Dynamic clothing, is there a way to make some?



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,956
    edited December 1969

    at the moment you ask Martin former Optitex employee who owns the software to collaborate with you as other PA's have done.
    He seems nice and if you modeled and rigged something good enough to sell that is suited might indeed work with you if only on his site, you can only submit something to him and find out no harm.

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited March 2015

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyqebEYxzTk I find fur easier than hair, esp long hair, is very wild and jittery, you paint it on and simulate it

    note I did postwork that with slomovideo

    very nice vid, looks good. Almost like this one.
    What program was the physX in for the animation? The vid didn't have much for the description, lol.
    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 1969

    at the moment you ask Martin former Optitex employee who owns the software to collaborate with you as other PA's have done.
    He seems nice and if you modeled and rigged something good enough to sell that is suited might indeed work with you if only on his site, you can only submit something to him and find out no harm.
    That explains a few things, and raises more questions. Time to ask Khoty some things, lol.

    I myself have never made any conforming cloths, only static props for specific scenes. From what little I've been able to glean from reading between the lines, the Optitex plugin in Studio can not function with regular CG files, it uses a different format all together. Otherwise it would be capable of using something akin to FBMs and such, instead of needing separate OBJ files for each figure shape.

    What kind of format would the potential outfit, be submitted in? Hypothetically. etc, etc.

    The work you did on that dress has my attention, it works, without random poke-threw. The animation is incredible as well.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 98,147
    edited December 1969

    The outfits are made in the Optitex software, then there is a plug-in to convert them into DS files and - if possible - to rig them as semi-conformers. You would need to work with Martin, or approach DAZ for access to he plug-in if you had access to the OptiTex software and permission to use it for this (if you worked in a fashion house they might have the software but not allow its use for free-lance work).

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,956
    edited December 1969

    that is iClone 6
    I just prepared it in DAZ

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,528
    edited December 1969

    I really wish Daz would just get their shirt together and implement a User accessible dynamic cloth system. It's 2015 for crying out loud. This is just one of those little things that make Daz seem like amateur hour in the 3D world and it doesn't seem like Daz really cares that they have this image so long as they can continue to sell clothes for dolls.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,674
    edited December 1969

    I really wish Daz would just get their shirt together and implement a User accessible dynamic cloth system. It's 2015 for crying out loud. This is just one of those little things that make Daz seem like amateur hour in the 3D world and it doesn't seem like Daz really cares that they have this image so long as they can continue to sell clothes for dolls.

    While I would also love to have a fully functioning dynamic engine in DS, it is smaller potatoes when compared to the whole 3D world. In the community it is aimed at and the mostly hobbyists market, it is one of the top dogs. It is when people compare it to high end apps like Modo, 3DSMax, Maya, Zbrush and C4d that it pales in comparison. For what DS does, it does well IMO and I would gather DAZ thinks their image is just fine for the market they serve.

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,528
    edited December 1969

    If Blender ever got it's shirt together and fixed their UI that would pretty much mean the end of Daz Studio. Fortunately for Daz there's so much internal conflict in the Blender community over what a good UI is that until the software becomes forked it will never be a serious threat.

    I'd like to think that all Daz needs is a kick in the ass from some competition and they'd get their shirt together and do something but given the way the company treats its commercial assets that currently do have competition I don't think it'll happen. Look at the treatment they give their Carrara and Hexagon users. Those are paid for apps that have direct market competition and Daz's attitude towards its users of those products is "Meh, good enough".

    Daz Studio only has to be good enough to keep people interested in buying clothes and morphs for their dolls and for the moment they can keep people buying new doll clothes by coming out with "new and improved" dolls every couple of years and people will buy all the old clothes and morphs all over again.

    So "Meh, good enough" works. At least for now and Daz is betting its wad on that never changing.

    That's why we're here in 2015 with no dynamic cloth in Daz Studio. It's not that the company lacks the technical expertise to deliver it, it's just why do the work when people are still going to buy your doll clothes anyway?

    "Meh, good enough".

  • barberoybarberoy Posts: 98
    edited December 1969

    Daz Studio only has to be good enough to keep people interested in buying clothes and morphs for their dolls and for the moment they can keep people buying new doll clothes by coming out with "new and improved" dolls every couple of years and people will buy all the old clothes and morphs all over again.

    So "Meh, good enough" works. At least for now and Daz is betting its wad on that never changing.

    I hope Daz addresses this issue soon. My attitude to the clothing items released this month has been "meh, don't need it". At this stage I'm only really interested in clothing that's dynamic or has 'dynamic morphs' like Aave Nainen.

