Store website....

brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,156
edited November 2014 in The Commons

Oh goodie....the Windows 8 look has come to the store website....

Post edited by frank0314 on


  • BarubaryBarubary Posts: 1,201
    edited December 1969

    ropeman said:
    Oh goodie....the Windows 8 look has come to the store website....

    Well, Windows 8 was such a striking success, they simply had to become an inspiration for other designers.

  • icprncssicprncss Posts: 3,694
    edited December 1969

    Barubary said:
    ropeman said:
    Oh goodie....the Windows 8 look has come to the store website....

    Well, Windows 8 was such a striking success, they simply had to become an inspiration for other designers.

    How many Win 8 users have immediately uninstalled all the metro apps?

  • zawarkalzawarkal Posts: 1,018
    edited December 1969

    my Father has windows 8 and he calls me to work on his computer. I am still using windows 7, thank god! But, I am unable to help him because it is just too hard to find where everything is located. Kind of like the new Daz site. I let him call a support service now. Looks like I will be taking a lesson and looking elsewhere to shop.

  • Nester751Nester751 Posts: 382
    edited December 1969

    Apparently no filter for poser users to ensure a purchase works in poser (without examining every single thing). :( Also anyone find fast grab?

  • Ravioli777Ravioli777 Posts: 9
    edited December 1969

    I was wondering the same about fast grab, it's the last "sliding" tile, after freebies.

  • Nester751Nester751 Posts: 382
    edited December 1969

    I was wondering the same about fast grab, it's the last "sliding" tile, after freebies.

    Thank you Ravioli777!

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,496
    edited December 1969

    Please refer all comments and questions to here so they are all in one place and DAZ officials can easily refer to 1 thread..

This discussion has been closed.