The Missed It By That Much to Get a Bacon Steak Sandwich Complaint Thread



  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    edited December 1969

    ps1borg said:
    Rareth said:
    TroutFace said:
    I need to spend more time with Bryce.. seen some amazing abstract art, which is what I need as images for my music!

    Lunch: two hot dogs (one with yellow mustard, one with spicy brown mustard) and a bottle of PowerAde Zero. Nice! :)

    I support spending as much time in Bryce as possible

    Still the best for whatever is wondrous strange :)

    Yep. Bryce is cheap, does what it says on the tin, has a pile of tools, and is just what I need. :coolsmile:

    Just a HUGE learning curve.. urgh.. :-S

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    edited December 1969

    TroutFace said:
    ps1borg said:
    Morning. Sun haz gone missing today again, hiding somewhere in a featureless grey and breathless morning :)

    Complain to the power company that the big bright light in the sky has gone out!!! ;-)

    I found the sun and it is here.

    That ol' Sun sure gets around!

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    edited December 1969

    Payday! :cheese:


    - Churning guts for no reason at all :sick:
    - Rain for the next 5 days
    - Low 90s DESPITE the rain :bug:
    - Bank run in the rain :blank:


    - Don't need to go out all weekend :cheese:
    - Bought some Bryce content suitable for album art :coolsmile:
    - Will have money on prepaid card for a FISH DINNER delivered! :cheese:

    I expect to record music and play in Bryce all weekend! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!

    Found the computer I wanted at Best Buy - an HP Envy 17, with a 2GB NVidia card, for just under $1000. Soon as I get my refund, I'm going to go buy it and come home with it! Maybe 2 weeks or so, getting a refund takes FOREVER.. ugh.. oh well.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    chunk of my weekend will prolly be in photoshop. projects trying to make eyebrows and lips without hard outlines. doing the trick of starting really really big and then shrinking the texture. not so bad, eyebrows and lips are small areas of skin. the puckery skin bits are tricky, i took a few selfie pics to use :red:

    big decision of staying with aiko3 or moving on the genesis Aiko3 shape and Aiko5. running xinxin and sylfie through the TC2 converter. then try to use the aiko5 resource morph packs to try for sylfie's face shape. and my favorite Laura3 characters. Mama Pook. :) and my favorite David3s.

    there's some kewl undead mil3 skins i'se hoping look good after the converter process.

    i'm gonna have to stay away from jellybeans, to keep my head clear.
    diet snapple ain't so bad.

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    edited June 2015

    Bacon steak sandwich.. drool.. :red: :red:

    Just blew the last of my non-party money on more music gear - this time, a comprehensive sampler that will be useful for acoustic instruments.. :red: :red: No more content purchases for a while! :long:

    Don't need more DS content, don't need more music gear, just a few Bryce goodies now. :coolsmile:

    Post edited by Serpent on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    CCENT test is 150 dollars. plus getting to the test center. the next available test date isn't til end of Sept.

    don't know a thing yet about IPv6. does it have octets and subnet masks?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    IPv6 has a larger, 128-bit address space, providing for 340 undecillion addresses. That is the number 340, followed by
    36 zeros.
    36 ZEROS?!

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,178
    edited December 1969

    IPv6 has a larger, 128-bit address space, providing for 340 undecillion addresses. That is the number 340, followed by
    36 zeros.
    36 ZEROS?!

    The question is...when will IPv6 be well established and in use everywhere?


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    EEEKS, this is in the IPv6 chapter. i hope i'm long dead before this happens.

    The sensor-equipped, Internet-ready devices of tomorrow will include everything from
    automobiles and biomedical devices to household appliances
    and natural ecosystems. Imagine a meeting at a customer site that
    is automatically scheduled on your calendar application to begin an
    hour before you normally start work. This could be a significant problem,
    especially if you forget to check the calendar or adjust the alarm clock

    Now imagine that the calendar application communicates
    this information directly to your alarm clock and to your
    automobile. Your alarm clock wakes you up in plenty of time to get ready
    for your meeting, and your car automatically warms up to melt the ice on the windshield
    before you enter the car, and then gives you instructions for which route to take to
    your meeting.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,178
    edited December 1969

    What? You'd rather miss the meeting? :lol: They already have remote starters for cars...have for several years. Diane's car has one. I get jealous, because I don't have one. It's nice, the snow and ice melt off the windows and the inside is already cozy when she goes out to the car. It doesn't remove all the snow, though. But having the windshield warmed up helps a lot

    Besides, I think in that future, meetings will be via holographic communications, anyway! Just be sure you're dressed before you go out to the room where the comm device is! Especially if the meeting is already underway, or if there are those who are there 15 minutes early. :-P


  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    edited December 1969

    IPv6 has a larger, 128-bit address space, providing for 340 undecillion addresses. That is the number 340, followed by
    36 zeros.
    36 ZEROS?!