    Has anyone bought items from the Optitex store? For some reason I can only add one item at a time to the cart. Why can't they be made available through the Daz store?

  • NadinoNadino Posts: 258
    edited December 1969

    Bejaymac said:
    After the exploit was brought to their attention DAZ changed the system to stop self made dynamics from being recognized by the plugin, I think it was the last version of 4.6 that it appeared in, it's still possible to get them to work with a workaround, but as I've already had one post deleted on the subject that's as far as I'm going on it.

    As for why stick with Optitex, could it be that both companies are owned by the same faceless mega corp, after all back when it was announced we were getting dynamics DAZ were also in the middle of a "merger".

    I don't believe this is entirely correct. Personal stuff I have made (even one recently) still works in the new 4.7 for me.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,674
    edited December 1969

    Daz Studio only has to be good enough to keep people interested in buying clothes and morphs for their dolls and for the moment they can keep people buying new doll clothes by coming out with "new and improved" dolls every couple of years and people will buy all the old clothes and morphs all over again.

    So "Meh, good enough" works. At least for now and Daz is betting its wad on that never changing.

    But that and animation is what DS is designed for, it's main purpose. It is not a modeler, which is Blenders main purpose, same for 3DSMax and all the other high end apps. For those that want more than posing and animation, there is carrara which I use more than max when using DAZ content, simply because it handles DAZ content and rigging better than exporting into other apps. As long as DAZ keeps DS free and the rigging of their "dolls" somewhat proprietary, it won't change and users will keep using DS.

    I use Blender also and while i would like a different UI as well, I seriously doubt DS will become obsolete if it changes.

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,528
    edited December 1969

    Daz Studio only has to be good enough to keep people interested in buying clothes and morphs for their dolls and for the moment they can keep people buying new doll clothes by coming out with "new and improved" dolls every couple of years and people will buy all the old clothes and morphs all over again.

    So "Meh, good enough" works. At least for now and Daz is betting its wad on that never changing.

    But that and animation is what DS is designed for, it's main purpose. It is not a modeler, which is Blenders main purpose, same for 3DSMax and all the other high end apps. For those that want more than posing and animation, there is carrara which I use more than max when using DAZ content, simply because it handles DAZ content and rigging better than exporting into other apps. As long as DAZ keeps DS free and the rigging of their "dolls" somewhat proprietary, it won't change and users will keep using DS.

    I use Blender also and while i would like a different UI as well, I seriously doubt DS will become obsolete if it changes.

    Animation, I would say is not what Daz Studio is for at all. It has some animation capabilities that sort of work... okay.... ish.... kinda. But you're going to need to buy a bunch of plug ins to really do some animating, and even then you're still not going to be able to do anything like you could with a commercial package.

    It's really when it comes right down to it nothing more than a way to sell clothes and doll shapes for people who want to take pictures of the dolls they like to play with and that's a viable enough business. Lord knows people are willing to spend insane amounts of money on real-life dolls and clothes they can take pictures of.

    For me all Daz is is a better version of one of those wooden dolls artists use as a reference. All I really do with Daz is make photo references I can use to create 2D illustrations.

    Now as it turns out I've discovered I also really enjoy building models. I like making the clothes for those dolls. I like making shapes for those dolls. I like making little toys for those dolls to be posed with too. It's a lot of fun. I would love it if Daz would also focus on creating the tools for the people who like to do that. But Daz really has no motivation to do that because other companies are doing that and it's too much effort to try and compete against them.

    Since Daz's revenue model is built primarily on dolls, clothes, and toys and only very incidentally on tools to make said dolls, clothes, and toys they don't really have much motivation to improve what they offer. The product only has to be just good enough to keep people buying the content. As for people like me who have no interest in buying content and never will buy content and only want tools to make content, we are not a large enough group to matter. Other people are making those tools and we can buy the tools from them and use them to make content for the people that don't like creating content but like to make pictures of that content with Daz.

    Now if somebody else makes a better system for taking pictures of content than Daz Studio that is also free, well those of us who create content will create content for that superior system. Daz Studio will have to either upgrade to become superior to this new system or Daz as a company will have to adapt to serve content for this new superior system.

    But for now there is no competition. There is nobody even on the horizon that appears to be working towards a superior system. Daz has no motivation from a financial perspective to upgrade their software apart from what is needed to appear, at least on a token level, as a serious player in the 3D world. Daz Studio just has to be flashy enough to convince the people who want to buy content that they're buying content for a real 3D application.

    And really when it comes right down to it, conforming clothing is good enough for that.

