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Thanks Sven
Just don't look too closely at the HDRI background, I keep getting crooked backdrops. I'm probably not setting up the Environment sphere right.
Hehe I thought that was artistic freedom! Try scaling the aweEnvironment up to 250-500% as a starting point;)
There's artist freedom, then there's backgrounds that look like they were filmed aboard the spaceship from 2001.
How big should the sphere primitive be, before scaling? I've been creating at 12 metres
So you create the sphere yourself, or do you use wowie's environment sphere? If you create it from a primitive:
Create a primitive sphere with abot 24 sides/segments with a diameter of 20m.
Set the y translation to -1000 so its center is at the world center.
Convert it to SubD.
Select all poygones and flip/invert normals.
Apply the aweEnvironment shader or OmUber Simple Surface base.
Save as a subset.
For easier scaling, parent it to a group or null, and use that to scale the sphere, so it stays centered.
This should be a good starting point. As well as scaling the sphere, use the tiling options in the surface tab to move the HDRI around. But yeah, some HDRIs can be tricky to work with...shot with a strange focal length:)
ETA: If the horizon is curved, try adjusting the y translation or vertical tiling offset in surface tab!
Great cheers for that.
I'd been creating 12m, 24sides/36 segments or somesuch, applying aweEnvironment and the HDRI then positioning after. Results were sometimes ok, but mostly odd - but since for sole HDRI scenes, the shadow catcher wasn't giving great shadows, I was just doing portraits. I might be a version or two behind with Awe shaders.
Back to the older generation
As to artistic framing, and having done V3 and Laura, can't leave out Maddie....iray this time though.
Sweet GafftheHorse. Looking forward to more renders.
Looking great!
And you are right:
Ashlyn for Laura and Vivien for Laura are both by Handspan Studios and Thorne.
M2 and V2 with fantasy armour
Gone quiet here again. (whoops! seemigly proved wrong as @DollyGirl posts five minutes before - that'll teach me to refresh before posting - interesting, not sure I've ever seen V2 or M2)
Time for some old-time gypsy fashion with V3.
Iray, Noir settings. No postwork apart from added logo
Been meaning to do another Maddie image.
Managed to do so last night, so here's 'Maddies nightmare'
scripted 3delight with awe shaders.
Not a vickie or a Mike, but it is a rather "vintage" figure, the first T-Rex the store ever offered.
What I really desired for the scene was a scientific INaccurate, tail dragging, upright walking T-Rex, like the type one might see in movies and TV shows dating from the 1980s and earlier. Funny enough, I don't know of any rigged for Poser/DAZ with that outdated anatomy. But, it turns out that original T-Rex with its thick "arches" and stubby toes proved easy enough to modify. I bent the thighs backwards, leaned the neck considerably backwards and then bent the skull forwards so that it was looking "level" again. (You can see the "before & after" aspect in the first image.) The biggest detriment was the flat out "planar" mapping that resulting in nasty texture stretching along the centerline of the body. So I "unplugged" the textures in favor of procedural nodes with inherent X.Y.Z coordinates. I did play with one texture so that I could return the predator stripes to its back as I rather liked that detail.
Then I placed the figure in a scene, rendering a lil' tribute to a Saturday morning "live action/CSO/stop motion" series from the mid 70s, "Land of the Lost", the T-Rex serving the role of "Grumpy", a recurring menace to the human characters, Marshall, Will and Holly.
I don't recall seeing Land of the Lost, but it kind of reminds me of the old 70's Godzilla cartoon (if 'e were greener, and had less puny little arms)
Picked up Melody Micah bundle on last months pc+ coupon. So here's the first render in 3Delight.
(added a bump map borrowed from IDG fur flocking shaders to add to bum and displacement to pep her surface up a touch).
I could spend paragraphs trying to describe the premise, but instead I'll just link the Wiki article...
...and the episodes themselves somebody posted to YouTube!
Like Sid & Marty Krofft's other Saturday morning shows, :otL often got quite psychodelic with its concepts, what with the concept of pocket dimensions and closed loop temporal paradoxes. Lofty concepts let down by less than stellar acting, particulary Kathy Coleman's often petulant, whiny manner and voice. But hey, it had stop motion dinosaurs in the vein (if not expertise) of Ray Harryhausen! That's what made this 11 year old boy tune in each weekend in 1974!
BTW, I thought you weren't that interested in doing "furry" renders. Never the less, nice work with Melody. Love the tribal leathers!
Nice shaderwork and a lovely render:)
You did a great job salvaging that old model
Nice. GafftheHorse and always interesting Redfern. I am going to have to see how you do the
But not in this thread.
