clothes converter for g2m

nearly all pants I have for M4 have pixel errors after converting.



  • Pixel errors?

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    Pixel errors?

    Well maybe I need the clothes smoother. It is in the crotch area, there a parts with no textures, just black.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited September 2015

    Have tried to fit the "working man" pants on g2m. I really like this outfit and it would be a loss if one can`t use it on g2m

    585 x 519 - 39K
    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Turn the viewport to wire shaded, there is something strange with the mesh that auto convert didn't like.  On a related note often underwear will stretch the legs because some vertices get weight mapped to the legs, we need and underwear template instead of having to use the pants template.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    jestmart said:

    Turn the viewport to wire shaded, there is something strange with the mesh that auto convert didn't like.  On a related note often underwear will stretch the legs because some vertices get weight mapped to the legs, we need and underwear template instead of having to use the pants template.

    that is also true, if you convert underwear from v4 to g2f or g3f, it is also the same the V4.2 panties are totally useless for the Genesis2Females and Genesis3Females

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    Converters and Autofit, eh? Useless for a lot of V4 content.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    DAZ want us to buy and use the new stuff figures and clothes and hair and so on? Okay, here is the deal: Ensures that we can also use the old stuff from v4 and M4 on the new figures adequate.

  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581
    cosmo71 said:

    DAZ want us to buy and use the new stuff figures and clothes and hair and so on? Okay, here is the deal: Ensures that we can also use the old stuff from v4 and M4 on the new figures adequate.

    No converter is going to be 100 percent accurate between figures with different rigging, point counts, zero poses, etc., especially with high heel shoes, dresses, etc. In some cases you will need to take clothing to a modeller and fix any issues. Considering there is no money in resusing your content over buying new items specifically made for that figure, the converters and manually fixing issues will most likely be your only option. Some items will simply be left behind because they weren't made for use with weightmapped figures without fixing mesh issues before converting. That said, more items from previous genesis generations will convert better than some poser-specific items from V4/M4.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited September 2015
    cosmo71 said:

    DAZ want us to buy and use the new stuff figures and clothes and hair and so on? Okay, here is the deal: Ensures that we can also use the old stuff from v4 and M4 on the new figures adequate.

    No converter is going to be 100 percent accurate between figures with different rigging, point counts, zero poses, etc., especially with high heel shoes, dresses, etc. In some cases you will need to take clothing to a modeller and fix any issues. Considering there is no money in resusing your content over buying new items specifically made for that figure, the converters and manually fixing issues will most likely be your only option. Some items will simply be left behind because they weren't made for use with weightmapped figures without fixing mesh issues before converting. That said, more items from previous genesis generations will convert better than some poser-specific items from V4/M4.

    I am no 3D-content creator, so I have no clue how to do this. The other thing is: If a product is called "converter" or "auto fit" then I expect accuracy, If the product don`t work accurate it should wear a big fat red banner "Does not work accurate for: Pants, Skirts, Undearwear and poser-specific items"


    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited September 2015

    The thing is if you can`t use a lot of your old content means...kicking hundreds of dollars into the trash can if this is the strategy of this company...well. Customer satisfaction at its best eh?

    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited September 2015

    And if it comes to the male figures...there is discussion at another thread relating to less male clothes because it don`t worth it to create them, so even for the male figures the converters should work 100% accuarte. I want to build scenes, little stories to render. I do not want to create or edit meshes of figures like clothes and stuff.

    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581
    edited September 2015
    cosmo71 said:

    And if it comes to the male figures...there is discussion at another thread relating to less male clothes because it don`t worth it to create them, so even for the male figures the converters should work 100% accuarte.

    As i said, nothing will work 100% when the items are made different ways and set up differently. The situation is a bit better with genesis than when trying to convert pre-gen4 content to gen4 (including using the tools to fix content is easier than gen4), but it not going to be realistic to expect 100% compatibility. If you're expecting everything to work perfectly, you're only setting yourself up for disappointment. That's simply one of the compromises you will have to make when you move to a new figure. If using old content is a dealbreaker, then you probably should stay with V4.

