OT: Batman vs Superman, your thoughts?



  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,850
    tl155180 said:

    Lol... I appear to have misjudged the extent to which my throw-away comment was going to enrage the die-hard fans. I kinda regret wading in on this one. For the record, I don't really care that much about this topic - I'm more of an X-Men kinda guy myself anyway. Feel free to consider your arguments won wink.

    Go ahead, make another throw away comment! I dare you! LOL!

    Kidding aside, that's what we are here for. Without differing opinions life gets stale pretty fast.

  • I heard that Superman cheats on his taxes... Discuss.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039

    Superman or Clark Kent?... The glasses throw me off... But does he have to file separate returns?

  • NoName99NoName99 Posts: 322
    edited September 2015

    Batman is one of my favorite characters, and Zack Snyder is one of my favorite directors, so I am really looking forward to this one.

    I'm also in the minority of people who think Affleck will KILL IT as Bruce Wayne/Batman.

    Production design-wise, it seems like Snyder is pulling from Batman: TAS and the Burton movies, which is rad because those are the coolest, at least to me they are.

    I'm looking forward to Suicide Squad as well, although David Ayers directorial style isn't really my cup of tea, the trailer was pretty good.  Leto's Joker seems pretty deranged in that clip too, in a good way, although the tattoos are weird.

    If it was up to me, Mark Hamill would be legally obliged to play the joker in every Batman movie, ever.  Even if he's too old or too out of shape for the role, lol.  

    Post edited by NoName99 on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039

    Now I can see a fat joker with a walker and orthopedic shoes... Purple of course.

  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,850
    edited September 2015

    I'm also in the minority of people who think Affleck will KILL IT as Bruce Wayne/Batman.

    I was skeptical myself. Until I saw the trailers. Looks like he is doing an exceptional job. The issue I have is with the costume, among several issues, ones that I have already mentioned, from some angles, the suit makes him look like a cat, not a bat.

    Production design-wise, it seems like Snyder is pulling from Batman: TAS and the Burton movies, which is rad because those are the coolest, at least to me they are.

    There is always controversy when mentioning those Burton movies.

    Post edited by nDelphi on
  • NoName99NoName99 Posts: 322
    edited September 2015
    McGyver said:

    Now I can see a fat joker with a walker and orthopedic shoes... Purple of course.


    Picture the joker you described asking someone in a sadistically evil whisper "Have a bad day?"

    or just picture out of shape joker saying the entire Frank Miller "bad day" dialog.


    Post edited by NoName99 on
  • nDelphi said:

    I'm also in the minority of people who think Affleck will KILL IT as Bruce Wayne/Batman.

    I was skeptical myself. Until I saw the trailers. Looks like he is doing an exceptional job. The issue I have is with the costume, among several issues, ones that I have already mentioned, from some angles, the suit makes him look like a cat, not a bat.

    Production design-wise, it seems like Snyder is pulling from Batman: TAS and the Burton movies, which is rad because those are the coolest, at least to me they are.

    There is always controversy when mentioning those Burton movies.

    I've experienced it, I personally don't get the big deal, some people like the Nolan movie more, some people like Burton's more, doesn't mean an argument needs to break out.  

    Especially since we can all agree on Schumakers BatTurds.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,777
    edited September 2015
    frank0314 said:

    I grew up on the animated Batman. I'm a big fan of the movies but they seem to have lost a bit of spark. I got tired of the Spiderman remakes so didn't even watch the last one.

    ...I grew up with the 1950s Adventures of Superman serial starring George Reeves as the Man of Steel. and the campy 60s Batman series.

    There was also Filmation 's Batman/Superman Hour animated series on Saturday mornings in the late 60s.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • cosmo71cosmo71 Posts: 3,609
    edited September 2015

    I like Batman more than Superman. But that I think has also something to do with Christian Bale. He was Batman, means there is no other actor I know who was more Batman then he. He raised Batman to another level I think. I guess the thread here is about Batman vs Superman in general but as written everytime I think about Batman Christian Bales comes up to my mind.

    Oh one actor I know who could play Batman also.

    Ryan Gosling

    Post edited by cosmo71 on
  • BarubaryBarubary Posts: 1,202
    edited September 2015

    I'm more curious about this movie than exited for it. In recent years (meaning after 'The Dark Knight'), WB has been sort of disappointing when it comes to adapting their universe for Movies and TV (safe for a good first season of 'Arrow').


    Suicide Squad looks pretty cool though, I hope they don't put too much of a spotlight on Deadshot, though, and focus more and Harley Quinn :D She looks pleasently deranged in the trailer.


    I guess right now I'm more looking forward to the Marvel movies / shows as well as the next X-Men movie.


    Still rooting for a She-Hulk movie and a 'The Boys' show. I can dream :D

    Post edited by Barubary on
  • in an advanced review I read of a test screaning apparently the film was very well recieves and the critics praised Ben Affleck as the best Batman ever pretty bold statement so it's going to be interesting to see if that's true or not 

  • ANGELREAPER1972ANGELREAPER1972 Posts: 4,430
    edited September 2015

    ok so nowdays just about anything and everything is being turned into a movie including boardgames battleship, maze runner, think there's one based on monopoly and there was some youtube parody movies on The Sims games. Now if there was a life action or animated  one based on the Daz characters Aiko, Michael, Victoria, The Freak, Stephanie and the rest what sort of movie do you think it would be action, scifi, mix of genres and what sort of characters would all the various characters be. Think Aiko would be some sort of sword girl maybe assasian, Freak maybe a mob boss or at least a heavy maybe he can morph into something monstous, even the dragons could be some sort of dragon human hybrid something like Retile from Mortal Kombat along with Reptillian and Minotaur. The new Karren and Scott some sort of specilised agents with or without super powers. And Darius and Monique they'd have magicall powers that image of Darius on his pro bundle makes me think of Dragonball Z. Giselle makes me think of Wasp

    Daz or somebody else did it for Daz did a bunch of promo mini movies to promote the super suit wouldn't mind seeing them do some new ones with the new stuff how about Daz be great promo to entice newbies you could even promote your newest program product Morph 3D

    Post edited by ANGELREAPER1972 on
  • Khal Drogo as Aquaman is pretty boss too but when is Superman vs. Old Lady with asthma set to release? Too bad Aunt Ester from Sanford and Son is no longer with us, she would have slung Supermans hash something good even without the kryptonite. 

