3delight figure render START delay, FW Lara, and others.



  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
    edited December 1969

    No HD details, that is a drastic improvement for test renders, thanks Fisty and SimonJM.

    I just see this topic.
    Yes the freeze comes from the type of SSS used.
    Yes the duration of the freeze, and also of of the total calculation, will largely depend upon the resolution of the figures, and this is 99% due to the SSS.
    Indeed, in the default shader provided the SSS brick based on a Subsurface scattering which is very good, but presents the drawback of being dependent on the mesh resolution (in term of speed).
    Since I'm very impatient human being, and I risked to have my nerves exploding waiting at the freeze, the SSS I included in amazing skins is not the same, not as respectful of the laws of physics as the base SSS. But this was a compromise I found acceptable between render speed, no freeze, flexibility and quality of results.
    Everything is a matter of preference and compromise. AoA's shader is excellent, but just I cannot wait for renders to start. HSS shaders are very good too, just a bit too slow on HD figure. Amazing skins are fast and flexible, but the SSS type will never allow you to reach translucency (when light come from backwards on the ears of people). Depends on preferences, and finally we should be happy to have so many different options on figures rendering :)

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the thoughts and advice and clarifications Kadix. I'm pleased that everything else I've gotten from FW-Art thus far, has included Alternate shaders when it is needed.

    No watch, someone will say I missed something, that's my luck. I have this figure by FW Art and... :coolhmm:

  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the thoughts and advice and clarifications Kadix. I'm pleased that everything else I've gotten from FW-Art thus far, has included Alternate shaders when it is needed.

    No watch, someone will say I missed something, that's my luck. I have this figure by FW Art and... :coolhmm:

    ...And just enjoy and play with it!
    whenever you want to swap any shader in fact you can swap for it in a very easy way. For amazing skins, it is included, for AoA, just select the genesis base figure AoA's material (the one which has the same UV you have), and CRTL click on it, make "ignore map", you will swap the shades, and for HSS this is the same, CRTL click any material preset for a figure, ignore map and the base shaders will be swapped. Well I'm not using this in general, but I think I remember I did it once or twice with HSS.
    Personally I have a directory with base materials for all the base figures in order to have UV sets, and only crtl click to swap when I want.

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 1969

    So those presets are not just for the Daz Original Name-6 figures. I don't need to revert some one back to a base mat, That's good to know. Thanks.

    That Ctrl-click is very handy all over the place in daz studio. :coolsmile:

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 2014

    Light SSS or Dark SSS, What one?

    Cypherfox said:
    Greetings, (SNIP) The question that needs to be asked is what is your scene? If your scene is set in a well-lit studio or outdoors with a shining sun, then you'll want the Light SSS. If it's in a dimly lit street, with the only light a streetlamp half-a-block away and the moonlight shining down, then you'll want the Dark SSS.

    At least that's my understanding.

    -- Morgan

    I just had to look back here, to figure out what one for the FWSA Gingersnap makeup options. I'd rather not be simply guessing what mat is loaded by the smart tab icon, As I don't think it would be cool if the body and face are using different light-level mats.

    I'm not even to a point of doing a test spot render yet, so no clue on start-delay. Tho The HD sliders are on full by default from the smart-tab (Note to self), so sliding them off should help dramatically for setting up ,lights. And as discovered with another figure, matching the outfit color to the makeup, lol.

    (EDIT, well about 4 minutes at bottom of the barrel render settings, for the render to START to show pixels. With HD details OFF. forget that, I have other things to do instead of waiting on seeing what the light adjustments have done. I just don't have the patience for that today)

    "O" and a humble thanks for including an alternate shader for FWF Sumiko and Maeki, it helped drastically and they had the same color as the regular one making setting up a test scene a cinch.

    1140 x 750 - 311K
    1150 x 763 - 314K
    800 x 400 - 108K
    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 1969

    Yet another example of that annoying Face-plant time. All I wanted to know, was whether I got the shorts out of the shirt or not.

    Unfortunately, none of the "Daz Original" figure that I have, have an 'Alternate Shader', so that is not an option this time. That is the biggest reason, I don't use them much at all in my renders, and when I do, It's with someone else's mat, except this one time.

    The obnoxious solution for reflective surfaces that render all the figures in the scene. Go threw the scene tab, and click the eyeball on every single figure, adjust the other stuff, then turn the figures back on for the final render. Now for adjusting cloths on figures, that isn't exactly a good solution for obvious reasons.

    587 x 614 - 271K
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
    edited December 1969

    8 minutes ! OUCH!
    You can always set SSS off for the figures...
    Or you know my alternate solution xD

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 1969

    Kadix said:
    8 minutes ! OUCH!
    You can always set SSS off for the figures...
    Or you know my alternate solution xD
    This time around, altering the figure's shaders was a no-go. Not even for Leopard skin.
    I did eventually get the shorts out of the shirt. And now I'm redoing the render with shorter skirts, to keep shadows off the color-cubs, lol.
  • V3DigitimesV3Digitimes Posts: 3,105
    edited December 1969

    Oh Ok, I understand now!
    What an ambitious project you're doing here... Gotta be patient. Drink coffee, take a shower, and wait for the first pixel to appear!
    Lol, good luck!

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited March 2015

    You can always apply a new shader to a an object, select the object in the Scene pane and the surface(s) in the Surface pane. Hold Ctrl/Cmd button when applying shader if you don't want to change the textures, although this doesn't seem to be necessary with all shaders.

    Post edited by jestmart on
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