
cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
edited December 2022 in Daz Studio Discussion


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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813
    edited December 1969

    One option would be to zero the pose, but not the morphs or DForms, and export as OBJ, then load that as a Morph. But of course that can't be shared with others since it embeds the morphs. You could also spawn one or more morphs from the DForms using the button on the DForm pane, then use ERC Freeze to create a single slider that sets all the morphs at once.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    Wao,, I wrote this ,, but if I make mistake,, so I read again,, or I thought if Mr cridgit try more difficult thing what I think,,
    now richard reply,, so I relive me^^;

    about share,, I know if make one FBM with otehr product morphs, I can not share it.
    but why DAZ present user more free shape morph which can castomized and share free?t
    though I make new morph from them,
    it can not work without genesis, and it can be good commercial for ds and genesis. I believe.


    mm,, Mr cridgit you are real pose master and meta-data teacher,, @@;
    frankly say,, so I can not believe you can not make morph and controller,,^^;

    If you want make morph and controller for the shape of genesis which you made in ds 4.5
    (applied preset, and use D-form or set many dials and mixed morphs,
    it seems same process)

    just export the shape of genesis as obj, and reimport it by morphloader pro to zero genesis.
    (of course you need set genesis mesh resolation level to zero,, befoer export and reimport )
    the controller can change from zero genesis to the shape you made (there need any more D-former,,)

    I belive it can work though you made the shape by D-former and preset,,

    or I may try same thing and stuck picture?

    if your new shape is so far from base genesis, and you need to adjust rigging
    you can use adjust rigging to the shape,, and ERC freeze. (I often do it for make my FBM from many FBMs)
    hope to keep rig movements by JCMs you may need ERC freeze.

    check R.Kane tutorial, or serch by "ERC freeze" in this forum.

    or you can copy it from one you applied the preset(if they move bones witch erc freezed for each FBM)
    to the genesis which shaped by your new morph. by figure riggng transfer ,
    and ERC freeze.

    I think there is many tutorial about how to make FBM, it is same how you make the shape.

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • niccipbniccipb Posts: 483
    edited December 1969

    Hi cridgit... *waves*

    If you use the method that Richard described, ERC Freeze, than you should be able to distribute it okay...

    I'm still at work right now, so this is from memory.... I can check for sure later tonight when I get home....

    Spawn your Dforms into one or more individual morphs....then when you do the ERC Freeze, create a new control property in the Freeze options. This will control all the morph sliders, yours and the dialed ones.

    Find your slider in the Parameters pane or wherever you placed it, and test, watching that it does indeed set the right values on all of the morphs. Also test your spawned morph(s) to verify that it/they do not include any of the dialed morphs deltas.

    Then save the morph asset checking off only your spawned morph(s) and your control morph, and save to your author/product folder.

    In the data folder you should have .dsf's saved for your spawned morph(s) and your controller. The .dsf for the controller should have no vertex delta info in it, only the info for the slider values.

    Again this was off the top of my little head, if I goofed I'm sure somebody will correct me... :-)

    I'll double check when I get home later...

    nicci... :)

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    I understand your prolbem.

    normally I do not care distributable or not. (because I think always, to gather many morph as one new FBM or PBM,
    it is more easy )

    I am not master at all about ERC and D-former, but yes you can do,,
    if you move your controller, it move slider of each character controller, and your new PHM made by some D-forms at same time.

    I try to make easy monster which mixed two morphs and PHM mady by two D-former to head and mouth change.
    then gather it to one controller which can move every controller. (not gather it one morph,, it can not be distributed I think,,)

    1, I make new shape by "Farie" 0.75 and adjust shape by "Fitness ditails " 0.5"
    then ,save the shape as character preset. (for safety if I forget the each value,,) as my musclefairy.duf

    if I apply it to zero genesiss , it must move Farie to 0.75 Fitness 0.5 as you know ^^

    2. first check the preset apply it to zero genesis, then I tweak the shape by new D-former from the shape.

    (if apply character preset,, it often difficult which parameter has changed, so it is better discribe
    what controller you moved,, because you can not find them in current used category,,
    it the preset change the value of each morphs,,)

    3 I set two D-former and make each D-former controller by spawn morph.
    then set each parameter range, and defautl value to zero by parameter setting tab (small gear click,,ad you know)

    picture 1

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  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    4a if you need to save each d-former you need to save each D-former as morph.
    it is same when you save your made morph . after save it as morph,
    there is no difference how you made it. tweaking 3d modelor, or made it by D-former,
    now it is just FBM or PBM which have controller to change shape.
    so in this case you make new two PHM for each parts.

