What are 'My Face' and 'Randomize' Shaping Plugins?

DaremoK3DaremoK3 Posts: 798

Hi all...

I found two plugins(?)/tools for "Shaping (internal)" while searching for LIE in customizations (F3), and I would like to know what they are for/how to use.

I added them to my Creators Toolbar, but when I try either one on Genesis nothing happens.

Anyone out there know how to use them, or what they are even for?

Just in case you're wondering, I found LIE, and am good to go with it. I was just looking for it in the wrong place. Thought it was a plugin module that could be added to the toolbars, but is only available as a surface context menu drop-down.

Here is a pic of the two tools/plugins added to my Creator Toolbar:

*EDIT: Using DSPro4.5.0.114.

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  • niccipbniccipb Posts: 483
    edited December 1969


    I ran across those quite some time ago, I forget which version now. And as you noticed, they don't seem to do anything. (Yet)

    I think the (internal) label means that it's something that the Dev's are still playing with.

    I thought that I had read mention of one or both in a change log, but I don't remember if or when that might have been.

    I also thought I read in a change log or other log, something about a Morphing tool, but again I don't recall and can't find where I thought I read it.

    nicci... :)

  • DaremoK3DaremoK3 Posts: 798
    edited December 1969

    Thank you, nicci.

    I thought I stumbled upon a couple of Easter Eggs, but more likely a couple of eggs not ready to hatch

    Maybe they're slated for DS5...

    I'm hoping they are going to be like the scripts in Poser that let you randomize characters by pushing a button, and the script mix-n-matches all your installed morphs. Just keep pushin' until you have a satisfactory output, or at least a good starter base to continue on hand dialing to your liking.

  • niccipbniccipb Posts: 483
    edited December 1969


    DaremoK3 said:
    TI'm hoping they are going to be like the scripts in Poser that let you randomize characters by pushing a button, and the script mix-n-matches all your installed morphs. Just keep pushin' until you have a satisfactory output, or at least a good starter base to continue on hand dialing to your liking.

    That would be my guess. Just slides random sliders from your installed morphs and ...poof.... weird character created.... %-P :lol:

    Although I would hope that they would give some sort of control over which morphs and maybe % amount to apply.

    As for the 'My Face' , I have no clue what that would be for....

    nicci... :)

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