If anyone needs me



  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,464

    Will... don't let the bastards drag you down, man.

    Stick around; lurk if you must.  But don't go.

  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214

    I mostly lurk now too as when I posted my opinion I felt strongly about my posts got deleted or ignored, so now I just skim the forums and get advice that's offered from people like you who are always willing to post what they have tried and learned from and different ways of doing things, and sometimes asking a question about something or offer encouragement to someone, so please know that to alot of us your comments and and opinions are invaluable even if we don't always say so and your wisdom and advise will be missed here.  I also just roam around looking for McGyvers posts cause they always make me laugh out loud, does that sound like stalking?  sorry I am not a stalker McGyver your lightheartedness in your posts just always make me smile :)

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,141

    Hope you come back

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited November 2015

    Whaa... Not friendly? You say "I've had enough" and like 5,000 or 12 people respond... I didn't really count so I left myself a big margin of error, but people are concerned and if that's not friendly what else could it be... Nosiness, I suppose... We are a nosy lot, but there is concern... And where there is concern there is friendliness... I think... I probably should have something to back that up with.... Maybe a statistic or some numbers...  Um... 86.975.... See... we care...     I can't really speak for everyone and there are a few who may be indifferent and to be honest for all I know you may have been catching flak for being the inventor of the Kitten-Press™ and then being belligerent about it... Wait... Isn't it the Timmins Kitten-Press™... It is you... You monster... Those are great kitten patties, but you monster!!     No... Wait... Actually it's the Tipman Kitten-Press... Apparently they make great paintball guns and a pretty damn good kitten press... I have a Tipman Custom98... It's durable accurate and not prone to jamming when filthy, so I imagine their kitten press must be pretty good...  I wonder if the kitten press could be used with squirrels instead... Eh... Sorry... I got a little distracted there... But I do care... I guess... I'm pretty psychotic, so it's hard to know for sure... I pretty much never know what I'm going on about.  But at least it's good to know you are not going away completely... I went away a while ago, mostly because the forum software was terrible and I was constantly losing posts and getting logged out and it was a tedious and annoying experience and let me tell you, if there ever was a vindictive and spiteful bastard, I'd be he and yet I'm here... Mostly because I'm forgetful, but also because I'm forgetful. So sorta like a nasty toe fungus... I'm still here. Well, anyway... Don't let any negative comments or angry reviews over your kitten press or whatever the hell went down that made you feel frustrated and repulsed, drive you away...  Just stick around... Lurking in the shadows... Even though I don't know you that well and we never really had any lengthy conversations and I probably wouldn't give you one of my kidneys... It's good to know you will probably just hang around reading stuff and occasionally asking questions.  I don't know why that's good, but it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling... Like... Oh crap, I'm covered in fuzzy caterpillars!!!  No... Sorry, the bag of fake mustaches on the shelf above, tipped over. I thought the jar of vampire moth caterpillars spilled... Did you know there really are such things as vampire moths? I'm not even making that up...         Vampire Moth- Calyptra: The genus Calyptra is a group of moths in subfamily Calpinae of the family Erebidae. The common name of many of these species, vampire moth, refers to the habit that they have of drinking blood from vertebrates.  According to a recent study, some of them (C. thalictri) are even capable of drinking human blood through skin.  However, the moths are not thought to cause any threat to humans not being directly fed upon. No relation to the Werewolf Butterfly....       See I didn't even make most of that that up... If it's not real, blame Wikipedia.   Mostly.  So you'll see my concern about the caterpillars... It's weird how they each have a little cape and fake fangs too... Nature is amazing.  And where else besides a forum at a psychiatric center would you get these kind of long rambling responses to your posts... Just here... As long as I stay here... I think there are a few other people that write strange replies here... But I'm not entirely sure if they are real or just alternate personalities of mine... Nature is amazing.   Well, I say go have beer or twelve, chill for a while and when you feel better, pop back in... Especially if you have a question... I love helping out by answering questions, even when I don't have an answer... I just make stuff up... It's actually getting hard to tell what is real and what's not... Wait... Are you real... Now I'm wondering... Nobody uses their actual image as an avatar... That's something I'd do if I were trying to confuse one of my other personalities... You do seem overly happy in that picture... Like one of those wallet or picture frame picture people... Is that where you are from?... I wonder what I'm up to... This is just like Budapest all over again. Only it was Baltimore... Well... I think I'm done here for now... Things are getting weird and I'm starting to wonder why I even have a jar of little Dracula caterpillars and a sack of fake mustaches... Weird... This all coincides too closely with the release of DS 4.9 and the Kitten-Press 2000™... Something is afoot... Oh... That's just my foot... I had one sock off, so I got confused.   Well... Good bye for now "Timmins -Kitten Press- William"... If that is indeed who you really are or if you really are or if any of this is really real... Really.



