Weird layers coming through in character rendering

After merging my characters into this scene a dark red layer is showing randomly through their skin no matter if I re-MAT the character or not.  Any ideas why?  I've also deleted the characters and re-marged.  Same effect.  Also in the original scene I'm merging, the characters are perfect.


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Looks like it might be the skull cap for the hair showing through.  I don't know how to fix it but I would start there.

  • This is apt to happen if the figure is away from the world origin (the centre of the floor grid). If the hair has a morph to push its skullcap out you could try that, or use a dForm to do the same - this is a limitation of Iray's precision, increasing the separation ensures that the two meshes don't end up seeming coincident. Setting Instance Optimisation to soemthing othe than Memory in the Editor tab of Render Settings can also help, as long as your scene isn't using instances itself.

  • Thank you Richard!  I guess that makes sense since my center floor grid is miles away from my scene.  However when I chose products and characters they show they are positioned at their zeros.  Why isn't showing my positions many degrees off?  Also how can I return all my hard work back to center?

  • Are you checking both the hip and the figure node itself? Are they parented to something, and if so have you checked its translations?

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