iRay render camera
I have:
1. Genesis 3 Male
2. Corey
3. Sadie
4. Dennis
5. Toonimal Goldfish & Bowl
6. Carnival: Ferris Wheel, Midway Kiosk, Swing Ride, Carousel, Big Top Tent, and Carnival Grounds
7. HRDI 2K
8. On the carnival things about 100 lightbulb meshes set to emmision light
This is on an HP 8460P Elitebook intel i5 / intel HD Grogaphic 3000 with 16GB RAM.
At first I have the iRay camera resolution set to render at 4K but now I changed it to FHD (1920x1080) but I still run out of memory. What can I do to get the scene to render?
I have chosen Optimize for memory. I have Photoreal selected.
I will try Interactive Standard.
If this doesn't work - how much more RAM would I need to render this scene plus add 8 people to the Ferris Wheel?
Have a look at your log file. It might give you some actual numbers to work with.