    Post edited by McGyver on
  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,167
    edited November 2015

    I think my band opened for Werewolf Butterfly in a East Islip venue that is now a Jenny Craig sandwiched between a Carvell and Dunkin Doughnuts. 


    timmins, don't go, I enjoy your posts too, I look forward to them and as a group we are not the best but we're not the worst either. If you want to see the worst try the Apple forums or IGN, those nerds can sling a pooh fight over Wonder Womans wrist bands.

    Post edited by StratDragon on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,970

    Eugh, ok, fine, I'll stay. The outpouring of support is a bit surprising and gratifying, of course I'm now annoyed at myself for seemingly doing that thing where someone online acts all wounded and announces suicide/leaving/everyone sucks as a transparent ploy for attention and everyone to go 'no no, you are so cool, we love you' "I'M STAMPING MY LITTLE FOOT WAAAGH" 'Nooo!'


    I'll try to suck it up and appreciate the positive and manage the negative better, thank you all.


  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,065
    edited November 2015

    Eugh, ok, fine, I'll stay.

    Hooray:) Always enjoy reading your views, would be a pity if you did leave.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • James_HJames_H Posts: 1,021

    Hey, Will, glad you are staying. I rarely post as I'm ashamed of my own incompetence. But i am slowly finding my way around my Runtime.

  • Joe WebbJoe Webb Posts: 837

    Glad you're staying too. We've never interacted but I've read a number of your posts on technical aspects that have helped me quit a bit.


  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    Moooohoooohaaahaaa...aaaghk...damn fake mustache hairs....haaahaaa...hoo.   It worked, I knew you would turn to the dark side... Oops, wrong website... Hey don't feel bad, it could be worse... I just bought the kitten-press and found out squirrels don't fit right... The tail sticks out too much and the patties come out way too small for a standard hamburger bun... It really just looks like a weird little Davy Crockett hat made out of bread... But anyway... We wholeheartedly believe you really were just giving us your forwarding address and moving on... I was half tempted to actually contact you there with some long stupid story as to why you shouldn't feel bad about whatever it was that drove you off and that even if you were imaginary, whatever happened wasn't such a big deal in the grand scheme of the universe so just have a drink (you know I'm starting to think I mention alcohol too much) and step back in... But I guess I chose to post that here instead... Mainly because I can never remember my DA password... Or what DA stands for... Deviant Aardvarks?... Anteaters... Armadillos? Whatever... A long time ago this place was really super happy funtime, fun place and we all knew each other and everyone was always helping everyone and else sharing ideas... It was like a big hippy commune focused on 3D... Only there weren't a lot funky mushrooms and no one really smelled of patchouli and armpits... Mostly... But after some changes a few years ago, a lot of that (is anyone playing sad violin music... If not please put some on now)... A lot of that went away, many of the older members just faded away or were eaten by wolves and things got too serious and boring... Even I was eaten by wolves... No... I just went away... But my point is... Wait do I need one... Crap... Oh, try this... None of us should worry about what others think about us or if our posts make everyone happy... Or even if we sound sane... We shouldn't let negative responses bother us either... If a post gets removed, so what... are you going to remember what you said in it tomorrow... Hell, I have no idea what any of this about... This could all be some really weird dream... A boring one... Don't sweat the small stuff and don't let small sweaty things crawl on you... I'm really bad with sayings... But you get the idea... I hope so, cause I'm gonna need someone to explain it later... I think we should all just try and enjoy ourselves and make the best of it here, share ideas, share a thought and it'll all be alright. Anyway... Something is on fire outside and I really should go and put it out... Thanks for staying, and being that I'll probably never remember any of this ten minutes from now, see you later... Maybe...

  • Jan19Jan19 Posts: 1,109

    I'll linger, if nothing else for the practical issue of this being pretty much the only place to get questions answered about stuff. But this place doesn't feel friendly to me.

    It will get better. smiley


  • Yay!!! I look forward to more discourse in the future.  Not that I'm all that brilliant at 3D discourse, but it does sound intelligent.  Anyway, glad you're staying, Will.

  • AJ2112AJ2112 Posts: 1,416
    edited November 2015

    Happy you've decide to stick around.  Trust me I truly understand your frustration.  I've alway's felt this forum has alot of favortism amongst members, not friendly interaction.  But nothing anyone can do about it, just the way the world work's.  I made a decision to no longer update my art studio thread, disappeared for a few months.  Interact with 3D friends I've met online via email. 

