OT: Batman vs Superman, your thoughts?

I just saw the latest trailer for Batman vs Superman. It looks like an interesting story.

One of the things that immediately caught my eye is Batman's new uniform. It seems strange to me. The color palette as well as how muscular it looks. I keep thinking that's the Hulk in that suit.




  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited September 2015

    What I always liked about Batman was how dark it was, almost gothic. I just can't get behind the idea of him fighting superman - it isn't plausable; this means the story will come off as contrived to make it happen, if he wins like he did in the comics (iirc).

    I've deliberately avoid trailers and similar.

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,850
    nicstt said:

    What I always liked about Batman was how dark it was, almost gothic. I just can't get behind the idea of him fighting superman

    Exactly. Batman has always had that dark element in stories.

    nicstt said:

    I just can't get behind the idea of him fighting superman - it isn't plausable; this means the story will come off as contrived to make it happen, if he wins like he did in the comics (iirc).

    Something tells me they join forces at the end. That's the vibe I get from the trailers.

  • Superman is just a stupid concept in general. All you need is a lump of Kryptonite and you could have Toddler vs Superman, or Old Lady With Asthma vs Superman.

    Zack Snyder is pretty good though, so it might be a decent film.

  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,850
    tl155180 said:

    Superman is just a stupid concept in general. All you need is a lump of Kryptonite and you could have Toddler vs Superman, or Old Lady With Asthma vs Superman.

    In general that's what superheroes and most comic stories are all about; illogical and strange concepts. laugh

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,674
    nDelphi said:

    Something tells me they join forces at the end. That's the vibe I get from the trailers.

    I hope so since this movie is the start of the "justice league" movies. While I am excited about seeing Batman and Superman go at it, I am really looking forward to Wonder Woman, Cyborg and Aquaman in the movie. I hope it does well so they can get the ball rolling on the DC side of things like they are with Marvel.

  • tl155180 said:

    Superman is just a stupid concept in general. All you need is a lump of Kryptonite and you could have Toddler vs Superman, or Old Lady With Asthma vs Superman.

    Zack Snyder is pretty good though, so it might be a decent film.

    LOL! I totally agree, that's why I've always preferred Batman. Of course he proves that the real best superpower is money. :)

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039

    I personal like the concept of old lady with asthma vs superman... You'd have to give her a good name though... Mavis? Gertrude? At the end she'd come around and change her ways and help superman, because she really wasn't evil, just lonely and misunderstood... Maybe it could have one of endings where the evil lair filled with kryptonite is about to explode, but she jams her walker into the blast door, giving superman time to escape but trapping her... Then that gives you room for her return in the sequel, but now she'd have some superpower or is a reanimated semi evil clone, due to the blast... I need to flesh this out a bit, but I think it'd work... Can't be any worse than some of the ideas toyed with lately... I see Ang Lee directing it... It would have to be better than that Hulk he did.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,916
    edited September 2015

    My favorite version of Superman and Batman were the 1990s animated series. Seriously, they had some rather dark stuff in Batman, Mark Hamill Joker, and some great crossovers.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,850

    Well, for me the top three superheroes in order were/are Superman, Batman, and then Spiderman. On the female sides, believe it or not, I have always favored villains with Catwoman at the op of my list. There was always something about Catwoman that I found myself always on her side and hoping she always got over on Batman.

  • daveleitzdaveleitz Posts: 459
    edited September 2015

    Batman is awesome!  Like William, I'm a big fan of the Batman Animated Series from the '90s.  I really enjoyed playing the first two Batman Arkham games.  In Batman: Arkham City, you can play as Catwoman, which is great, too.

    Post edited by daveleitz on
  • I choose not to choose.  I love all of them at different times depending on the story and the art.  They're wonderful creatures all and I choose not choose between them. :)

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,652

    I grew up on the animated Batman. I'm a big fan of the movies but they seem to have lost a bit of spark. I got tired of the Spiderman remakes so didn't even watch the last one.

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited September 2015


    I ended up being a Marvel kid way more than DC; although I liked Flash and Green Lantern a lot, I still have comics with little hearts drawn around Kitty Pryde. _blush_

    With respect to Batman/Superman, I have a soft spot for the completely-retconned-out-of-existence Super Sons.  A dark and kinda...stupid ending, but at the time I thought of it as one of the more edgy (I didn't think in terms of that word, mind you) endings DC had done.  I probably cried.

    But yeah, bats only beats supes with kryptonite (or magic, but that's not bats' style), and then it could as easily have been IBS Man vs. Superman...

    --  Morgan


    Post edited by CypherFOX on
  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,340
    edited September 2015
    tl155180 said:

    Superman is just a stupid concept in general. All you need is a lump of Kryptonite and you could have Toddler vs Superman, or Old Lady With Asthma vs Superman.

