Installing Content-Directory on NAS (+ related questions) ?


I've got a question on installing the content directory on a NAS (Network Attached Storage).

Currently I have an old Mac where I run DAZ from it and have all my content stored. Recently I bought a Windows Laptop.
As the content library is rapidly growing, I fear it will not fit onto the Laptop at some point in time.

So my questions:
1. Is it allowed to install DAZ content onto a NAS (user access restricted, only me) (or a windows share (access restricted, only me))
2. Is it allowed to install DAZ Studio onto more than one computer and use the content of the NAS (access restricted, only me) ?
3. Is it possible (& allowed) to have a subset of the Content library installed onto a Laptop and use it while travelling ?
3b. Would it then be possible to have a big rendering computer with powerfull GPUs at home for rendering after building the scene on a laptop ?

Thanks in advance !


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited August 2016

    Where you install it is your choice; you can't share it with others, but you can use on more than one computer. I believe you can allow young children to use you content, but I expect Mods will be more specific (or correct me) it you require it.

    Once you've mapped the NAS, it's just another drive. Although NAS can be slower, even with 1000Gbit connection; home ones don't always have 1000Gbit, and 10000Gbit (10Gbe) would be better but expensive.


    and not sure I've actually seen 10Gbe for the home; also if you encrypt your NAS, that will also slow it down, although I'm guessing you're fine with your NAS.

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • ueziuezi Posts: 46

    Hi nicstt,

    I think you pointed out the main part... Network speed might be too slow. I thought of using WiFi so I'm down to ~50Mbit/s -> 6 MByte. So a character would need a couple of seconds to load (which is slower than what I have already).

    Best regards,

  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,300

    When I set up my last laptop I intended to use my NAS so I could work the same files from either the Desktop and Laptop - I abandoned the idea after a couple of days because of the speed and went back to transfering the content back and forth via an external drive.

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