    When I first began Daz almost 3 years ago, lot's of friendly/interactive members, I learned tremendously to progress where I am today, from staring at a blank screen.  Anyway, although the forum is not to my standards, I made a decision to give back to the community, knowledge I have gained.  Lot's of newbies seek, desire assistance.  

    BTW, I enjoy reading your post.   

    Post edited by AJ2112 on
  • umm someone had a problem with you??? really would never have thought anyone would have a problem with you you seem like an ok guy sure our views on content and renders may be different tastes but still I thought you was an ok guy and you have shared some interesting things that have been very useful I've had some bad ones like in person and on deviant got told I should kill myself and all this other hate stuff by someone who considered themselves the moral defender of deviant and other sites he upset a lot of people posted it on others too you get these people everywhere they just get a kick out of making people miserable and probably same with the one that got to you don't let them win by driving you away all that matters is you enjoy what you do and if others like it too and your writings that's all that matters know it's hard to ignore the haters they get to me too just try to take notice of the likers 

  • JennKJennK Posts: 834

    So glad you are staying smiley.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,970

    Next time I'm feeling all agrieved I'll just throw a thread party. ;)


  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,633

    Sometimes it's not a bad idea to give yourself a break for a week or so, or at least for a couple of days.  I do it myself when I get frustrated with all of the yelling or with repeating myself on the same issues.  It's better to step off than burn out.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Well I am glad you decided to stay.  I've barely had a chance to get to know you but I've found our interactons to be most helpful and pleasant.  Helpful for me anyway lol..

  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,598
    edited November 2015

    Will, enjoy the break, sometimes we just need time away...edited to add glad you're back already. ; )

    McGyver said:


    Enough what?... I've had enough pudding... I finally tracked down an institutional size pudding can... Three pounds of pudding... I finished it off two days ago and now I've had enough pudding for a while... Besides... It was low fat... What the hell is the point of pudding if it is low fat?

    Are you leaving?... Don't leave... Or do... I don't know why you are leaving... Was it the DAZ Killbots I've been mentioning a lot lately? They are only in a couple of the parallel universes, and only one is near enough to ours and the Killbots won't go active for eight more years... That's plenty of time to do stuff and party like its 1999... 1999 really sucked actually... My dog died, my old Dodge caught on fire while I was driving it... I mean it REALLY caught on fire... Like snoopy going down in flames after the Red Baron shot him down, on fire... I busted my ankle too that year... 1999 wasn't a good year... Maybe party like it was 1989... That wasn't a bad year... Well, unless you were Emperor Hirohito of Japan... He died that year... So I don't think it was that great a year for him... I suppose most years are bad or good... Just party like its your favorite year.

    You've probably had enough of this post... But it's not over yet... It could be... For the low, low price of $9.99 plus a one time $5.01 filing fee, I can end this comment in a timely manner. Ah, who am I kidding... I never stop writing before I've exceeded most people's interest range...

    Usually when most people post a statement like that, they are sick of this place... Or angry... Or fleeing from a crime... You probably wouldn't have left an address if it was the last one.

    Well, whatever it was that drove you away, I hope it didn't cause any permanent harm... We will miss your happy looking, smiling avatar for as long as we can remember it, which probably won't be that long because we are all very easily distracted by shiny new stuff and loud noises.

    Good luck, may the wind always be to your back, unless you are really gassy, but other than that may it always be to your back and may the road ahead be a pleasant one entirely free of wolves and stray circus lions and mimes... I hate mimes.

    Good luck.

    lol...McGyver don't ever change...lol


    Post edited by Pendraia on
  • PendraiaPendraia Posts: 3,598
    Kharma said:

    I mostly lurk now too as when I posted my opinion I felt strongly about my posts got deleted or ignored, so now I just skim the forums and get advice that's offered from people like you who are always willing to post what they have tried and learned from and different ways of doing things, and sometimes asking a question about something or offer encouragement to someone, so please know that to alot of us your comments and and opinions are invaluable even if we don't always say so and your wisdom and advise will be missed here.  I also just roam around looking for McGyvers posts cause they always make me laugh out loud, does that sound like stalking?  sorry I am not a stalker McGyver your lightheartedness in your posts just always make me smile :)

    Just don't eat or drink when you're reading them...makes a real mess of the computer screen. ; )


  • tl155180tl155180 Posts: 994

    Next time I'm feeling all agrieved I'll just throw a thread party. ;)

    This is the kind of appreciation and support that being a nice, polite and helpful person gets you. Its karma. Very glad you're staying laugh

  • As a dude that only pops in every now and then (lurking a lot more than posting) I have no idea what happened, but it is good to see the community sticking together and supporting each other. I know I've been a lot less active on the forums than in the past and that's mostly due to having comments removed.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,482

    At the risk of sounding trite: it takes all sorts. I'm a grumpy old sod on forum pages but face to face I'm a cuddly kitty. I just get frustrated when things don't work or I feel that I've bought a lemon (old motor-trade slang for a heap of crap) so I complain. Just as I would if a restaurant served me a hot meal gone cold. I will buy here again just as I would probably visit the restaurant again and smile at the same waiter. 