So here is V2 again using the Drunna by Gandolf50. Such a lovely creature. Phil C's Oola for V2.
Well, it's not within any of my obsession spheres, or my usual topic, or toonish a style I've ever felt I had a handle on, but I've always had a thing for catgirls. The tribal leathers are part of a borrowed hiro outfit, dforced and reshaded.
Cheers for the Land of the Lost links, I'd already looked it up and read a bit, I was born in Ireland in '72, but it might have gotten aired this side of the pond at some point, but I don't recall it if it did. But i do recall watching really bad stop-motion dinosaur animations a lot.
Cheers, juse used the Env dome (works better now, cheers - although the reverse poly step didn't). Shader conversion was mostly just one step Awe base application, using preset for cloth and hair, skin converted base > sss milky skin setting > adjust specular down .
Really wanted her to be running into a hedge maze, but couldn't get the hedge props to look foliagey and not like green sofa cushions.
I love the Oola.
Thank you GafftheHorse. I like her too. PhilC has a Lela costume for V2 as well. Maybe I should do one with Drunna as well.
Another Maddie, wanted to see if I could convert the hedges to look acceptable in awe, then added the mil kittys as an afterthought, which was another conversion challenge. Grassy Ground plane needs more work...
Scripted 3Delight and Awe shaders, tried out unprogressive (won't be doing that again, 10 hours, 46 minutes and 45 seconds on the standalone 3Delight renderengine).
Looks like you forgot to turn on "multiply specular with opacity" for those hedges, might be why it took so long...
Anyway, cute render:) You are very welcome to pop by and discuss aweSurface in my thread, btw
Another V2 this time Roxanne I call it MonaVicky
Wonderfully surreal!
Love the title also:))
Love it!
This one I call ''Uh oh, looks like trouble"
Glamorous Vickie 3 has wandered too far while talking on her phone. Suddenly she's in an area she doesn't know, surrounded, with no way back, forwards or to either side.
Figures are Glamorous Vickie, Aurore and Aisling (latter two are G8F). Car is Dry Jack's Fiat 126. It's strange and rather nice to see one with a UK number plate. Street is 'Northern Terrace Street'.
Thank you Kerya and Sven. richardandtracy I really like what you did with this image. You would never know that V3 was in the picture.
DollyGirl, thanks. I set out with the intention of making GV3 look as if she could be a G8F character. Really makes me wonder how far the older figures could have been taken with a bit more support/development from DS and the PA's. However, have to confess I quite enjoy expanding my knowledge by using the older figures in this way. While I say 'figures', I've actually only got GV3 on my machine, she has a separate CR2 file and works without V3 being installed. She does, however use the V3 expressions, so I have them installed.
Yup she looks real nice indeed, well done:) Darn, I have a weakness for older stuff and characters, but I didn't get any of the pre Gen4 figures, unfortunately, so I guess I'm a bit late for the party...
Yikes, looks like a chara from Alice in Wonderland...
Wow, nice. I've found mixing Mil-3 with Genesis close together more often usually looks jarring, but she looks very darn good next to the modern figures - the only giveaway is those skinny V3 arms.
Aiko and Hiro (and Girl, strangely) are still buyable.
Here's a composite of scraps I scraped together while I wait on a Reflective Radiance render that's settled into a grid of '!' (I do love the colours RR produces, but 4 times out of 5 I abandon scenes done in it because of this.
I increased V3s eye size by 15% to add character - they are all different morphs, but identical hairdos and similar makeup....Awe shaders
Looks good! Tks for the heads up, might aswell add them to my wishlist;) Luckily I have all those shapes for G1, wich is the basefigure I use for 99,99% of my renders. I like to add a touch of V3 to my dialspun chars:)
By the way: A3 base is cheaper in the Anime Star Fighter bundle (and you get a suit, a hair and a neat scifi "car" too).
Never really noticed skinny V3 arms before, always thought it a feature of the particular look of GV3, but looking back at some of the older images I favourited on Rendo, yep, you are right. I can't really remember using V3 much myself. I suppose I may have done, but my DAZ history seems to start in 2002 with Victoria (1?) sample maps but not Victoria, not sure why. I suspect my PC was such a limitation at the time that I didn't do a great deal of rendering. In November 2004 I got a 0.7.?? beta of DS and spent a fair time trying to learn that. My first image on Rendo was using Poser 4 in Feb 2005 (still the only Poser image I've displayed), but since Sep 2005 all my images including figures have been DS or Flowscape. Will admit to a gap 2007-2019 where I did nothing; a 26 hr 43 min rendering may have prompted that and convinced me my PC couldn't cope with V4..