Are Afros impossible to Decimate?

I bought Nuru Hair and oh man, i press Prepare to Decimate and it takes minutes...and it never moves to the nerxt screen . it just gets stuck in Preparing to Decimate. I have a powerful computer but i guess maybe thta Nuru hair is so complex with like 1,000,000 polys.  I had one hair that was 300,000 polys it took like 10 seconds to enter the decimation process but I can imagine Nuru hair is so complex.

is that the case? Are afros just impossible to decimate with DAZ Decimator?


  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931

    Official count for Nuru hair   1,873, 763 vertices.    883,640 polygons. Wow. no wonder.

    The average hair is like 30,000 or something polygons.  It's gonna take a lonnng time to reach

    883,640 . I'll test how long it takes to go from the the Preparing to decimate screen. be back with results.

  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931

    Ok it took from 5:08 to 5:35am to open up the  decimation dials. So yeah it's not too practical plus i couldn't decimate down to 40000 polygons only to 65,000 . So yeah i guess complex afros like this Nuru hair and the Goya hair for M4 are not practical to use in Unity

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