    For a lot of type of outfits a well modelled piece of conforming clothes with a few morphs actually is in the over all sense of things superior to dynamic clothes because it's easier to work with and unless you are an artist with a very skilled eye and a thorough understanding of how fabrics interact in the real world you're not really going to see all that much of a difference. A dynamic T-shirt and a conforming T-shirt are going to look pretty much the same to most people. They'll look at it and all they'll see is a T-shirt. The percentage of the population that would notice the difference and notice it enough to be put off by the difference is small.

    It's the same as any art.

    When I started drawing I drew pretty much the same as any other novice drew, which is to say quite bluntly, poorly. The differences between what I drew and what a skilled artist drew were glaring. And it used to really piss me off when I'd see the work of a skilled artist and that artist would say "Ugh, I hate this drawing. It's crap." Because I'd look at it and look at the crap I was drawing and say "Can you not see that your art is a million times better than my art? Your art isn't crap. My art is crap!"

    But this was because I hadn't yet developed the skills they had to even be able to see what it was they saw. As my skills began to grow I was not only able to recognize what it was that actually made my own art crap but I was able to recognize what it was that made them think their art was crap. To 99% of the population what they were calling crap was actually a pretty cool picture. Because most of the population doesn't posses the skills to recognize the shading was a little messed up in this part of the picture and the perspective was a little bit skewed in that part of the picture. To them it was just a neat picture that they'd never be able to draw themselves.

    So over the years as my skills developed I ended up becoming on of the artists who was infuriated at the crap in my artwork that novice artists simply have not yet developed the skills to see. And in time they'll see it and become artists who are infuriated at the crap in their artwork that the new batch of novices aren't able to see.

    So really I understand fully why Daz has no interest in improving their software anymore than is absolutely necessary to keep selling dolls and clothes. Why bother when 99% of the users aren't going to appreciate the difference and 99% of the people looking at the pictures these users are taking of their digital dolls and clothes aren't going to appreciate the difference either. From a financial perspective there is no cost benefit in improving a system that is currently generating profits just fine the way it is.

    Is it frustrating to me as a user and an artist? Hell yeah. Is it frustrating enough for me to jump ship to another product? Nope. Not yet.

    So really.... I and every other Daz product user are every bit as guilty of "Meh, good enough".

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,674
    edited December 1969

    So really I understand fully why Daz has no interest in improving their software anymore than is absolutely necessary to keep selling dolls and clothes. Why bother when 99% of the users aren't going to appreciate the difference and 99% of the people looking at the pictures these users are taking of their digital dolls and clothes aren't going to appreciate the difference either. From a financial perspective there is no cost benefit in improving a system that is currently generating profits just fine the way it is.


    For users that want more, it's probably time to move up to a higher end app and increase their knowledge base beyond the plug and play system that DS uses.

  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,528
    edited March 2015

    I just really wish that if they're not going to do anything with Hexagon (which they clearly are not) that as a gesture of goodwill and to generate more asset support for Daz Studio they release the damn thing as Open Source so that support for it can continue.

    Content creators will have the benefit of a supported tool with a direct pipeline to Daz Studio and Daz gets the benefit of more asset creation.

    Post edited by ghastlycomic on
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    I just really wish that if they're not going to do anything with Hexagon (which they clearly are not) that as a gesture of goodwill and to generate more asset support for Daz Studio they release the damn thing as Open Source so that support for it can continue.

    Content creators will have the benefit of a supported tool with a direct pipeline to Daz Studio and Daz gets the benefit of more asset creation.

    You know...a picture can say it 1000x better than I can...yep...a Hexagon theme for Blender

    1284 x 741 - 161K
  • erik leemanerik leeman Posts: 262
    edited March 2015

    For users that want more, it's probably time to move up to a higher end app and increase their knowledge base beyond the plug and play system that DS uses.

    There's no question about DAZ aiming squarely at the vast ocean of consumers of easy to use plug and play content, and who could blame them? But for those who gradually evolve away from those 'mass market' products there's still plenty of possibilities to make good use of DAZ Studio, even with better looking content they either make themselves or buy elsewhere.
    But there are also users with completely different reasons for using DAZ Studio.
    I personally use DAZ Studio to make visualizations of technical 3d CAD stuff, and yes, I do have 3d Studio Max as part of an Autodesk mechanical engineering suite on my PC, but it is way more effective for me to use DAZ Studio instead.

    For communication purposes I want to convincingly portray people interacting with mechanical CAD designs, much like architects have been doing with their designs for ages. I need those 'people' to look as realistic as possible, sadly also for as little money as possible, because unlike architects, engineers generally don't have generous budgets for this kind of thing.