    I still can use some of my M4/M3/D3 items with genesis, but not without some fixing, particually shoes. Most times to get a better fit and less mesh crumpling, I have to set up the items to better fit genesis' zero pose and fix any mesh issues then convert it. 

    Post edited by Male-M3dia on
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    I still can use some of my M4/M3/D3 items with genesis, but not without some fixing, particually shoes. Most times to get a better fit and less mesh crumpling, I have to set up the items to better fit genesis' zero pose and fix any mesh issues then convert it. 

    Which is a whole lot better than trying to adapt 3rd generation content to 4th generation...because then you HAD to buy 3rd party programs AND a figure specific license AND still had a lot of hand tweaking/fixing...AND sometimes it still looked like it went through a chipper/shredder...and was put back together again.  And then, wait for someone (or do it yourself) to make a fit-morph to finish the fit...and even after all of that, you still had to 'turn off' the toes...

  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581
    mjc1016 said:

    I still can use some of my M4/M3/D3 items with genesis, but not without some fixing, particually shoes. Most times to get a better fit and less mesh crumpling, I have to set up the items to better fit genesis' zero pose and fix any mesh issues then convert it. 

    Which is a whole lot better than trying to adapt 3rd generation content to 4th generation...because then you HAD to buy 3rd party programs AND a figure specific license AND still had a lot of hand tweaking/fixing...AND sometimes it still looked like it went through a chipper/shredder...and was put back together again.  And then, wait for someone (or do it yourself) to make a fit-morph to finish the fit...and even after all of that, you still had to 'turn off' the toes...

    Yep, I have those licenses and still ended up with items not worth rendering. Most times converting a Gen3 item to Gen4, pants and underwear had a nasty split going up the crotch area that needed mesh fixing in a modeller. I've used a few gen3 (particually for David 3) items in my promos because autofit (and doing a prefit in a modeller) didn't destroy the item when converted. 

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    cosmo71 said:

    And if it comes to the male figures...there is discussion at another thread relating to less male clothes because it don`t worth it to create them, so even for the male figures the converters should work 100% accuarte.

    As i said, nothing will work 100% when the items are made different ways and set up differently. The situation is a bit better with genesis than when trying to convert pre-gen4 content to gen4 (including using the tools to fix content is easier than gen4), but it not going to be realistic to expect 100% compatibility. If you're expecting everything to work perfectly, you're only setting yourself up for disappointment. That's simply one of the compromises you will have to make when you move to a new figure. If using old content is a dealbreaker, then you probably should stay with V4.

    I still can use some of my M4/M3/D3 items with genesis, but not without some fixing, particually shoes. Most times to get a better fit and less mesh crumpling, I have to set up the items to better fit genesis' zero pose and fix any mesh issues then convert it. 

    the thing is v4 pants are working :) only m4 pants not

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    And regarding to the fitting issue. If it is so and a lot of clothes can`t be converted correctly without much tweaking and fixing, the question then is, why are a lot of old clothes are not remaked? A lot of them looking much better than this new stuff (my opinion) and there is more and it is just q question of time nobody will make new stuff for g2m or g2f or g and so you have to buy all the new stuff for g3f and g3m, for how long? How much will be produced? I guess next year g4f comes out with a new technology or whatever and then? Maybe you can kick all you have bought in the trash can. Nice.

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    Well, sure will I do also v4 renders. Just trying to get used to the new figures :) The figures themselves I do really like, they are really good, the only thing is the content issue and the SSS issue that annoys me

  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581
    cosmo71 said:
    cosmo71 said:

    And if it comes to the male figures...there is discussion at another thread relating to less male clothes because it don`t worth it to create them, so even for the male figures the converters should work 100% accuarte.