    Well, without wanting to get into a "my super-hero can beat up your super-hero" match, Kryptonite isn't readily available in the DC Universe; in The New Frontier, for example, 50s Batman says that it took "a sliver of meteorite" that cost him seventy thousand dollars (for the record, according to inflation calculators 70,000 1960 dollars is rougly equal to $564,350 2015 dollars) to defeat Superman. Besides the half-a-million dollar sliver, the Old Lady with Asthma needs to find a way to actually use it, probably involving the method of surprise. Kryptonite was first introduced in 1943, which means that no one (including Lex Luthor and a horde of other villains, all more capable that the Old Lady With Asthma) haven't acutally been able ot kill Superman with it for over 70 years.

    Now, applying the same "element of suprise" that the Old Lady WIth Asthma would need to use to get Superman, Batman could actually be killed with a few bucks worth of poison, a tainted ten-dollar knife blade, or a fifty-cent bullet. wink

    -- Walt Sterdan

    Post edited by wsterdan on
  • My favorite version of Superman and Batman were the 1990s animated series. Seriously, they had some rather dark stuff in Batman, Mark Hamill Joker, and some great crossovers.

    I loved all those too Batman the animated series, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited and all the other spinoff movies and a lot of the current ones series and animated movies. Sup' has had his butt kicked a few times by some of the others like Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Batman - in his armoured suits and others he isn't all powerful but can be arogant and up himself thinking he is Bat's has often reigned him in along with Green Arrow and Supes isn't just vunerable to kryptonite also magic/supernateral stuff and there's some other stuff but can't tink what right now. I like the live action stuff but like the animated stuff more and Mark Hammill is a great Joker

  • just checked proposed release dates they've split it well the new Star Wars Force Awakens in December, Deadpool in Febuary and Superman/Batman in March so they wont compete against each other

  • found a list of other super hero movies and planned release dates fair few next year 

    February 12: Deadpool (Fox)
    March 25: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
    May 6: Captain America: Civil War
    May 27: X-Men: Apocalypse (Fox)
    August 5: Suicide Squad
    October 7: Gambit (Fox)
    November 4: Doctor Strange



    March 3: Untitled Wolverine sequelimage (Fox)
    May 5: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 
    June 2: Fantastic Four 2 (Fox)
    June 23: Wonder Woman
    July 28: Marvel Studios co-produced Spider-Man film (Sony)
    November 3: Thor: Ragnarok
    November 17: Justice League, Part 1
    Unscheduled: Bloodshot (Valiant/Sony)

    March 23: The Flash
    May 4: Avengers: Infinity War, Part 1
    July 6: Black Panther
    July 13: Untitled Fox Mystery Marvel film
    July 20: Spider-Man Animated Featureimage (Sony)
    July 27: Aquaman
    November 2: Captain Marvel

    April 5: Shazam
    May 3: Avengers: Infinity War, Part 2
    June 14: Justice League, Part 2
    July 12: Inhumans

    April 3: Cyborg
    June 19: Green Lantern Corps

  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 794

    I've always loved superheroes comics in general.  I grew up watching Justice League (or is it Superfriends) in the mornings before going off to school and then watching all other bunch of cartoons when I got home.  Between Batman and Superman, I prefer the latter.  Kryptonite aside, he's got the best power there is and he doesn't hide behind a mask to hide his face like other superheroes.

  • he did hide behind glasses ;) you know the old saying question - you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses

  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 794

    he did hide behind glasses ;) you know the old saying question - you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses

    I meant when he is in superhero mode.  Unike batman, spiderman, greenlantern who all wear a mask to hide their face.

  • yeah I know just having fun

  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,850
    ThatGuy said:

    Kryptonite aside, he's got the best power there is and he doesn't hide behind a mask to hide his face like other superheroes.

    That's part of the mystique, isn't it? The capes and masks. Also, the tools, in the case of heroes like Batman.

  • GreycatGreycat Posts: 332

    Sort of reminds me of Kingdom Come

    I like a lot of the straight to DVD animated series. More adult and darker in tone, ones like;


    Batman Under the Red Hood

    Superman Batman Public Enemies

    Batman Assault on Arkham

    Batman vs Robin

    Justice League Gods and Monsters


    I also like the 3D animated series


    Green Lantern the Animated series

    Beware the Batman


    I think the best Catwoman is Gotham’s Selina Kyle.

  • I thought they wore the masks to protect those around them, plus the whole Carl Jung thing.

    my favorte scene in mystery men (other than You must lash out with every limb, like the octopus who plays the drums!)

  • nDelphi said:

    Something tells me they join forces at the end. That's the vibe I get from the trailers.

    I hope so since this movie is the start of the "justice league" movies. While I am excited about seeing Batman and Superman go at it, I am really looking forward to Wonder Woman, Cyborg and Aquaman in the movie. I hope it does well so they can get the ball rolling on the DC side of things like they are with Marvel.

