Error Installing any daz version and content :(

I'm having problems installing DS and DS content because the drive I had all of DS 3 , DS 4 and Content installed died. I bought a new HD and I'm trying to re-install everything only it keeps looking for the old path even when I direct it to the new path. It starts out installing then it stops and give me this error message : Error creating directory P:/Program Files/Daz/Studio/resources. If I click retry it just keeps coming up with the same error message, when I click ignore it shows me this error : P:/Program Files/Daz/Studio/resources/ContentMapFiles. Depending on the file it keeps going to what ever it can't install. That drive no longer exist it was an external drive. Any help would be appreciated. :)
What Operating System are you using, and what version of DAZ Studio are you trying to install?
What path are you trying to install the main application into, and what path are you suing for the Genesis Starter Essentials file?
I'm running windows 7 home premium, I installed DS3 , then tried installing V4 , her morphs and power loader . That's where the problems start. I gave up on DS4 since I don't use it . I installed the program in another internal drive with the path of E:\Program Files\ . I let DS choose the default path for it after changing the drive letter . Thanks for replying :)
The main application install is all right, but you cannot install user content in there, not in Win 7 anyway.
Your user content should be stored by default into the Documents area in a folder called My Library (it used to be called Content in DS3, so you could still call it that if you want to)
My content is installed to C:\Users\\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library, but the name of the folder holding the content is not crucial, and you could use 'Content' instead. The vital thing here is not to use the Program Files area, as it is protected by Win7
Once installed, you will have to tell DS3 where to find it in Edit > Preferences.
JimmyC_2009 Thanks for your help, but I was just on the phone with Craig and he's gonna get back to me . There's more to this issue than what I thought if it's still asking for a path that doesn't exist even when directed to a different path. We did change it out of the program files directory I named it content directed it to it but it's still the same issue, asking for something that's not there. In the dzinstall.ini that old path doesn't show either so we're stumped. Again, thank you!
I am having a similar problem on my MacBook Pro, Mac OS X version 10.7.5. Brand new install. When I try to install texture files, for instance 7376_18_V4EliteTextureLana, I keep getting the message "error creating directory /resources. Other installs work fine. I am installing in the correct directory. I did try to create a directory called Resources under the .... /Documents/DAZ 3D/Studio/My Library folder but the installs for textures still keep giving me the error.
Help please!
I managed to get the content installed but can't use it. I keep getting this error message
Texture could not be loaded. Image map file could not be found, or there is not enough memory to load.
The textures are there in the folders they just don't load not even manually and as for memory , I have 8 gigs running in this work station and nothing else, so it's not a memory issue either.
The textures for the essentials load in DS but not for the poser Dson.
I don't know about Macs, but on Windows, SmileyWitchFaerie, go to the registry (start->run->type "regedit" without quotes and press enter) then browse to HKEY_Current_User\Software\DAZ\Studio3 (and/or 4) and check the keys. You can manually change them to your new folder.
Well I submitted a ticket to customer service and it has been 3 days without a response. So I called my CC company and put the charge in dispute. What a process, took me 20 min. Then they tell me it can take 90 days to resolve, what a pain in the a....
Anyway warning to all that the response to problems via DAZ support is non existent. At least in my case.
Thanks Dave I'll try that!
I have a problem with the installation of ds from the free version and then everything is correct to the extent that is puestra of the image
, but when I put next
get me this error "Error creating directory /Applications/DAZ 3D"
If I click retry it just keeps coming up with the same error message, when I click ignore
Please help me I have so many wanted to test the program to saver if I buy it or not
did you find a solution to this fereremenx52? i'm having the same problem...