Bounding box and live view question
Ok I don't seem to get this issue but I am running the latest version of the studio and when I first had it started I could see live changes on all figures not the bounding boxes only. After the changes are made the bounding boxes go away and I see the changes but this is very hard to make adjustments and I for the life of me can't seem to figure out where this might have been changed. Is there a box or area that I need to look at and uncheck/check to see a live preview change instead of the bounding box? Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.
Thanks for looking and or any help,
In the Tool Settings pane (Window>Panes(Tabs)>Tool Settings) scroll to the bottom and set the draw style under During Manipulation to Use current
You must have one of: Active Pose, Universal, Rotate, Scale or Translate tools selected in the drop down at the top of the Tool Settings tab, though.
YES!!! That was it and I thank you for the help. It was driving me CRAZY!!!!
As evidenced by the amount of exclamation marks.