The complete guide to texturing by Esha items missing



  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited November 2017

    Hi Esha!  Happy to hear the issue is being looked into...and looks like they have been fixed as I see new downloads for the tutorials in my DIM!  Downloading now...


    Just wanted to note that the hyperlinks from the PDF do not start the videos for that section...I get an Acrobat error saying "could not open file (name of file) "

    Post edited by Kharma on
  • eshaesha Posts: 3,235

    That is weird about the hyperlinks. It has been tested on several different computers and worked fine.

    Are the folders named as shown in the pdf file?

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157

    Got the resources.  There is a little glitch with where they are installed.  The Part One folder is intergrated with your video files in the General > Esha > The Complete Guide to Texturing Clothing folder but then the other parts are in the main My Library folder under Esha > The Complete Guide to Texturing Clothing > so it seems the paths for the last 4 parts needs to be upgraded for future dowloaders.  I just grabbed all 4 folders, CUT, and PASTE to the The Complete Guide to Texturing Clothing folder and all is right with the world.  My lord, 10 gigs of files and videos.  Backing up now... not loosing any of this!  lol 

  • CganCgan Posts: 7

    Hi all - 

    I'm puzzled by the hyperlinks not working in the PDF but anxious to help solve the problem. As esha has stated, it was tested on several different configurations (completely different people and isolated systems), and all seemed to work fine. I've double-checked the file that I sent to esha and the links in part one point to where they should, contrary to what Liana reported. (Liana, not saying your wrong... just puzzled).

    Additionally, depending on your security settings of Acrobat, you may have to "allow" Acrobat to open the media file, so assuming that all these have been allowed, the links within the PDF are all relational links and provided the PDF was loaded as outlined at the beginning of the document (in the root folder where the video's are loaded), and the videos unzipped to the same root folder without changing any names, they should work.

    That said, 'should' and 'don't' go hand in hand with computers, so after checking your config, and it's correct, please send me an email to [email protected] with any screen grabs showing the error message or configuration along with the OS you're running and your Order Number. If you can open a word doc, I have that format that may work more consistently I can offer you. I have more control over the links. But opted not to send due to the different OS people use. Hope this helps. I think that the PDF is a big help in such a large tutorial and want to see people pleased with it. Not frustrated ;-)

    — What great thing would you create today, if you weren't afraid to fail? —

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157

    Foxit doesn't seem to work with the links so I switched to the Edge browser and they work well.  Not sure if there is a setting I need in Foxit to be turned on as I have no idea what or where to look for that... 

  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035
    edited November 2017

    It's ok Cgan. I am use to being the oddball when it comes to weird things happening. lol

    I just got home, so I have not checked anything else. I just downloaded the files manually and unzipped them in a folder I named, "Esha's clothing texturing guide". I didn't do anything else but look for the pdf. Maybe that has something to do with it all? I usually do all my tutorials by downloading manually. I can try going through DIM if anyone thinks that might make a difference. I know when I downloaded the 2nd time files that weren't there before showed up. *shrugs*

    I will take a look at acrobat. I just have the reader.

    Add & updated: I went to check out the security settings on acrobat. It is set at 'no security' and is a light grey color meaning I could not change it if I wanted to, so acrobat seems to be ok.

    Post edited by Liana on
  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035

    I downloaded part one through DIM and well I can not get to the tutorials that way. It's even worse in my opinion. I will do it the old fashion way and just go into my manually downloaded files.

  • CganCgan Posts: 7

    Hi Liana - 

    In my humble opinion, we're all oddballs. If we weren't, we wouldn't be here and friends would be boring. ;-)

    I can't understand why a manual download vs DIM would make a difference. I usually do a manual download for tutorials as well, and all the testers would not have had access to DIM, since it was before being uploaded to Daz.

    And I wouldn't expect a difference between Acrobat and Reader. Both should work.

    One thing I would try, if your path above is accurate, is remove the apostrophe from "Esha's" name. That may be part of the problem, but provided the PDF is in this folder and the video folders are also in this folder and not renamed, it should be higher in the folder hierarchy than PDF is looking at. But I have noticed that PDF in Acrobat/Reader does a weird thing, where it turns a relative link into an absolute link based on the folder it's in, at least when I open the link in Acrobat to edit. It's unclear as to whether the software is trying to help me understand where it's looking, or if it really is turning it into an absolute link. It's worth a try and also one of the reason's I like the word index. It doesn't do this. It keeps the relative link, relative.

    I'm happy to provide the word doc to you (or anyone) if you can open it. It may make a difference.

    — And what is an ocean, but a multitude of drops. —

  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035
    edited November 2017
    Cgan said:

    Hi Liana - 

    In my humble opinion, we're all oddballs. If we weren't, we wouldn't be here and friends would be boring. ;-)

    I can't understand why a manual download vs DIM would make a difference. I usually do a manual download for tutorials as well, and all the testers would not have had access to DIM, since it was before being uploaded to Daz.

    And I wouldn't expect a difference between Acrobat and Reader. Both should work.

