effort into are amazing. Anyway, you are most welcome... always glad to help out customers when and where I can. Only wish Id thot of the preset beforehand lol And thank you so much for the compliments... really glad to hear it when someone really likes the stuff I make.

    Hope everyone had a great holiday!

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281
    edited September 2017

    i don't know where to start with Rogue element, SO MANY IDEAS! LOL. 

    click for better view. 


    900 x 1800 - 2M
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • DireBunnyDireBunny Posts: 556
    edited September 2017

    Just finished my second picture, this time slightly tweaked a couple things. Couldn't decide if i wanted the Glaive or polearm, so i figured "Why not both?"

    2800 x 1833 - 825K
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  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662
    edited March 2019


    Post edited by HorusRa on
  • HorusRaHorusRa Posts: 1,662
    edited March 2019


    Post edited by HorusRa on
  • IgnisSerpentusIgnisSerpentus Posts: 2,482
    edited September 2017

    Great job guys!! I left you guys comments over at DA

    Sorry if Im hard to reach the next few days... Ive got hurricane Irma setting her sights on me (a category 5 hurricane) so Ive got to run and grab supplies and batten down the hatches

    Post edited by IgnisSerpentus on
  • GolaMGolaM Posts: 109
    edited September 2017

    This set has so many options! You really need to explore it. It's not one of those "Slap'em'on" sets :)
    Combine different visibileis with different textures for best effects.

    And if you ever run out of styles: I´ve made a texture addon for Rogue Elements and the Arsenal. Three new styles for armor and weapons. I didn't complete it in time for the sale, so it's not available here :(


    Further info on where to get it is on my deviantart profile:

    Courtier 1.png
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    Post edited by Chohole on
  • IgnisSerpentusIgnisSerpentus Posts: 2,482
    edited September 2017

    Ok really sorry I ran off from this thread. As you may or may not know, Hurricane Irma just hit here, so I had to deal with that (am in Ft Lauderdale Fl, so took an almost direct hit) Alls well that ends well... and we now resume our regularly scheduled programming.

    Congrats on your release Golam... hope its doing awesome!

    Post edited by IgnisSerpentus on
  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    So thankful you are safe @IgnisSerpentus!

    RE and Arsenal are awesome! I love the hierarchical presets, and the mix & match items, and the hair! We got hair! Still working on a scene and will post a render when I'm done.

  • Aw ty hon, I can't wait to see what you make!

  • DireBunnyDireBunny Posts: 556
    edited September 2017

    And here I thought she looked mad in my last pic...


    2400 x 1886 - 960K
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  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    LOVe it!!! 

    DireBunny said:

    And here I thought she looked mad in my last pic...



  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    Another play tonight. Still in my "warrior chick with colour and flames and fog" mood. Heh. 

    I used the Glowing Eyes for G3 product here, but I also then enhanced them with IgnisSerpentus' "Solar Brushes" (which I can't find in the store - are they still around?). Plus Phantoms II

    click for the larger version


    1200 x 1800 - 3M
  • You guys both did an awesome job on them.... and its funny how you both went for fiery colors lol

    And yeah Solar Fire is still in the store. I always forget about that one lol I did that ages ago

  • jakiblue said:

    Another play tonight. Still in my "warrior chick with colour and flames and fog" mood. Heh. 

    I used the Glowing Eyes for G3 product here, but I also then enhanced them with IgnisSerpentus' "Solar Brushes" (which I can't find in the store - are they still around?). Plus Phantoms II

    click for the larger version


    awesome. I was gonna say looks cool, but with those colours I don't think it could be cool, I could say thats hot, but i think that's copyrighted /s. You know I use those brushes all the time but i never think to mention it.

    I need that hair though.

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    The Warrior of Doom


  • dawnblade said:

    The Warrior of Doom


    oooh she looks cool

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    Thank you @DireBunny! Yours are awesome! smiley

  • DireBunny said:
    dawnblade said:

    The Warrior of Doom


    oooh she looks cool

    Oh this is gorgeous! I love the muted enviro, and that she stands out against it. The colors you used are also quite lovely, with the pink purple and turquoise. Gorgeous job!!! It has a very world of warcraft feel to it (which, while not being how I promoed the set, was ultimately one of its intentions... as the outfit also fits well on an elf level. Im glad someone caught that)

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    Thank you so much IgnisSerpentus! I used the 3Delight Revenant Umbra materials, and turned up the HD plate scratches morph for the scratched-up look. Also turned up the diffuse color intensity for the lion eyes for a bit more glow.

    These sets--like your other products--are awesome, but you surpassed yourself here. smiley yes

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