ot woes Blizzard coming



  • cdemeritcdemerit Posts: 505
    edited December 1969

    Flower? Or flour?

    Well since some kinds of Flour can be made from Flowers... I'd say both.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,452
    edited January 2015

    cdemerit said:
    Flower? Or flour?

    Well since some kinds of Flour can be made from Flowers... I'd say both.

    Hmmm,... well then, if you could spray that type of material from a hose would the hose be considered a flower flour flow-er? 8-s

    But to stay on topic, we've received more snow here than I like to drive in so I'm staying in today. Roads are frozen and snow coated, car is under 8 inches of snow. I'm retired, I have food, heat, entertainment and brandy so I'm hunkering down.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited January 2015

    Well, it's around 10:20 am here... It's still snowing, we only have about 22-26 inches over here... Depends on who you listen to.
    I measured the snow in several spots that are wide open and don't show signs of being a drift and that was around 28 inches...
    The average drifts are around 3.5 - 4.5 feet... But the wind gusts are so strong that in some spots there is barely a foot.
    So far they say the totals are NYC: 8-12 inches. Nassau County: 12-15 inches Suffolk County: 18-28 inches... But all of that varies because of concentrated banding...
    Who knows how much snow we actually got...
    We have reached the point in the storm where the snow mobiles come out...
    In other parts of the nation, that's no biggie... But around here that is the realm of those with more money than brains, so usually it means that the owners of those snowmobiles stay inside while their stupid fifteen year old kids rip around the streets... You know that when someone finally gets hurt, they'll be claiming that the kids didn't have permission to use them, though how someone sneaks a snowmobile out of the yard without being heard is debatable.

    I tried the cat sled... I could only get one of the neighbors cats to volunteer, but once I said "mush!" he just walked away in disgust... I probably should have used a cat harness, but all I had was one from the chimps that write my readmes, so it didn't fit so well...
    Sucks because I paid him up front with a half a Tilapia fillet.
    That was gonna be my lunch snack... So now no lunch snack or valuable cat sled data.

    Personally I'm a little disappointed, I was really looking forward to a "The Day After Tomorrow" scenario where I antagonize roaming wolf packs, indiscriminately burn furniture, and experiment lightly with cannibalism... I know they didn't do that in the movie, but come on- they were all concerned about starving within the first ten minutes of NYC freezing over, and I'd be all like... "Snow, frozen people... We are set for a while..." Besides that was in the NY public library, there had to be several books in there somewhere on how to cook people.
    Too much?

    Well, anyway... Take it easy out there... and inside too... Imagine if you fall down and break your arm in your living room and you have to go back to work and explain it happened on soft carpeting as opposed to being mugged by penguins.
    I'm just saying...


    Post edited by McGyver on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,452
    edited December 1969

    I like him! He's silly!!

    118 x 200 - 11K
  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 794
    edited December 1969

    NYC/NJ here----all that hoopla for nothing :-/ Well I guess better prepared than sorry is always good, plus I got the day off :-)

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,452
    edited February 2015

    Alright, alright, alright already! You people on the New England coast can stop trying to out-do Buffalo. We surrender... (this year). 8-s

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • cdemeritcdemerit Posts: 505
    edited February 2015

    Alright, alright, alright already! You people on the New England coast can stop trying to out-do Buffalo. We surrender... (this year). 8-s

    I usually feel sorry for you folks in Buffalo, but, I think this year, I'm gonna send the snow back to you guys FedEx.

    Post edited by cdemerit on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    is snowing

    be better to be snowed in with a pizza. brave pizza delivery people

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,452
    edited February 2015

    OK, I surrendered on the snow problems. But top this New England... I woke up this morning and didn't look at the temperature until 9:00 AM via the Weather channel and it was -13F here in the country west of Jamestown (50 miles south of Buffalo). Raw temperature not wind chill. Makes me wonder what it was at 5:00AM.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • RCDescheneRCDeschene Posts: 2,800
    edited December 1969

    Well, I can say this much, no single here in Boston felt screwed-over this Valentine's Day; instead, all the couples did! :)

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,452
    edited February 2015

    I got up at 5:00 this morning. Temperature according to computer was -15F.

    Now, at 6:45 AM temperature has fallen to -17F. Sun's just coming up, sky is clear, no wind. Brrrrr

    Actually, the computer temperature is measured somewhere near here, probably at the Jamestown airport about 10 miles away. The thermometer on my porch says -20F and it gets hit by exhaust from the furnace only about 12 feet away. So draw your own conclusions.

    Edited to add: Oops, just checked "WeatherChannel" and they seem to be more on the mark or their sample is newer. They say -22F (-30C), so my porch thermometer may actually be right!