    One thing I would try, if your path above is accurate, is remove the apostrophe from "Esha's" name. That may be part of the problem, but provided the PDF is in this folder and the video folders are also in this folder and not renamed, it should be higher in the folder hierarchy than PDF is looking at. But I have noticed that PDF in Acrobat/Reader does a weird thing, where it turns a relative link into an absolute link based on the folder it's in, at least when I open the link in Acrobat to edit. It's unclear as to whether the software is trying to help me understand where it's looking, or if it really is turning it into an absolute link. It's worth a try and also one of the reason's I like the word index. It doesn't do this. It keeps the relative link, relative.

    I'm happy to provide the word doc to you (or anyone) if you can open it. It may make a difference.

    — And what is an ocean, but a multitude of drops. —

    Hi Cgan :)

    Hahaha ..Life would be slightly boring also I would suspect. :P Thanks for answering back and that manual downloading was ok.

    I guess my path is accurate. I just downloaded the files and placed them in a folder to be unzipped. I went ahead and changed the name of my main folder like you mentioned that I had placed all the zip folders into see if that helped. Still the same issue 'link to video not found'.

    I took some screen shots if it helps any with my folder heirarchy and the message I get from acrobat.

     I can open a word document too. I have Word 2000 and Open office writer. I use to have Word 2007 to make a long story short it is gone forever. 

    Here is my screen shots: Yea, I am originally and still am Gimper for the most part. :D


    screen shot desktop_folder.png
    1920 x 1080 - 2M
    screenshot folder heirarchy.png
    1920 x 1080 - 980K
    screenshot folder heirarchy of chap08.png
    1920 x 1080 - 850K
    screen shot2.png
    1920 x 1080 - 1M
    screen shot3.png
    1920 x 1080 - 1M
    Post edited by Liana on
  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214

    @Cgan I am not sure if this will help but I did install with DIM and I am attaching the error message I get when clicking on the links in the pdf.  I'm not sure if it makes a difference but if you note the file it links to is CLICKHERE to start the tutorial.html and in the folder that same file ends in mp4

    esha tutorial.jpg
    764 x 817 - 113K
  • CganCgan Posts: 7

    @Kharma and @Liana, THANK YOU for your screen grabs. I can now see the problem. <lightbulb above head>

    When I submitted the zipped files to Daz for testing, they were all in named specifically in a manner that I knew the PDF would expect, hence relational links worked, but they were BIG downloads. Way larger than usual and would have been a pain in the (you-know-what) for many users, so Daz has kindly repackaged them to accomodate smaller download's. Totally understandable, just unexpected as well as adding a SKU at the beginning of the file. I should have anticipated this. Bad me. LOL

    Additionally, the PDF has been placed in a folder separate and apart from the videos... ie, not following the folder structure that I outlined at the beginning of the PDF document. Again, I should have anticipated this.

    Give me a day to rework the PDF with the new file structure (it's a lot of links) and I'll upload here (if I can), or provide a link, or provide an update to Daz. (or all of the above). :-)

    Liana - question for you since you download and install manually. Do you maintain the file structure of the folders? Ie, you don't put them somewhere else on your drive in a completely different location? This will have a bearing of how I create the PDF.

    Thanks both.



  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035
    Cgan said:

    @Kharma and @Liana, THANK YOU for your screen grabs. I can now see the problem. <lightbulb above head>

    When I submitted the zipped files to Daz for testing, they were all in named specifically in a manner that I knew the PDF would expect, hence relational links worked, but they were BIG downloads. Way larger than usual and would have been a pain in the (you-know-what) for many users, so Daz has kindly repackaged them to accomodate smaller download's. Totally understandable, just unexpected as well as adding a SKU at the beginning of the file. I should have anticipated this. Bad me. LOL

    Additionally, the PDF has been placed in a folder separate and apart from the videos... ie, not following the folder structure that I outlined at the beginning of the PDF document. Again, I should have anticipated this.

    Give me a day to rework the PDF with the new file structure (it's a lot of links) and I'll upload here (if I can), or provide a link, or provide an update to Daz. (or all of the above). :-)

    Liana - question for you since you download and install manually. Do you maintain the file structure of the folders? Ie, you don't put them somewhere else on your drive in a completely different location? This will have a bearing of how I create the PDF.

    Thanks both.

    @Cgann You are most welcome!  I wondered if that was not the case Daz might have sort of changed them being that I have found sessions/chapter folders in illogical folder sequences. For example, I would go to part2 folder 2of 4 for like session 10, find session 13 instead, and then find session 10 in folder part 4of 4 kind of thing. I have to admit it has made finding videos quit interesting. :)

    When I download any zip files they go to my downloads folder. I just move them to a easily found and organized main folder of my choice and unzip the files there. Right now that particular folder is on my desktop for easy access to watch the tutorial. How I have it set it up right now is just like in the screen shots. If that helps any. :)

  • CganCgan Posts: 7

    Hi All - 

    I've created a new PDF that should work with the folder structure that the manual install or DIM uses. It's explained at the beginning of the PDF. I've tested all of Part 1 and it's working and corrected all the rest (though not tested). I've uploaded here, so, not familiar with this sytem, hopefully you can download it. It is meant to replace (overwrite) the PDF that comes with the Daz install PDF.