  • If Batman fans weren't so loudly obstinate, Superman would wreck Batman faster than he could react. I bet the movie will do the dumb trope where they forgive eachother to battle a common enemy, though.

  • If Batman fans weren't so loudly obstinate, Superman would wreck Batman faster than he could react. I bet the movie will do the dumb trope where they forgive eachother to battle a common enemy, though.

    in a surprising twist one of them will be noogied to death 

  • If Batman fans weren't so loudly obstinate, Superman would wreck Batman faster than he could react. I bet the movie will do the dumb trope where they forgive eachother to battle a common enemy, though.

    in a surprising twist one of them will be noogied to death 

    Hmm, well, that would have to be the big farm boy giving the rich kid a noogie, right?

  • If Batman fans weren't so loudly obstinate, Superman would wreck Batman faster than he could react. I bet the movie will do the dumb trope where they forgive eachother to battle a common enemy, though.

    in a surprising twist one of them will be noogied to death 

    Hmm, well, that would have to be the big farm boy giving the rich kid a noogie, right?

    don't rightly know, the noogie is traditionally more of a cosmopolitan attack. Farm boy would probably go for the cow-tipping approach.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039

    What is the standard for cow tipping?... 12% or 15%... I've been giving 18% but I feel too many cows just take it for granted and service has declined.

  • McGyver said:

    What is the standard for cow tipping?... 12% or 15%... I've been giving 18% but I feel too many cows just take it for granted and service has declined.

    I find its best to give as much as you can. Some of these cows work for next to nothing in terms of basic salary.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039
    edited September 2015

    True... But if it's really bad service, I'll have to give it a second thought. Yesterday the steak I ordered...... Oooooh, I see now... 

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • McGyver said:

    True... But if it's really bad service, I'll have to give it a second thought. Yesterday the steak I ordered...... Oooooh, I see now... 

    Even if the cow brings out my entree while I'm eating my salad I still give 15% but if the cow eats my salad before the entree thats 12%.


  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039
    edited September 2015

    How about if it's a pizza delivery cow... Should I include the price of the gas too?



    Oh, yeah, so as not to stray too far from the OP, the movie sounds interesting and I'm probably gonna see it, but I'm not buying any popcorn because it always gets stuck in my gums.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • tl155180tl155180 Posts: 994
    edited September 2015

    More often than not the cows end up stripping on the side just to make ends meet.

    Whats that? How dare you sir! I've never derailed a thread in my life!


    Getting back to the point - does anyone else think that Batfleck looks a little chubby in that new suit?

    Post edited by tl155180 on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039
    edited September 2015

    No, but I have done so with many...

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • nDelphinDelphi Posts: 1,850
    tl155180 said:
    Getting back to the point - does anyone else think that Batfleck looks a little chubby in that new suit?

    I described it as muscular.

  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,167
    edited September 2015

    The first trailer for this film lost me but the 2nd made it look good, at least much better than 20th Century Fox does with their holding on the Marvel franchse.

    Post edited by StratDragon on
  • NoName99NoName99 Posts: 322
    edited September 2015

    in an advanced review I read of a test screaning apparently the film was very well recieves and the critics praised Ben Affleck as the best Batman ever pretty bold statement so it's going to be interesting to see if that's true or not 

    That advanced screening was for an audience consisting of WB Executives, so we should probably take that with a grain of salt. 

    I give myself a standing ovation and rave reviews everytime I finish a new render, lol.laugh

    That's not true at all actually, but I'm sure you get the point.

    Post edited by NoName99 on
  • NoName99NoName99 Posts: 322
    edited September 2015
    nDelphi said:
    tl155180 said:
    Getting back to the point - does anyone else think that Batfleck looks a little chubby in that new suit?

    I described it as muscular.

    Yeah, I've noticed in some shots it looks muscular and bulky, and other shots it looks chubby and bulky, but in both cases I can't tell if it's the suit, or if it's Afflecks build.

    He was pretty bulky in Gone Girl, but I don't think it's bodyfat, I think he's one of those guys that is pre-disposed to weight gain, which can look kind of soft when he puts on weight, even if it's Muscle.

    Regardless, I'm not a fan of the new suit design, and I'm usually a fan of retro-type stuff.  I think it's the small ears.  It may grow on me though, so who knows. 

    It's the type of thing that won't bother me too much as long as Affleck and Snyder get the characters performance and story right.  


    Post edited by NoName99 on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039
    edited September 2015

    Hey, if I ever make my own superhero armor, I'm going for chubby... chubby is thicker armor and if you fall down while running away from a large falling object, you can still roll out of the way. Yeah, you look cool in muscle armor, but blubber armor will save your life... Remember when Tate/Talia stabbed Batman? If he had chubby armor he would have been just fine... And you can hide snacks in your tubby armor too.

    Post edited by McGyver on
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