    I have found that most conforming clothing simply does not look realistic enough for what I want to achieve. And OptiTex stuff does. So I'll use it whenever I can, in spite of the much higher cost in time and effort. Because that cost is still very very low compared to making everything myself in ZBrush (which I also have) and 3dStudio Max. In fact if it wasn't for DAZ Studio I most probably wouldn't even bother!

    So a great big thank you from me to DAZ for still supporting dynamic clothing in spite of the tiny minuscule marginal market share it most likely represents in their total volume of business (and profit).



    Post edited by erik leeman on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,674
    edited December 1969

    Erik, you are preaching to the choir with me, I have tried nearly every modeling app there is, and various unbiased renderers out there also. If DAZ content loaded and worked in 3DSMax like it does in DS, I would never use DS, LOL. Cost is a big factor for me also. Since I am not in school any longer or working for a design company (the two main ways to get legit cheap software), most of the apps i once used are out of my price range. My girlfriend cringed when i told her what i paid for 3DSMax.. If I could afford Vray again, DS would be only for export purposes since softbody dynamics in max are way ahead of even posers cloth sim.

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    edited December 1969

    + carrara has dynamic hair that moves
    who, what! How did I miss that!
    I wanted the Addison Hair style. Converted for G2F and ported to Daz Studio for about a year now.
    That is dynamic in Carrara? Is it any hair, or just stuff made for Carrara, or stuff made to be dynamic in Carrara?

    If you know how to do it (and it isn't really difficult) you can make both dynamic hair and dynamic cloth in Carrara. The simulations are quite fast for both hair and cloth, nearly realtime. I made a skirt out of a vertex cylinder and whipped together a dynamic hairstyle in (didn't take more than 5 min to create the hairstyle, in fact I've made a youtube tutorial on how to do it yourself). Simulations for hair and cloth took about a minute for each, then rendered. (full size vid is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIAp6vysYZE)

    Surprisingly easy and fast to do:

    200 x 300 - 2M
  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited March 2015

    Jonstark, you are giving me evil thoughts, lol. Making the attached in hex, and using Carrara to make it dynamic on G2F (not something two or more generations behind what I'm working with).
    :coolsmile: yes I like that skirt, especially knee-length with length options.
    Dose Carrara work with daz Studio lights and scenes without the need to modify them, or is it like all the other render engine interfaces (Iray, Luxus, etc), Everything must be converted to look best?
    (EIDT, F.Y.I.)
    The Carrara hair animation tutorial vids are in at least seven parts...

    barberoy, yes I had, months ago. I had no difficulty purchasing stuff then, tho things do change. Driver updates, etc. Copying the stuff into my daz content folders, I've yet to do with most of it. It's mostly no more difficult to get it working in Daz Studio then most free stuff else where. Shut down Studio, extract and copy the folders, and then fire up Studio and look for it in the Content library.

    Richard Haseltine, wendy♥catz, Thanks for the info. That would have been pertinent information back in November. Stuff I needed to know then, and lets just say, I still need a little time to cool off. I feel like I wasted a considerable amount of my time with stuff that had nothing to do with CG. I will leave it at that, as the rest dose not have anything to do with Daz3d.

    300 x 300 - 6K
    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    edited March 2015

    Oh yeah, it's a separate render engine, you wouldn't use any of your Daz presets for lighting, so I should make that clear. On the other hand, lighting is pretty damn easy in Carrara (though that's a subjective opinion too I suppose).

    You could definitely take your hexagon skirt and put it on a V6, the attach and animation would be very easy, but there is a separate step that's not visible in my render that takes a bit of time to set up the first time for your figure, which is that the cloth in Carrara isn't colliding with the character at all (it has the problem that when animated it will pass through other animated meshes). There's an invisible 'undersuit' that's soft-attached to my V4 in that scene and the undersuit is also a softbody, so really the cloth of the skirt is colliding with, and reacting to the invisible cloth suit that my V4 is wearing which is frozen to her bones, so moves with her. This sounds way more complicated than it is to set up and do. A forum member named Stringtheory came up with this method (it isn't mine and I take no credit, but I'm actually amazed how easy and quick it is to do once you've got the concept down). Stringtheory said a while back that he was going to put up a tutorial, but hasn't gotten around to it. I'm planning on asking his permission to put up a tut on how to do Carrara dynamic cloth, making sure to give him full credit, as I think it would be very useful for new Carrara users but I don't want to overstep on any toes since it isn't really my method.

