Morph dials aren't showing up

I am having a problem with my morph dials not loading. If I loda a specicfic charactor the shaping tab will only show what morphs are currently loaded in that model but won't display all my othe morphs that I use to mix and match and make unique faces and body types.


  • Do they show under Actor in the Parameters pane?

  • MicheleMichele Posts: 48


  • OK. But specific character presets do work? What happens if you click the lined button in the top corner of the pane and select Show Hidden Properties?

  • MicheleMichele Posts: 48

    Nothing happened when I clicked on show hidden properties. I'm pretty sure the morph dials aren't a hidden thing though. I'm really confused as to what could be going on with the program.

  • What do you see when you inject a character that is working?

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