carrara file to daz

j_stnkj_stnk Posts: 205

hello all!

i am trying out carrara. i want to export a .car file to daz. is this possible? i know that i can convert it to obj. with the .mtl files but when i import to daz there is no image? it is recognized in the scene pane and parameter pane but no image? it's the diversity afro hair that i bought by mistake not seeing that is was for carrara. so i got carrara to use the product on trial to get the hair to work in daz but no success yet. also, if anyone knows where i can get normal african hair styles, who's created them, any characters with them etc., please let me know where i can get some. i must have gone thru 40 pages of hair products in the daz shop and finally i saw diversity. i was so excited i didn't read the fine print oops.thanks


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,944
    edited December 1969

    carrara hair is carrara only I am afraid

  • j_stnkj_stnk Posts: 205
    edited December 1969

    shucks!! thanks do you know of any african male hair styles i can purchase/download not associated with a particular character but for general use with others?

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    Have you looked at this, it is made to fit Genesis as well as several Generation 4 figures (V4, M4 and Kids 4) I am sure that it can be made to fit almost any figure by scaling and translating etc.

    It is FiberMesh hair though *big files and long render times), and it may use a lot of resources.

  • j_stnkj_stnk Posts: 205
    edited December 1969

    thanks but it's too jerry curl : ( looking for natural looking hair styles for male characters with morphs for flat tops etc.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,944
    edited December 1969

    How about LAMH try the free player
    you can export as geometry too to create hair props to use on other figures.

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