    Back in the 60's when I was in high school I remember several times the thermometer out our kitchen window said -20, or -30 and I even think I remember a -40 or two. After graduation I moved away to college in Florida, made my career in Florida and Washington,DC. Remind me please, why I retired back here! 8-s

    212 x 224 - 19K
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    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,054
    edited December 1969

    After two 40C days we finally got a nice one in the high twenties, living in the oven, I cannot even begin to comprehend what it is like for you guys in the freezer!!!

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,452
    edited February 2015

    I haven't been out of the house(i.e. off the porch) since last Tuesday (6 days). Haven't opened the door for 2 days Swept the 6 inches of dry powdery snow off the porch on Saturday. Took me 90 seconds and that was 30 seconds too long.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,167
    edited December 1969

    time for you western NY'ers to head out to the Anchor Bar and stock up on wings (is it still there?)
    were expecting 1" in Charlotte and the county will likely shut down at first snowflake. We wrecked our only snow plow in a Monster Truck Rally last week.
    Yee Haw!

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,124
    edited December 1969

    Snow is being threatened in Raleigh but no snow yet.

  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,167
    edited December 1969

    Snow is being threatened in Raleigh but no snow yet.

    do you have everything you need to make french toast? Eggs, Milk, Bread?
    evidently that's what you do down here when the sprinkles attack.

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited February 2015

    cinnamon, need that to, lol

    Just finished pulling over two feet of Stuff No One Wants off the roof. I feel better now, and am quite sore :coolsmirk:
    We got 5.7 inches over the weekend here, not quite 10 to 14 inches, still enough to find it difficult to get that S-word stuff over the banks.

    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,452
    edited February 2015

    time for you western NY'ers to head out to the Anchor Bar and stock up on wings (is it still there?) ...

    Sorry, I don't know if the Anchor Bar (birthplace of "Buffalo Wings") is still there. I don't like chicken wings and I rarely get to Buffalo (60 miles north). If I need a dose of franchise food or a real mall it's much easier for me to go to Erie, Pennsylvania (60 miles west) and the traffic isn't quite so hectic and the weather is more predictable. Although I do get to Buffalo about once a year for a symphony concert at Kleinhan's Music Hall (a nice but tattered theater).

    I get to Cleveland, Ohio about as often as I get to Buffalo, and Cleveland is 175 miles away. Last time I was in Cleveland I attended a symphony at Severance Hall (wonderful, beautiful theater)

    I've already got my big concert ticket for this year. Will catch Mahler's 1st Symphony "The Titan" at Heinz Hall in Pittsburgh in the summer.

    I can only afford a big concert about once a year. I'm retired and living on Social Security but I save my pennies for things I appreciate. And despite my limited income I think I'm on a binge of "collecting" relatively near-by symphony halls. I need to get to Toronto (Thompson Hall), and NYC (Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center) before I kick the bucket.

    Living so close to Chautauqua Institution (20 miles) I get to attend several concerts there in the Chautauqua Amphitheater in the short summer season. Sometimes for only $20 instead of the usual $40. But $40 is still half of a typical $80-$100 price of a major concert hall. Which I grin at when I think about how much people spend to go to some sports games.

    When I lived in Washington DC I was a semi-regular at the Kennedy Center and Wolftrap. But that was when I young, beautiful, and liberally employed.

    Chautauqua Institution: 2015 season http://ciweb.org/lecture-themes-2015
    Take this video tour to see the breadth, flavor and ambience that Chautauqua offers: http://ciweb.org/chautauqua-vacation?gclid=CMGsmKyD58MCFWQV7AoddQEA1Q
    In the previous link in the "Arts & Entertainment" pull-down at the top of the page you'll find this page which gives a good example of the events that take place in the Amphitheater at Chautauqua.

    Chautauqua is one of the best kept secrets in the country!

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,167
    edited December 1969

    time for you western NY'ers to head out to the Anchor Bar and stock up on wings (is it still there?) ...

    Sorry, I don't know if the Anchor Bar (birthplace of "Buffalo Wings") is still there. I don't like chicken wings and I rarely get to Buffalo (60 miles north). If I need a dose of franchise food or a real mall it's much easier for me to go to Erie, Pennsylvania (60 miles west) and the traffic isn't quite so hectic and the weather is more predictable. Although I do get to Buffalo about once a year for a symphony concert at Kleinhan's Music Hall (a nice but tattered theater).

    I get to Cleveland, Ohio about as often as I get to Buffalo, and Cleveland is 175 miles away. Last time I was in Cleveland I attended a symphony at Severance Hall (wonderful, beautiful theater)

    I've already got my big concert ticket for this year. Will catch Mahler's 1st Symphony "The Titan" at Heinz Hall in Pittsburgh in the summer.

    I can only afford a big concert about once a year. I'm retired and living on Social Security but I save my pennies for things I appreciate. And despite my limited income I think I'm on a binge of "collecting" relatively near-by symphony halls. I need to get to Toronto (Thompson Hall), and NYC (Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center) before I kick the bucket.