    Yesterday, on another forum, I upset the developer of some software and it got too personal. I've worked with software developers for most of my career and I know that they are not always the best people to answer customer complaints. I used to be the guy in the customer firing line so I should understand but, when I'm the customer, I forget how upsetting it can be for the person on the receiving end. To me it feels justified but I need to remember that people are human and not always corporate spin doctors.

  • just offer them a snickers cheeky

  • or some tim tams - get it wink mmm maybe not do you have tims tams over your way? very tasty

  • I'm new to this forum.  

    But I have a few comments :

    1. The forum format is obsolete. I am not sure why Daz decided to opt for this kind of forum template, as searching for a topic is complicated or sometimes impossible to do.

    2. There is no way to look at members' posts in their profile (unless I'm mistaken)

    3. There is no sections for tutorials at all (usually, forums for softwares such as Daz 3D have a section for this)

    4. I think the devs are so busy working on the core of Daz Studio (that's a good thing) that some features are neglected, such as the forum and the manuals.

    5. Maybe we should start another forum on an independent website dedicated to tutorials and helping each other's out ONLY. We could even use Patreon.com so that the person making the tutorial gets good money in exchange for a good tutorial.  Daz would not be penalized by this, as there would be a lot of links redirecting to the Daz store anyways (which is always good in a SEO perspective).


    And last, but not least : timmins.william, I've read all your comics (The Far Shoals). While your render style is not my style, you have one of the most creative mind I've seen. The strangeness of your comics makes me feel uneasy in a good way. A good mix of science-fiction and mystics, I like it a lot. A creative person should never quit doing what he is passionate about because the world needs creative people. Without creativity and imagination, our world would be made of hues of grey and beige. We need color.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    #2   You are mistaken   Click on the profil, click on the gear icon there

    #3   Tutorials and documentation are in the Wiki, reached from the Help button.

  • marble said:

    At the risk of sounding trite: it takes all sorts. I'm a grumpy old sod on forum pages but face to face I'm a cuddly kitty. I just get frustrated when things don't work or I feel that I've bought a lemon (old motor-trade slang for a heap of crap) so I complain. Just as I would if a restaurant served me a hot meal gone cold. I will buy here again just as I would probably visit the restaurant again and smile at the same waiter. 

    Yesterday, on another forum, I upset the developer of some software and it got too personal. I've worked with software developers for most of my career and I know that they are not always the best people to answer customer complaints. I used to be the guy in the customer firing line so I should understand but, when I'm the customer, I forget how upsetting it can be for the person on the receiving end. To me it feels justified but I need to remember that people are human and not always corporate spin doctors.

    Software developers are never the best person to answer customers complaints. It seems it is a universal law.
    A simple explanation would be that the developers worked so hard on their project that they lose perspective on what the customer needs. And that is a perfectly normal behavior. All creators and inventors have the same behavior, as they put a lot of sweat and blood in their projects. A customer complaint feels like being stabbed to them and they don't know how to react.  This is why a community manager, or a customer service representative is needed in those cases.


  • KharmaKharma Posts: 3,214
    edited November 2015
    Chohole said:

    #2   You are mistaken   Click on the profil, click on the gear icon there

    #3   Tutorials and documentation are in the Wiki, reached from the Help button.


    Where are the tutorials and help on shader mixer and shader builder and how to use them to create new shaders?  the only one I can find is a very old one by Carnite on youtube and with so much change in the program it doesn't make sense anymore so very hard to follow and has no info on how to create iray shaders


    Post edited by Kharma on
  • Jan19Jan19 Posts: 1,109
    edited November 2015

    McGyver colors up the forums.  :-) 

    Will, I remember one day I was searching for test renders of a product, and I saw one of your images.  I bought the product.   smiley​ 

    On different forums, there are folks who seem to be pillars of the community.  When I returned to DAZ, I got the impression you were one of those, here, now. 

    I think the forum would suffer without your contributions.

    Post edited by Jan19 on
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