    :ahhh: BIGNUM :ahhh:

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    edited December 1969

    EEEKS, this is in the IPv6 chapter. i hope i'm long dead before this happens.

    The sensor-equipped, Internet-ready devices of tomorrow will include everything from
    automobiles and biomedical devices to household appliances
    and natural ecosystems. Imagine a meeting at a customer site that
    is automatically scheduled on your calendar application to begin an
    hour before you normally start work. This could be a significant problem,
    especially if you forget to check the calendar or adjust the alarm clock

    Now imagine that the calendar application communicates
    this information directly to your alarm clock and to your
    automobile. Your alarm clock wakes you up in plenty of time to get ready
    for your meeting, and your car automatically warms up to melt the ice on the windshield
    before you enter the car, and then gives you instructions for which route to take to
    your meeting.

    It's happening now. The gate controller I'm working on will talk both to your smartphone and your home security system, which will talk to the Internet. Not our first release, but only 1-2 more years.

    This isn't science fiction, I'm working on it right now. :blank:

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,452
    edited June 2015

    DanaTA said:
    IPv6 has a larger, 128-bit address space, providing for 340 undecillion addresses. That is the number 340, followed by
    36 zeros.
    36 ZEROS?!

    The question is...when will IPv6 be well established and in use everywhere?


    Good question! I was working on IPv6 specifications and implementation concepts back in the early 90s. It has it's problems but it also has a lot of momentum issues to overcome.

    I was working on DSL specifications and implementation concepts back in the early 80s. How long did it take for that to become mainstream?

    As I said in one of these forums just the other day. "It's amazing how great ideas can be discussed to death in committee."

    And heaven forbid, some idea should be given to the National Bureau of Standards who have whole buildings full of committee people just waiting to beat on lively ideas until the ideas are so thick with calluses they can't bend.

    You know the joke is that God asked the National Bureau of Standards to design him a more general purpose horse. They came up with the Elephant .

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    TroutFace said:
    ps1borg said:
    Morning. Sun haz gone missing today again, hiding somewhere in a featureless grey and breathless morning :)

    Complain to the power company that the big bright light in the sky has gone out!!! ;-)

    I found the sun and it is here. careful! That thing is very hot! :ohh:

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    chunk of my weekend will prolly be in photoshop. projects trying to make eyebrows and lips without hard outlines. doing the trick of starting really really big and then shrinking the texture. not so bad, eyebrows and lips are small areas of skin. the puckery skin bits are tricky, i took a few selfie pics to use :red:

    big decision of staying with aiko3 or moving on the genesis Aiko3 shape and Aiko5. running xinxin and sylfie through the TC2 converter. then try to use the aiko5 resource morph packs to try for sylfie's face shape. and my favorite Laura3 characters. Mama Pook. :) and my favorite David3s.

    there's some kewl undead mil3 skins i'se hoping look good after the converter process.

    i'm gonna have to stay away from jellybeans, to keep my head clear.
    diet snapple ain't so bad.

    ...have the TC2 converter, still need to learn how to use it.

    Diet anything is bad, those lab created sweeteners can be worse than cane sugar. There are brands of unsweetened Ice Tea (don't think Snapple makes one though). Do any stored in your area sell Golden Peak™ (that's the one I get.)?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    TroutFace said:
    Bacon steak sandwich.. drool.. :red: :red:

    Just blew the last of my non-party money on more music gear - this time, a comprehensive sampler that will be useful for acoustic instruments.. :red: :red: No more content purchases for a while! :long:

    Don't need more DS content, don't need more music gear, just a few Bryce goodies now. :coolsmile:

    ....mmmm bacon....meat candy....
  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    TroutFace said:
    ps1borg said:
    Morning. Sun haz gone missing today again, hiding somewhere in a featureless grey and breathless morning :)

    Complain to the power company that the big bright light in the sky has gone out!!! ;-)

    I found the sun and it is here. careful! That thing is very hot! :ohh:

    Good point! :bug: :gulp:

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    EEEKS, this is in the IPv6 chapter. i hope i'm long dead before this happens.