    Living so close to Chautauqua Institution (20 miles) I get to attend several concerts there in the Chautauqua Amphitheater in the short summer season. Sometimes for only $20 instead of the usual $40. But $40 is still half of a typical $80-$100 price of a major concert hall. Which I grin at when I think about how much people spend to go to some sports games.

    When I lived in Washington DC I was a semi-regular at the Kennedy Center and Wolftrap. But that was when I young, beautiful, and liberally employed.

    Chautauqua Institution: 2015 season http://ciweb.org/lecture-themes-2015
    Take this video tour to see the breadth, flavor and ambience that Chautauqua offers: http://ciweb.org/chautauqua-vacation?gclid=CMGsmKyD58MCFWQV7AoddQEA1Q
    In the previous link in the "Arts & Entertainment" pull-down at the top of the page you'll find this page which gives a good example of the events that take place in the Amphitheater at Chautauqua.

    Chautauqua is one of the best kept secrets in the country!

    Lincoln Center is amazing, you used to be able to get to see the opera tryouts for free (you can't boo)
    I don't know if they still do that, but I've seen some astounding performances there.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,124
    edited December 1969

    Snow is being threatened in Raleigh but no snow yet.

    do you have everything you need to make french toast? Eggs, Milk, Bread?
    evidently that's what you do down here when the sprinkles attack.

    Last time I checked no milk but might have eggs and I do have a loaf of bread in the freezer.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,452
    edited February 2015


    Lincoln Center is amazing, you used to be able to get to see the opera tryouts for free (you can't boo)
    I don't know if they still do that, but I've seen some astounding performances there.

    Back in the 90s I used to go to NYC by motorcycle or train from Washington, DC. Stayed with a friend who lived in a penthouse on 8th Ave, down where it meets Hudson Ave. near Greenwich Village. It was usually motorcycle club events though. Dinners, and very interesting bar nights at "The Eagle" or "The Lure" leatherbars. Several places to go back then (before the twin towers came down). Most of those places are gone or moved now though. :-( Or so I'm told. Apparently the old "meatpacking district" that those bars were in has been gentrified. I haven't been back since early 2001. My leathers don't fit me anymore. If they did, I'd look like a grounded Macy's Thankgsgiving Day parade balloon, which having seen on others is something I swore I'd never become. 8-O However, I still keep my leathers cleaned and conditioned as potential inspiration for one day getting back into them.

    I once walked past Lincoln Center at 64th west of Broadway. Way back in the late 70s on a brief visit to the city. I had a friend who was the night manager of the YMCA on 63rd east of Broadway up in that part of Manhattan. Yes, the YMCA back when the original "Village People" were singing the song "Y.M.C.A.". My friend arranged for me to stay (without charge) in a room that had just been refurbished but was not yet on the active rental list. Mostly what I remember from that experience was some crazy in a room down the hall yelling obscenities all night. The experience did not live up to the song.

    And to stay on topic. Wow, we made it up to 7F this afternoon. Now we're on the way back down. But most of this week will be a balmy 10 to 15F. Where's my swimwear?

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,452
    edited December 1969

    While the TV weather people are all agog about -5 to -10F temperatures in the US Northeast this morning, I again woke up to way below what amazes them. And it's not even "Wind Chill" it's dead air out there and my porch thermometer says -18F also. I think I'll move to Alaska, it's warmer.

    546 x 343 - 39K
  • atticanneatticanne Posts: 3,009
    edited December 1969

    With temps like that, I would move to Alaska too. Maybe even one of the poles. Brrrr

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,452
    edited February 2015

    OK, a few days later and there has been a roller coaster of temperatures but again this evening 9:00 PM Monday 2/23/2015 the temperature here has already dropped to -12F. I know we're known locally as the town that has a manure factory, but do you think that there is a dry ice mine in the valley that nobody's told us about? 8-O

    557 x 436 - 54K
    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,582
    edited December 1969

    I hear the latest round of frigid temps is coming from Siberia. Probably Putin's fault.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,452
    edited December 1969

    I hear the latest round of frigid temps is coming from Siberia. Probably Putin's fault.

    Nah, that's just politics. We all know who the real culprit is, it's that frigid bitch Elsa!

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    ...well they can always call Merdia, she's a pretty good shot.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    is looking blizzardly out there.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    edited December 1969

    I just went outside with my dog- it's 68 degrees. Temps will start dropping late this morning, going down into the 30's for tonight (real feel 20s) We will drop 25 degrees by noon into the mid 40's, as the cold front comes through here. Then low 30's tonight. So out enjoying the balmy weather now (at 5:15am) You folks stay safe and don't slip and fall on the icy sidewalks/driveways!

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