Physics Plugin Community Feedback [Commercial]



  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    Hi,, I expect if the plugin may work with rigged cloth?

    I test and play simulation only in blender, then the cloth simulation can work with rigged weight clothing easy.
    (About blender, the weight for vertex group which assigned to Actor Rig)

    that means each vertex are simulated, first with rig weight then overwrite pinned simulation weight
    (we can color weight for vertex about pin(simualtion) weight too)

    When the cloth mesh vertecies re all connected, I need not many tweak about clothing mesh,
    just acjust calculation value, then color pin weight.

    eg In daz studio,
    1 assign Pin groups for ds rigged clothing poligons, which need to calculate cloth simulation.
    2 color weight map for simulation, by ds brush tool (or some like tool, the plug in may offer) about pin grouped poligons
    ( you can simply assing all mesh as pin group, then color weight)

    if I color piin weight 100% , vertex move only by rig weight . (no simulation)
    if I color pin weight 0% vertex move by weight color + calcuated simulation 100%

    3 set colison target, (if geometry shell work, it great ) for Actor, (might need other clothing mesh too )

    I heve not tested iclone or carrara simulation with daz clothing, but I think they might not work, without changing mesh
    rigging, or re-make mesh from scratch, (that means we can not use daz rigged clothing, I miss understanding?)
    Anyway,, I want to get plug-in for daz studio, with current daz triax weight figures.

    it seems better than make Cone type clothing, or need to add colison target primitive etc,,,,

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,054
    edited March 2014

    Kit, I have tried too
    I found
    Daz clothing needs to welded for softbody in any app
    Poser cloth and for that matter Optitex only one poly thick no seams if possible
    I have used it with proxy objects on figures in iClone but polycount very limited there and no pinning via 3dx5
    carrara only good for drapes and non vertex animated collisions (ignores mesh moved by morphs and bones)
    I think all the above indeed possible in studio as Optitex can do it but the question is whether a third party app can make those calls, indeed like LAMH and Garibaldi hair, a seperate app plugged in in effect in a new window to do the calculations then convert to vertex morphs might be the only way.
    like Hexagon, photoshop and Zbrush bridging.

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited March 2014

    Hi wendy,, thanks to clear guide me,,It is helpful for me how I play and study simulation,
    I know, I usually try inpossible way ^^;

    >carrara only good for drapes and non vertex animated collisions (ignores mesh moved by morphs and bones)
    this is waht I often hoped to ask someusers of carrara. it is really helpful.

    I think, if I ask it with my english, usually Carrara user say work well, and can use genesis without many problem
    you can use carrara physics simulation,, it work with cloth,,
    now it can load duf ,,,so you can play with genesis in Carrara,, etc,,

    But without knowing what I can not , even though I start lierning Cararra again, it make me many stress ^^;
    ( learn many aprication at same time easy cause many difficulity for new commer, like me,,)

    then I really hope to try optitex plug in but there seems no way , to make simple dynamic cloth or hair for optitex plugin,
    or Can I tweak optitex free products, then it work with plug-in too?

    I think I can only change materials,, or Can I tweak vartex of optitex clothing? then it can simulate as same as before?)

    (it is not about new plug in but, optitex plug in must concern about this topic^^;
    and if vendor release new plug-in .
    It may need new future,, which other plug-in could not achieve,,then compare them is useful,,)

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,054
    edited December 1969

    after you freeze the optitex simulation you can indeed edit the morphing cloth
    though you are stuck with that animated morph sequence.
    I open the saved .duf in carrara and delete mesh in vertex room while keeping the simulation morphs, you cannot add verts
    you can also alter uv mapping I think.
    this can be done in hexagon too

  • tscott_f9a8e65d7ctscott_f9a8e65d7c Posts: 50
    edited December 1969

    We are also considering several other possible plugins for development and are interested in finding out which ones are of interest to the community and what priority we should assign them. If you want to help out, please answer the following short survey.

  • Hermit CrabHermit Crab Posts: 841
    edited December 1969


    I've just posted another short video of draping experiments in Carrara. The final two-thirds are only screenshots because the animations pass so quickly.

    Wendy is correct in pointing out the limitations in Carrara. Draping cloth collides with a figure's limbs but if the limbs move towards the cloth, they pass through. I had a (very) little success with attaching spheres for collision but I haven't done what iclone is capable of.

    What you can do in Blender doesn't seem possible to me in Carrara. Please remember I'm only learning though.

  • I'm desperate urgently need active and passive rigged body simulation where character or objects within the scene tab will not gothrough the floor or any other objects collide
    grass collide detection for character or object

  • your website Tomjscott

  • one can assume this is dead? last update was over a year ago.

  • and since then iClone 6 came along with PhysX cloth, just a pity it cannot be re-exported as of yet, am still hoping it will come.

    an in studio solution would have been nice

  • This project has been dead for a very long time. Sorry. I no longer use Daz and have no need for it.

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