    The sensor-equipped, Internet-ready devices of tomorrow will include everything from
    automobiles and biomedical devices to household appliances
    and natural ecosystems. Imagine a meeting at a customer site that
    is automatically scheduled on your calendar application to begin an
    hour before you normally start work. This could be a significant problem,
    especially if you forget to check the calendar or adjust the alarm clock

    Now imagine that the calendar application communicates
    this information directly to your alarm clock and to your
    automobile. Your alarm clock wakes you up in plenty of time to get ready
    for your meeting, and your car automatically warms up to melt the ice on the windshield
    before you enter the car, and then gives you instructions for which route to take to
    your meeting.

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    edited December 1969

    Holy moly! Look at THIS thing! :ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh:

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,072
    edited December 1969

    TroutFace said:
    Holy moly! Look at THIS thing! :ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh:

    The answer to the question: How big and ugly could a pterosaur be? :)
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    ...crikey, that's almost as big as a Cessna 210. (a plane I was determined to own when I was still taking flight lessons, at the time "only" 18,000$ for the tubocharged version).

    625 x 417 - 88K
  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    edited December 1969

    tjohn said:
    TroutFace said:
    Holy moly! Look at THIS thing! :ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh:

    The answer to the question: How big and ugly could a pterosaur be? :)

    Named after my online namesake, Quetzalcoatl! :cheese:

    Big BIG and ugly.. glad they're extinct... :ahhh:

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,178
    edited December 1969

    TroutFace said:
    IPv6 has a larger, 128-bit address space, providing for 340 undecillion addresses. That is the number 340, followed by
    36 zeros.
    36 ZEROS?!

    :ahhh: BIGNUM :ahhh:

    It's needed. All that Internet of Things crap starting to pop up everywhere! Pretty soon dogs and cats will have their own IP address.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited June 2015

    ..OK having trouble locating a certain prop. For the rendering old content in Iray Challenge thread, I decided to crecreate the first full scene i ever rendered. Sadly some of the props I used were freebies which no longer exist and the files for them on my backups were corrupted. Save for the main character (Leela), I'm trying to keep the substitutions with newer content to a minimum. The one I am having trouble finding (and I'm sure I have it somewhere, just don't remember the name) is the "super soaker" squirt gun seen on the oil drum next to her. I think it was created for Sixus1's Britta character.

    Searched all over ShareCG and Rendo last night but couldn't find it.

    Apologies for the small size.

    421 x 350 - 120K
    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 1969

    15 minutes to the bus skedaddle vamoos andale eeha eeha

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    ...skedaddle to Seattle? :cheese:

  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    edited December 1969

    15 minutes to the bus skedaddle vamoos andale eeha eeha

    40 minutes and I call a cab. Going to have him stop at the boozeatorium and the Walgreens, then drop me at the Mexican place near the bar, then hit the bar for a few beers! I think the IPA today. :coolsmile:

    14.5GB of stuff for my new sampler.. cripes! And there's more left! *cry* but I have the critical files so I can play this weekend!

    Yuummmmm huevos rancheros tomorrow, the fried okra and a quesidilla to go for Sunday! :)

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited June 2015

    ...too broke for beer this weekend. Nothing much that would even sell in a yard sale. :down:

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,178
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ..OK having trouble locating a certain prop. For the rendering old content in Iray Challenge thread, I decided to crecreate the first full scene i ever rendered. Sadly some of the props I used were freebies which no longer exist and the files for them on my backups were corrupted. Save for the main character (Leela), I'm trying to keep the substitutions with newer content to a minimum. The one I am having trouble finding (and I'm sure I have it somewhere, just don't remember the name) is the "super soaker" squirt gun seen on the oil drum next to her. I think it was created for Sixus1's Britta character.

    Searched all over ShareCG and Rendo last night but couldn't find it.

    Apologies for the small size.

    this is the closest I found.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    ...thank you. Looks very close and I can change the colours to match the original.

    What did you use as the keyword? I tried so many different ones and never saw this.

This discussion has been closed.