New rigging as default - How To

I have a figure that I made a new morph for...I loaded the morph, and then adjusted Rigging to shape, and all works well.

What I want to do is to save that figure/rigging as a new default figure.

I tried save as...prop/figure asset, but it seems to still save the figure with the morph, versus as a new figure with that being the default.  I am sure there is a process to do this.

For example, its similar to loading genesis, loading a morph, Adjust Rigging to Shape, and save as a new figure (...that was just an example, I will not be using anyone's proporietary/licensed figures, etc)  Then when I load that new figure, it is just that figure.

I tried a few ways with Transfer Utility as well, but maybe I am hitting the wrong buttons...


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