    4b if you want to gather two morphs which you made by D-former, (there seems many way, but if I were you)
    export the current shape (applied each characer morph, and changed by D-formers how you want)
    as obj.

    then in ds 4.5 , turned only D-former values to zero. (it means genesis keep shape which made
    other character morphs)

    import the morph obj which you exported, by morph loader pro,, (I cholse hexagon bridge,, )

    you must need to check on Reverse defomation!!

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  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    now you have new PHM in moprh loader section.

    but it can change from the character shape you made by other character morphs
    to the evil face you made by D-former. (of coure you can apply this new PHM to zero genesis, but
    it never make "evil fairly shape" ,, if they did not apply the each character falue,,)

    I recommend , save the PHM as morph file on this stage.
    (I do not know how you wanto to set category for this PHM^^;
    so just save it which can find in morph loader pro section.)

    after that I open new scene and apply the saved character preset, then change PHMevilfairly (which I saved)
    zero to 1 for check it. OK it works well.:)


    then,, I do not know you can distribute,, if you made one controller and
    it can turn each character morph value and the new your original
    PHM value at same time. but,, I am not distributer,, so make it.;-P

    you need really it?

    open property editor.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited November 2012

    then select genesis, (if I select genesis first, stop long time,, so I open propertyeditor first,,)
    first I make empty controller to move every morph. on moprh loader category.

    select morph/morphloader section in propertyeditor, then right click > create property.

    then set property for your controller, I set name as ctrlTrueEvilFace,, (not good name I know TT;)

    you need to find the new ctrlTrueEvilFace in left category pane and right Hieralchy pane of property editor.

    1. you need to move Faire 0.75
    the true name is FBMFaire , you drug it from left pane to right Hieralchy section , under the
    ctrlTrueEvilFace sub-componetns section.

    ERC type delta add, sclalar 0.75.

    2 then need to move FitnessDettails 0.5 as you know. (you can easily serch morphs if you apply preset for character morphs,
    which has * marked ,,)
    the true name is FBMFitnessDetails
    drug it from left pane to right Hieralchy section, under the ctrlTrueEvilFace >sub componet

    ERC type delta add, scalar 0.5

    3 I know,, anext you need to move PHMevilfairly you made.
    ERC type delta add. scalar 1.

    4 then move the ctrlTrueEvilFace and check it!

    5 you can check and set it by parameter editor too. (check sub componets what you assigend for the controller)

    6 It is controller but I need to save it as morph I think. so save it as morph.
    you just check default value and current value turn to zero. (do not use save modified assets!!)
    and just save the ctrlTrueEvilFace only. at this time. you need not save other morphs .

    you better same product name before you saved the PHM for D-form

    7 after save it, load new scene and load new genesis, check your ctrl, and check currently Used
    and how move moprhs and your figure change shape.

    I hope,, it is what you want@@;

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    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • niccipbniccipb Posts: 483
    edited December 1969


    Okay so I'm home now and ran through the steps for a ERC Freeze of dialed morphs plus spawned DForm morphs... It works just as it should...

    I spawned all the DForms as a single morph, and with other face morphs dialed in I did the ERC Freeze and created a new property. Checked over the morphs listed in the pane and then completed the freeze.

    In the Parameters pane, I selected Currently Used to see only the morphs I dialed plus my morph and controller. I ran the controller back and forth and verified that all the sliders moved. With the controller slider set to full, I dialed down the slider for my DFormer spawned morph to verify that all of the dialed morphs were intact. I also turned off the controller morph, setting all sliders to zero, and dialed in my DFormer morph to verify that it didn't include any of the dialed morphs...

    Then I saved using File > Save As > Support Asset > Morph Asset(s), and checked only my spawned morph and controller morph.

    I then opened the new .dsf files to verify their contents. The spawned morph .dsf listed only 1702 deltas which is about right for my DFormers, and the controller .dsf only listed the formulas for all of the morphs that where used.

    Everything is controlled from a single slider, and using the Property Editor you can locate it which ever group you want.

    You can also now save as a Character preset to dial your slider from the Content Library, or in your case, make Meta-Data for Smart Content... ;-)

    I would also suggest making a list of the morph sets for the morphs that you used. That way if you decide to share it, you can let users know which morphs sets are required to use your morph.


