Can we Have a New DOG and CAT

In the store there is a GIANT ANTEATER WITH REAL HAIR.  How often does anyone need a real anteater in a render?  I really really want a new and improved Cat and Dog with real hair and multiple breeds.  Maybe instead of bringin out an endless parade of Victorias we could get a dog and cat?



  • Your request may get more traction here

    although your piqued my interest with the giant anteater, I gotta check this out.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,090

    1) I would also like improved dogs and cats models.

    2) In the meantime, Carrara has dynamic hair.  If you don't want to do it yourself, a vendor (Livia Zita) offers real fur for the millenium dog and millenium cat.

    fur for dog

    fur for cat



  • wizwiz Posts: 1,100

    There are also two free presets for the millenium cat and one for the dog (two if you count the wolf preset) over at the LAMH website.

  • it sounds like people are just adding fur to the existing figures, and I could see how that mostlywould get the job done.

  • If we could at least get some HD morphs for the cat & Big Cat 2 that make their paw pads not completely flat, that would be awesome. I'd really pay good money for a new dog and cat, though, with all the improvements in bending and weight mapping and the like. Fer serious.

  • TimbalesTimbales Posts: 2,287

    we could, but they'd be female only

  • Hanabi said:

     Fur serious.

    Fixed that for ya.

  • Agreed. The state of the pets is very dated.

  • EveniosEvenios Posts: 119

    i can has cat?

  • Can has cheezburger

  • tl155180tl155180 Posts: 994
    edited September 2015

    Lol! I believe its pronounced "haz" cheeky

    Oh wait, maybe I'm wrong. I haven't spoken cat in a while so I'm a bit rusty.

    Post edited by tl155180 on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039

    I need a real giant anteater for the giant radioactive mutant ants in my yard, but not so much one to render... Unless I render the scene where my giant anteater is eating all the giant ants which the national guard failed to get rid of... But besides that, I'd really like to see a new cat and dog... The old ones are real... old... Old and old looking now. I realize dogs and cats, especially cats are not very popular these days, as evidenced by their complete absence on the Internet, but it would be real cool if someone could contact Mother Nature and ask about licensing dogs and cats, so we could have some nice new accurate ones using newer technology... I'm sure only a few people would buy them due to how unpopular and rare cats and dogs are in real life, as opposed to naked giant anteaters, but I'm sure if the vendor, threw in some sexy poses for the cats or dogs, they would sell like gangbusters... Whatever that means, which hopefully is something good.

    I'm genuinely surprised this is still an issue and nobody has tackled this since the last versions... But, I'd love to see them.

  • Milcat and dog have male morph unneutered  so imagine that not an issue but was disappointed no buck kangaroo by AM.

  • Timbales said:

    we could, but they'd be female only

    Now that you say it, pretty sure all daz animals are females- including the dragons.

  • TimbalesTimbales Posts: 2,287
    Timbales said:

    we could, but they'd be female only

    Now that you say it, pretty sure all daz animals are females- including the dragons.

    Daz Horse 2 default is stallion, with morphs for gelding and mare. 

    Mill Big Cat has a male genitalia morph

    Mill Dog default is male with morphs for female and neutered.

  • Timbales said:
    Timbales said:

    we could, but they'd be female only

    Now that you say it, pretty sure all daz animals are females- including the dragons.

    Daz Horse 2 default is stallion, with morphs for gelding and mare. 

    Mill Big Cat has a male genitalia morph

    Mill Dog default is male with morphs for female and neutered.

    WHAT.  *facepalm*  I only have the LE version sof the cat and dog, and only use the big cat once so I can accept my ignorance there. But I wasn't aware about the  horse...I blame it on the armor I threw on...

    Good to know.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039
    edited September 2015

    So the nudity standards apply to animals too?  It's a good thing my censored bars have a promo showing their use with a cat.


    664 x 700 - 131K
    Post edited by McGyver on
  • I'm sensing a lot of anti-anteater backlash. It is, you must admit, a beautiful model. You can put in your ante chamber. It can have tea. And... well, thats it.

    That said I want a new cat too. With an addon to transform it into Nyan Cat (and that reminds me - are there no poptart models?)

  • Timbales said:
    Timbales said:

    we could, but they'd be female only

    Now that you say it, pretty sure all daz animals are females- including the dragons.

    Daz Horse 2 default is stallion, with morphs for gelding and mare. 

    Mill Big Cat has a male genitalia morph

    Mill Dog default is male with morphs for female and neutered.

    Heh. Never noticed that before... Big Cats 2 also has a "Genital Male" morph with it.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039

    I support giant anteaters... Without them who would eat the giant ants... Fellow DAZites... DAZonians... Eh... Yo, people... Don't hate on the anteater... Love him for what he is, and what he can do for you... For how he makes you feel... About yourselves, life and ant eating in general.

    Lament not for his existence, but for the absence of the new cats and dogs... Or dogs and cats... Celebrate the anteater, love him, render him... And stuff.

    But take arms against this sea of oppression that does rob us of our rightful cats and dogs, or dogs and cats...  And brings woe to our renders, with so doing brings us closer to our doom... Nay, say nay... This must not be... Rise up and say- give us our dogs and cats, or cats and dogs!

  • There was also an alien morph to the dog. Sadly I never got it but would love some alien pets.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039

    Real ones? I know a guy, who knows a guy, who... 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    a shout out for zebras, Daz H2.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039

    As long as they are naked zebras.

  • McGyver said:

    As long as they are naked zebras.

    Zebras are never naked. They all wear stripes.

  • TimbalesTimbales Posts: 2,287

    Horse 2 is really sad you guys didn't notice his junk.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,039

    In some prisons the zebras are orange now.

  • Your request may get more traction here

    although your piqued my interest with the giant anteater, I gotta check this out.

    You will find him in Alessandro Mastronadi's shop. Alessandro also does several other cute little furry animals, including some weapons-grade cute bear cubs.  He's been promising us a new, improved wolf for quite a while.



  • I usually don't plan production and I model what I find intriguing and challenging. Being very interested in wild animals I do love creating some that I understand won't be popular (the giant anteater being one for sure).
    Said that, my new wolf model is about ready and I have a canine base shape that I will use to produce some dog breeds. Also the domestic cats are in production (even if at early stages).
    Here is my gallery where I usually post my WIP:

  • Thats great news Alessandro - your animals models are the best! I, for one, like the look of the anteater and plan to get him at some point, but some dog varieties would be very welcome laugh.

    Oooh... Dung beetles...

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