    Gal Gadot as Wonderwoman.  In that outfit.  Excuse me while I pop off for a very cold shower!



  • I'm always reminded of that scene in Kill Bill 2 where Bill explains that Superman's disguise is Clark Kent:

    'Superman didn't become Superman. Superman was born Superman. When Superman wakes up in the morning, he's Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent. His outfit with the big red "S", that's the blanket he was wrapped in as a baby when the Kents found him. Those are his clothes. What Kent wears - the glasses, the business suit - that's the costume. That's the costume Superman wears to blend in with us. Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent. He's weak... he's unsure of himself... he's a coward. Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the whole human race...'

    I'm pretty sure that the creator of the Superman character didn't consciously do this, but there you go.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    daveleitz said:

    I'm always reminded of that scene in Kill Bill 2 where Bill explains that Superman's disguise is Clark Kent:

    'Superman didn't become Superman. Superman was born Superman. When Superman wakes up in the morning, he's Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent. His outfit with the big red "S", that's the blanket he was wrapped in as a baby when the Kents found him. Those are his clothes. What Kent wears - the glasses, the business suit - that's the costume. That's the costume Superman wears to blend in with us. Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent. He's weak... he's unsure of himself... he's a coward. Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the whole human race...'

    I'm pretty sure that the creator of the Superman character didn't consciously do this, but there you go.

    No idea and doubt anyone does, on the creators original intent; didn't he sell the idea for just a few dollars? He wanted a character as far away from Superman as he could get, and Clark Kent is it; don't overthink imp; Ocams Razor, the simplest solution is usually the correct one; sort of.

  • Mr Gneiss GuyMr Gneiss Guy Posts: 462
    edited September 2015

    First of all, before we get into my actual thoughts, just know that I really WANT it to be great... but I don't think it will be.

    Having seen "Man of Steel", it will probably be similiar, meaning that there will be parts I like, and parts that make me shake my head in disgust. Man of Steel could have been great, instead it was dreary and hopeless, with idiotic plot elements (i.e. death by tornado) with a forced out of character killing at the end.  I don't expect Batman v Superman to be any better in that regard.  Grim 'n Gritty is the law of the land at WB these days, which is a horribly sad thing, because really, we could use a little optimism and hope.

    Also, I am sick to death of heroes fighting heroes, it is one of the oldest, most overused elements in comics.  It's a failure of imagination, if they can't think of anything interesting to do, they trump up a reason for x fighting y for z reason, where z almost always equals bull waste products and trumpet it as an important ideological conflict and/or mind control.

    I happen to be a Wonder Woman fan, and while I think Gal Gadot is perfectly capable of doing a great job, I doubt they will give her much to actually work with.  I hope they prove me wrong on this. In fact, I DOUBLE DOG DARE Zack Snyder to prove me wrong!  smiley

    To tl155180's comment about the stupidity of the Superman concept and all you need is kryptonite, etc.  I humbly suggest you are utterly wrong.  Superman is GREAT concept, but is often let down by the writing. If you want to see Superman at his best, check out Grant Morrison's "All-Star Superman" and if you still feel that way, we will have to agree to disagree.   If Superman is actually written well and intelligently and uses his abilities, Kryptonite is no problem at all. 

    There is a very fundamental and important difference between the way Warner Bros. and Marvel feel about their superhero properties.  Marvel is not ashamed of their comic book heritage.  Warner Brothers is. 

    Just my two cents, which I provide here at 100% off.




    Post edited by Mr Gneiss Guy on
  • daveleitz said:

    I'm always reminded of that scene in Kill Bill 2 where Bill explains that Superman's disguise is Clark Kent:

    'Superman didn't become Superman. Superman was born Superman. When Superman wakes up in the morning, he's Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent. His outfit with the big red "S", that's the blanket he was wrapped in as a baby when the Kents found him. Those are his clothes. What Kent wears - the glasses, the business suit - that's the costume. That's the costume Superman wears to blend in with us. Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent. He's weak... he's unsure of himself... he's a coward. Clark Kent is Superman's critique on the whole human race...'

    I'm pretty sure that the creator of the Superman character didn't consciously do this, but there you go.

    Bill was wrong.

  • To tl155180's comment about the stupidity of the Superman concept and all you need is kryptonite, etc.  I humbly suggest you are utterly wrong...


    wsterdan said:

    Well, without wanting to get into a "my super-hero can beat up your super-hero" match...

    Lol... I appear to have misjudged the extent to which my throw-away comment was going to enrage the die-hard fans. I kinda regret wading in on this one. For the record, I don't really care that much about this topic - I'm more of an X-Men kinda guy myself anyway. Feel free to consider your arguments won wink.

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