Can you save just the head morphs you made on G9?

BoorsmanBoorsman Posts: 249

I have a character I  created that started by converting a character I made for G8M and then changing things on the head with morh sliders.  I really like the head, but not the body.  The chest looks goofy.  The character was inspired by an old cartoon character from the 1890's.  I just reimagined him as a real person.  I tried changing the body by playing with different morp sliders, but I can't get it to look right.  What I was wondering is, can I somehow save the head seperatly from the body, them load a fresh G9 and apply that saved head while keeping the body untouched?. Then I could use morph sliders to adjust the body.  Here are some pictures of what I have.


Mickey 1.jpg
793 x 891 - 37K
Mickey 2.jpg
1863 x 906 - 82K
Mickey 3.jpg
1209 x 914 - 57K


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 100,099

    You don't want to bake the morphs you used to a single morph as you will lose all the linked adjustments (to joint centres and corrective morphs to work with posing and other supported shapes). You could split off the head shape from your original, converted shape by spawing the head Splitter dForm, exporting your shape (with no poses or other shapes applied) as OBJ, and then reloading through Morph Loader Pro with the Attentuate By option set and the Head Split dForm's weight map selected. Then you could reapply the head morphs you have been using and set about adjusting the body shape.

  • BoorsmanBoorsman Posts: 249

    Thank you, Richard Haseltine.  I'll give that a try.

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