    The hair tutorials I've put up are 7 parts for the first, simple hairstyle, and 2nd tutorial with 7 parts for a building and animating a more complex hair. The actual creating and animating of the hair is much quicker, really I can build the simple hair in something like 3-5 minutes from scratch. I'm also trying to create a library of dynamic hairstyles that can be put on any figure (any V4/M4/G4/V5/M5/V6/M6, etc etc)that I envision will be as easy as slapping the hair on the head and hitting the 'simulate' button for your animation, to make it easy for new Carrara users to use any dynamic hair without even having to go into the hair modeling room, but I haven't it got the system quite ready for primetime yet, but soon :) The tutorials are so long simply because I wanted to make sure I was fully explaining all the tools in the hair model room and also because I'm long-winded; the tutorial length isn't really a reflection on how difficult or long the actual process is to build and animate the hair, because it's quite easy and quick.

    Post edited by Jonstark on
  • ghastlycomicghastlycomic Posts: 2,528
    edited December 1969

    mjc1016 said:
    I just really wish that if they're not going to do anything with Hexagon (which they clearly are not) that as a gesture of goodwill and to generate more asset support for Daz Studio they release the damn thing as Open Source so that support for it can continue.

    Content creators will have the benefit of a supported tool with a direct pipeline to Daz Studio and Daz gets the benefit of more asset creation.

    You know...a picture can say it 1000x better than I can...yep...a Hexagon theme for Blender

    Looks like Hexagon but still works like Blender unfortunately.

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 1969

    Jonstark, Thank you, and thank you. Nothing like being berated by tutorials that skip steps and ignore whats being typed as the clicking takes place, lol. It's really nice when some one takes the time to start at knowing nothing about the interface for tutorials.

    The suit in suit is also a trick I've used for some time with optitex. I'll throw the Gsuit2 on FW Eve, than have the outfits collide with that. The draping engine can do all the poke-threw it wants with the Gsuit2, and still no skin, lol. Layered dynamics on the other hand (like that skirt), Must be post-worked each video frame to make it look good, I'm not entirely sold on that idea, lol. MacSavers was struggling with a Duster over the issue in another thread.

    If it was not for the Iray madness going on, I'd be trying to make that skirt and rendering more figure lineups, lol.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    mjc1016 said:
    I just really wish that if they're not going to do anything with Hexagon (which they clearly are not) that as a gesture of goodwill and to generate more asset support for Daz Studio they release the damn thing as Open Source so that support for it can continue.

    Content creators will have the benefit of a supported tool with a direct pipeline to Daz Studio and Daz gets the benefit of more asset creation.

    You know...a picture can say it 1000x better than I can...yep...a Hexagon theme for Blender

    Looks like Hexagon but still works like Blender unfortunately.

    You do know that making Hex OS COULD end up making THAT true... :evilgrin:

    But I happen to like Blender...the way it was...so call me strange or something (my wife says crazy fits...)

  • almahiedraalmahiedra Posts: 1,347
    edited December 1969

    Guys, some opinion about new product Wrinkle 3D?

  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited March 2015

    gilikshe said:
    Guys, some opinion about new product Wrinkle 3D?
    nice idea, tho there is a big difrance between just adding wrinkles to an outfit, and an outfit being able to do this.
    (Daria L, wikipedia)
    291 x 239 - 578K
    253 x 211 - 972K
    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,956
    edited December 1969

    gilikshe said:
    Guys, some opinion about new product Wrinkle 3D?
    nice idea, tho there is a big difrance between just adding wrinkles to an outfit, and an outfit being able to do this.
    (Daria L, wikipedia)
    the outfit can do THAT all it likes, I sure as hell cannot :lol:
  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited December 1969

    gilikshe said:
    Guys, some opinion about new product Wrinkle 3D?
    nice idea, tho there is a big difrance between just adding wrinkles to an outfit, and an outfit being able to do this.
    (Daria L, wikipedia)

    the outfit can do THAT all it likes, I sure as hell cannot :lol:lol, nor should anyone try, it'a the nature of acrobatics and completely breaking the rules of gravity, lol.

    Point is, morph based outfits, will always be more limited then the real deal. I do want to make an animation preset of the two of them moves, as a benchmark of sorts. At least it's a thought, lol.

  • Arcane Von OblivionArcane Von Oblivion Posts: 149
    edited March 2015

    Still talking about this yet....lol??? I would be too I guess I got stuck on using the ABC alembic format with other software and gave up on Daz. Just needed to post something about Wrinkle 3D not looking like anything worth my money...No support, Not Dynamic animating, Doesn't seem to load on a lot of computers.


    I hope the programmer Fixes it I would like those functions with out loading other full softwares like Poser or Blender to do Clothes

    Besides I always need to follow this thread, I'm getting a new computer soon....

    Post edited by Arcane Von Oblivion on
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