    As i said, nothing will work 100% when the items are made different ways and set up differently. The situation is a bit better with genesis than when trying to convert pre-gen4 content to gen4 (including using the tools to fix content is easier than gen4), but it not going to be realistic to expect 100% compatibility. If you're expecting everything to work perfectly, you're only setting yourself up for disappointment. That's simply one of the compromises you will have to make when you move to a new figure. If using old content is a dealbreaker, then you probably should stay with V4.

    I still can use some of my M4/M3/D3 items with genesis, but not without some fixing, particually shoes. Most times to get a better fit and less mesh crumpling, I have to set up the items to better fit genesis' zero pose and fix any mesh issues then convert it. 

    the thing is v4 pants are working :) only m4 pants not

    You'll have to play with the fit of the item in question. That's really going to be the fault of the pants design, not the process in question when converting.

  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581
    cosmo71 said:

    And regarding to the fitting issue. If it is so and a lot of clothes can`t be converted correctly without much tweaking and fixing, the question then is, why are a lot of old clothes are not remaked? A lot of them looking much better than this new stuff (my opinion) and there is more and it is just q question of time nobody will make new stuff for g2m or g2f or g and so you have to buy all the new stuff for g3f and g3m, for how long? How much will be produced? I guess next year g4f comes out with a new technology or whatever and then? Maybe you can kick all you have bought in the trash can. Nice.

    Sometimes it's not feasible to remake clothing. I find that it's probably a better use of time to see what can be done to salvage items where I can. I still need to dig into the weightmapping tools to adjust the weights of converted items so they don't crumple when posed.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 98,037
    edited September 2015

    Have you tried applying a Smoothing Modifier, or converting to SubD? Sometimes one or both of those will fix tortured polygons.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited September 2015

    Have you tried applying a Smoothing Modifier, or converting to SubD? Sometimes one or both of those will fix tortured polygons.

    smoothing modifier I have tried...and shame on me, no not tried to convert to subD, have forgotten this option, sorry for that, will try it, I know that subD can do a lot :) thanks for kicking me to this direction :)


    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    have used the subD option a lot for my V4 clothes on v4 and also the smoothing modifier, do knot know why I have not tried subD in this issue :(

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    Well it worked, not perfect but miles better than before. I think it is good enough. You have to look carefully to see the "mesh complications"

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited September 2015

    What makes me wonder everytime I use the SubD option. If you have selected High Resolution but have the view SubD level at 0 it works also :)

    It was so important I can use these working man outfit for g2m because it is great also the texture add ons are very good. Now I am a bit happy that I can use them on g2m.

    Thanks for the help

    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,915

    Another thing you might try is not doing a fit, but instead copying the pose, pasting it to the clothing, tweak the clothing, possibly expand various bits, then make the figure the collision target of the clothing to eliminate a lot of poke through.

    I find in a number of situations it produces better results than autofitting, though perhaps at the cost of a bit more work setting things up.


  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    Another thing you might try is not doing a fit, but instead copying the pose, pasting it to the clothing, tweak the clothing, possibly expand various bits, then make the figure the collision target of the clothing to eliminate a lot of poke through.

    I find in a number of situations it produces better results than autofitting, though perhaps at the cost of a bit more work setting things up.


    well now with SubD it works :) but I will try your suggestion :)

    have another question, one said that HD morphs go on rendertime but G3F has some HD morphs for the face and if I use them or not makes no discernible difference

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609

    Now we must find a solution for panties and underwear :)

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,915

    I'll blow your mind:
    Fit panties to your character, then make the pants collide with the panties. PANTY LINES.


  • For panties, instead of selecting pants, just don't select anything for the projections?

  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited September 2015

    And that you see that I am really working with G3F :) here is a fast render of the character I am working on :) not finished yet. rendered in 3Delight and progressive mode 4 minutes.

    Have to say Iray is not an option for me I think, have an old machine :(

    a new character.jpg
    1602 x 904 - 177K
    Post edited by cosmo71 on
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