    Yep, that's how you would do it for imported .obj morphs based on top of dialed morphs...

    If you need anything else....

    nicci... :)

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    HI,, now I think if I download the products,I may hope to move each morphs for each part too :-)

    so if it is better (for me^^;), save each morph (D-form morph) ,
    after spawn D-form first,

    then make controller to move both parts at same time.
    (it never change value other product morphs) then save ctrl as morph..

    after save each D-former as morphs,
    fhe steps how to make controller (property)is same when make one controller to move every morph. I think.

    maybe,,, the products files are,

    1 INJ character preset file, (which turned every morphs value for making the new character shape =
    save as character preset shape only)

    2 several D-former morphs to change each parts. (save each D-former as morphs)

    3 controller which can move every D-former morphs at same time.( not move other character morph value)

    4 I do not know if it is need or not,

    remove preset file, which turn only D-former original morphs value to zero . (save as character preset,,)
    it means, remove original morphs only. ( it may turnd to the genesis shape which made other product morphs too )

    I think it is important for user , with documentation,,as nicci said which product morphs value have changed,,
    when applied character preset, though some product not mention when they change genesis female,
    male, or base morphs which stuck with genesis as free)

    I often made mistake before,,,, applied character file and tweak other ctrl properties, forget to turn other morph value to zero,
    then save modified assets ^^ then,, load new genesis,, genesis change somelike female shape and face,,;

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813
    edited December 1969

    In kitakoredaz's second screenshot, at the bottom-right note the Save With option. You want that to be set to the controller, not the sub-compoenents as in the image, so that the ERC links get saved in your morph's DSF file.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    Ah,, I know,, so sorry!!

    first I made these morph and save ,check it, then make picture again ><;<br /> so I forgot important thing,,

    yes if do not save "with Controller" , and save With sub-componetn
    it will make ERC code in your FBMfiles ><; forgive me,, please,,</p>

    (but if you do not save these files or, save modified assets, ^^;
    when load genesis , the ctrl can not work. it lost the ERC for each sub conponent..I think,,

    so need to set option save with "controller"
    for each FBM (these are sub componets of new ctrl)
    and save the ctrl only. thanks and sorry @@;

  • niccipbniccipb Posts: 483
    edited December 1969


    Have a good trip cridgit... don't work to hard... ;-P

    Sorry kitakoredaz... I missed that part on the link to the controller in your screen shot... :red: Richard to the rescue... :cheese:

    nicci... :)

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    niccipb said:


    Okay so I'm home now and ran through the steps for a ERC Freeze of dialed morphs plus spawned DForm morphs... It works just as it should...

    I spawned all the DForms as a single morph, and with other face morphs dialed in I did the ERC Freeze and created a new property. Checked over the morphs listed in the pane and then completed the freeze.

    In the Parameters pane, I selected Currently Used to see only the morphs I dialed plus my morph and controller. I ran the controller back and forth and verified that all the sliders moved. With the controller slider set to full, I dialed down the slider for my DFormer spawned morph to verify that all of the dialed morphs were intact. I also turned off the controller morph, setting all sliders to zero, and dialed in my DFormer morph to verify that it didn't include any of the dialed morphs...

    Then I saved using File > Save As > Support Asset > Morph Asset(s), and checked only my spawned morph and controller morph.

    I then opened the new .dsf files to verify their contents. The spawned morph .dsf listed only 1702 deltas which is about right for my DFormers, and the controller .dsf only listed the formulas for all of the morphs that where used.

    Everything is controlled from a single slider, and using the Property Editor you can locate it which ever group you want.

    You can also now save as a Character preset to dial your slider from the Content Library, or in your case, make Meta-Data for Smart Content... ;-)

    I would also suggest making a list of the morph sets for the morphs that you used. That way if you decide to share it, you can let users know which morphs sets are required to use your morph.


    Yep, that's how you would do it for imported .obj morphs based on top of dialed morphs...

    If you need anything else....

    nicci... :)

    OK, necro-post, but this is still a useful thread.

    One thing to add to the above.  Do NOT name your controller and your spawned morph the same thing, else the DSF will overwrite itself, and it won't work.  Perhaps name your spawned morph something like "name_dform", and make it "hidden", and call your Controller "name".  Then you will get two DSF's, name_dform.dsf, and name.dsf.

    Seems obvious...but maybe it will help someone at some point.  :) 

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