    By all means, please let me know if it's working or not, as the case may be. I spend a lot of extra time creating linked PDF's and want to make sure that the customer is happy with the product.



  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited December 2017

    I copied and pasted this new file into the folder where DIM installed to and I am getting the exact same error messages as I posted in my screen shot above.  The path to the pdf is my library/general/esha/complete guide to texturing clothing/ *.pdf

    I am going to this folder opening the pdf and then clicking on the links in the me the error message as mentioned above


    One more thing...if I go to the pdf in the chapter 1 folder and click on the link, I get a message saying it need to be opened with firefox and a warning about macros etc. If i click on open it will open the video in firefox..I am a chrome user.

    Post edited by Kharma on
  • CganCgan Posts: 7


    The PDF needs to be put in the directory called "Readme's". There should be a folder on the same level as your general folder (ie. My library/ReadMe's/).

    When you put the PDF into this folder, the links should work. They will not work where Daz has also put duplicate copies in with the videos in the path you mentioned above. Please try that and let me know. I'm confident (mostly) that this will solve the problem. ;-)

    Also, re the warning about macros, there is little that I can do to prevent this message, but suffice it to say that if you're loading content from Daz, it should be considered a secure source. I can assure you there's nothing malicious in the link... it's just a hyperlink. It's odd, though, that it's launching Firefox as a default video player. This could be a setting in your configuration. It's nothing within the PDF. For example, on my system, when I double click on the link, it opens MS Edge, since I use Edge as my default browser.

    All the video, with the exception of the very first file called "TexturingClothing00" should open in a browser window by double clicking on the hyperlink. What it's doing is launching an html file called "CLICK HERE to start the Tutorial.html" within each relevant folder. This enables the indexing I've put in the videos (click on the three horizontal bars in the lower right corner of the player). Since the very first file "TexturingClothing00" had no links, I didn't notice until I went back to fix the PDF that this first file is an MP4 and should launch in whatever your default MP4 player is on your system.

    To check your default apps in Windows 10, click on the start icon, select Settings, select Apps, select Default Apps and scroll through the list. You may change the default apps as you see fit by clicking on the default app shown and selecting something different (in your case, ensure that Chrome is your default browser app). In other OS or versions of windows, I recommend doing a web search and the steps will be similiar.

    Let me know if this solves your issues. <fingers crossed> 

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214

    thank you cgan...that worked!  I put the new file in my readme`s folder and then put a shortcut to it on the desktop and the links work just fine now altho they still open in firefox ( must have it set as my default for some odd reason).  it would definitely be nice if DAZ could update the file to put the readme inthe correct folder and it would show in DIM when you look at installed files so users can find it.

  • CganCgan Posts: 7


    That's great to hear. When I downloaded the files using DIM, I noticed that it installed one copy in ReadMe's and additional copy in each of the folders Names "Part X", etc. I opted to changed the one in ReadMe because if I chose the other(s), I'd have to make six different PDF's all linked from different locations.

    Of interest, I also note that Esha's Photoshop Action file is in the root directory of the "Part X" instead of in Chapter X Resources (which is where I would look). If you don't look in the root folder, you'll never see it.

    I've sent the PDF to Daz and suspect they'll update the download, but the last thing I want is for everyone to have to do this massive download again, just for the sake of a 600K PDF. LOL.

    I hope you like the series. I know I learned A TON editing this series. I thought I was a Photoshop poweruser before, but Esha put's me to shame. I especially love Smart Objects and Puppet Warp.

    Happy Texturing.

  • eshaesha Posts: 3,235

    To chime in: I put the Action file in the root folder because it's not linked to any particular chapter, it will be useful for all chapters. If I had put it into chapter 1, people who buy only part 3 (or any other part) wouldn't have got it. So that's why. But I see that I probably should have made a separate folder for it to make it easier to find.

    I've never done such a big tutorial product before, and not having a typical Daz product with the usual standardized folder structure adds to the complications. I beg your pardon for the errors and misunderstandings that happened. Next time will go a lot smoother (I hope LOL)

  • LianaLiana Posts: 1,035
    edited December 2017

    @Cgan I redownloaded part one files unzipped them in my 'root or main' folder. I tried this out and replaced the pdf you did with the one Daz had in the readmes file. I still get the errors. *shrugs* I had a theory when I first wrote this and went to finish up outside projects while I mulled it over a bit. I finally got it to work. I use to have acrobat pro and that might have caused me some issues. I uninstlled it and made sure I had an updated acrobat reader. Anyways, a long story short. I got it to work. All is good now. :)

    @Esha What is exacty an "action file"? Is that the pdf outline?

    Add: I think we all learned from this and should not feel bad. It did seem like a lot of extra work even on my end too. :)

    Edit/Add: I got the first 2 links in part 1 to work after that they can not be found again and don't link up to the video. Oh, well.... Maybe it's just me.

    Post edited by Liana on
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